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Why LeadPlayer is The Best Video Player for Bloggers – And How to Win A Copy - DailyBlogTips

Why LeadPlayer is The Best Video Player for Bloggers – And How to Win A Copy - DailyBlogTips

Why LeadPlayer is The Best Video Player for Bloggers – And How to Win A Copy

Posted: 31 Oct 2012 04:25 AM PDT

A few months ago I started hearing about a new video player for bloggers and website owners looking to grow their audiences. It’s called LeadPlayer.

First I saw Pat Flynn (from Smart Passive Income) blogging about LeadPlayer and why he started using it to play all of his videos. Then I saw Danny Iny from Firepole Marketing saying that he was moving his 184 videos as well, and a bunch of other bloggers and marketers followed.

Then I discovered that my friend Clay Collins was behind the product, and we started exchaing emails about it. Long story short we decided to run a contest here on DailyBlogTips. Clay will be giving away two licenses to LeadPlayer plus two HD video cameras (i.e., two lucky winners will get both the player and the camera). If you are interested, read on.

Here’s Why LeadPlayer Works

LeadPlayer is a video player with dozens of integrated features that help you generate more leads and convert more people into subscribers. For instance, you can easily add an opt-in box to all your videos and require people to go through it before they can access the videos. You can also easily insert calls to action, and if you already have videos on YouTube you can integrate them with LeadPlayer.

Clay created a bunch of tutorial videos explaining how you can use and benefit from LeadPlayer, here are some of them:

1. Increasing sales conversions
2. Increasing opt-in conversions and growing your list
3. Sending traffic to webinars, sales and promotions
4. Leveraging other people’s videos to build your list
5. Growing your business without being pushy

If you visit the LeadPlayer website you’ll see that people are having great results with it. For instance, some people have increase their conversion rate fivefold, others even increased page views and reduced bounce rate after installing the player (check the reviews page to see other testimonials).

How to Win LeadPlayer and a HD Video Camera

LeadPlayer Giveaway

Entering the contest is simple: all you have to do is to leave a comment below answering the following question: “Why is LeadPlayer the perfect video player for building your list and increasing sales with video?”

The more specific you can be, the better, as Clay will be selecting the best answers.

You have until Thursday 10:00 Pacific (PST) to submit your entry, and the winners will be announced at noon, the same day. (Note: If you've purchased LeadPlayer in the past, or if you buy it during this contest . . . AND you are selected as a "winner" Clay Collins at LeadPlayer will still send you the HD camera & send you a check for the cost of LeadPlayer).

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Original Post: Why LeadPlayer is The Best Video Player for Bloggers – And How to Win A Copy

The Absolute Best Way to Earn Money Online

Posted: 30 Oct 2012 08:48 AM PDT

When I started back in 2006, I was trying to find the best way to earn money online.

I was looking for quick-fixes, magic bullets and shortcuts. I fell for the get-rich quick schemes and everything else internet marketers had to offer.

It was my learning phase. I had to go through it to discover what truly worked and what didn't.

The truth of the matter is that there is no magic bullet. There is no tactic that will skyrocket you to stardom and put thousands of dollars into your bank account.

However, there is a best way to earn money online, and in this article we'll take a look at what that is. This is something I've learned from personal experience.

I've spent years falling flat on my face.

I've wasted thousands on bad training programs and coaching.

I know what doesn't work.

But I also know what does, at least for me.

The Problem

The problem today is selfishness.

Most people think about how they can make money, which is fair and makes sense. But that's not going to bring you success.

Not true success.

I'm talking about success that fulfills you.

Anyone can make money, but what good is money without peace of mind and satisfaction? Because isn't that what we're all after?

It's not the money we want, but the things money can buy. We want the freedom that money can offer, and you can get that, if you stop focusing just on yourself.

So what's the solution?

The Best Way to Earn Money Online

The solution is to find a problem you can solve.

This is what I help my clients discover first, because when you focus on solving one problem, you almost automatically stand out from the crowd.

People know what you can help them with, which means that if they aren't interested, they can tell their friends about you. You've positioned yourself in their mind.

And this is what it all comes down to.

If you want to build a sustainable online business, you have to solve a problem. Yes, you can expand your territory later, but if you're just getting started, pick one problem.

Don't just go for a blog on personal development, dive into one problem.

Need Examples?

Here are a few examples of problems in the personal development niche:

  • Procrastination
  • Fear
  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Worrying
  • Life Purpose (Problem: not knowing what it is)
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

I could go on and on.

If you focus on becoming the expert on one problem, good things will happen. You can build a whole empire around solving that problem.

And if you have multiple passions and interests, you can sometimes blend them together.

That's exactly what I've done. I help people build a lifestyle business, so I blend together my skills in online business and personal development, because there's more to business than just business.

What If You Don't Have Any Skills?

Then you go out and get them.

If you want to become the expert on fear, start learning how to conquer fear.

Go out and overcome your own fears. You probably already have stories to share. But the easiest way to decide which problem to focus on is to look at your life.

What kind of life experiences have you already had?

What kind of skills have you had to develop naturally?

What fascinates you?

There are no obstacles. No excuses. Only choices.

Choose what you want to do, and then take action. Focus on solving one problem, because that is truly the best way to earn money online.

All the tactics and strategies come after that.

Henri Junttila is the founder of Wake Up Cloud, where he helps people turn their passion into a wildly profitable online business. If you want to learn more about how to build a successful online business, make sure you grab his free special report (audiobook included).

Wanna make money with your website?

Original Post: The Absolute Best Way to Earn Money Online


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