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Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

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Free Shirt Friday- Mountain Laurel Handrails @woodrailing

Posted: 30 May 2014 06:55 AM PDT

Post image for Free Shirt Friday- Mountain Laurel Handrails @woodrailing

This week’s Free Shirt Friday comes to us from Mountain Laurel Handrails. The company is run by James Prader who has been personally crafting the pieces since 2004 with a ream of independent woodworkers. The works of art for decks, balconies and stairs are available nationwide in easy to install sections.

If you want to be a part of free shirt friday, please click here.   Umm - - ShoeMoney Capital Mail

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Top Resource: Paint.NET (Graphics Program) - DailyBlogTips

Top Resource: Paint.NET (Graphics Program) - DailyBlogTips

Top Resource: Paint.NET (Graphics Program)

Posted: 30 May 2014 08:38 AM PDT

Do you ever need to crop or resize an image, create graphics for your blog, or touch-up photographs?

Paint.NET is a tool I use almost every single day – mainly for simple tasks like cropping and resizing screenshots, or converting image files to different formats. I've also used it to enhance photos, design business cards, and put together basic website headers.

There are tons of tutorials and videos online showing you how to use Paint.NET, and it's also completely free. Note, however, that it's only available for Windows.

Here's what it looks like. (You can see I'm working on a screenshot, which appears just a little further down this post…)


You can download Paint.NET here:

Tip: The site is supported by advertising, which means you have to pay careful attention to make sure you click the download link for Paint.NET rather than the download link for a piece of software being advertised.

In the screenshot below, I've circled the download links for Paint.NET itself:


(I recommend going for the stable release rather than the beta, as it's almost certainly going to have all the functions you need.)

I've found Paint.NET easy to work with, and extremely useful. The one niggle I have is that the text tool isn't very advanced – I'd love to be able to edit text more easily after placing it, for instance, and I often want to put one or two italic words in the middle of a block of non-italic text, which isn't easy to do.

Are you using Paint.NET or do you have a different program for editing screenshots and photos? Let us know your tips and experience in the comments.


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ProBlogger: How to Identify Social Media Demographics & Target Viewer Interests for Better Social Reach

ProBlogger: How to Identify Social Media Demographics & Target Viewer Interests for Better Social Reach

Link to @ProBlogger

How to Identify Social Media Demographics & Target Viewer Interests for Better Social Reach

Posted: 29 May 2014 08:41 AM PDT


Image via flickr user Jason Howie

This is a guest contribution from Larry Alton.

There are social media demographics in general, and then there are your social media demographics for your business. You need to know the details of both in order to garner this platform for optimal gain. For instance, knowing that the majority of your followers are women in a certain age group means you can write your posts accordingly. Knowing that the majority of your fans live in a certain region means you can connect with them on a local level.

When it comes to identifying social media demographics, it's all about using that data to hone your online presence. It doesn't matter the platform; there are nuggets of gold in this data that can seriously boost your business. Start with considering the basic facts about social media in general. For example, the most popular platform is Facebook, followed by Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube and Google+ in a constant neck and neck race.

Back to basics

Facebook leans young, but there's been a 45 percent spike in those ages 45 to 54 joining the site sine 2012. In total 73% of people who make over $75,000 per year are on Facebook, as opposed to just 17% on Twitter. However, a shocking 86% of FB users aren't based in the US, making this prime pickings for businesses looking to go global.

With Instagram, now a part of Facebook, 68% of users are women. Twitter draws a young crowd with 27% of people in the US aged 18 to 29 using it, but only 16% of people who are in their 30s-40s tweet. If you're looking to market to a younger crowd, your efforts might be better spent on Twitter rather than Facebook.

Juicy tidbits

LinkedIn is largely male but has a global appeal. Of course, it's a more professional network, so you might want to steer clear of it if you're trying to monetize a Paleo blog or other similar pursuit. However, for the more traditional startup or business, having a LinkedIn profile is nearly a necessity. Google+ takes the cake for male domination with 70% of users.

Pinterest is the social media platform of choice for tablet users, with 84% of users being women. Tumblr is another strong contender for teens, so it's no surprise that only eight per cent of users have incomes over $75,000. What can you do with all this data? Manage it, analyze it and use it to craft your social media presence.

Know your users

There are analysis programs for certain platforms, including many provided (free) by the platforms themselves, which give you valuable information. For example, you can easily see which posts are most popular and which were most widely seen. You may also be able to get reports on the most active users in your network or other basic information on them.

Some of the most reputable social media analytic tools include Brandwatch, Google Analytics (a freebie), Local Response, and Moz Analytics. If you're on a tight budget, Google isn't fancy but it works, and the big social media platforms offer a variety of free analysis tools such as the free Facebook Competitive Analysis Report, Free Twitter Customer Service Analysis, or the Free Instagram User Report. Money can often play a role, but consider what information you need, not just the bottom line, to choose the right reporting tools.

Larry Alton is an independent business consultant specializing in social media trends, business, and entrepreneurship. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.


Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger
Build a Better Blog in 31 Days

How to Identify Social Media Demographics & Target Viewer Interests for Better Social Reach

Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Link to ShoeMoney

How I Increased My Click Through Rate By 75% With A Dynamic Countdown Timer In Adwords

Posted: 29 May 2014 06:32 AM PDT

Post image for How I Increased My Click Through Rate By 75% With A Dynamic Countdown Timer In Adwords

Many of us are familiar with dynamic keyword insertion, where you can replace text in an ad with the keyword searched. You no doubt noticed the crazy, funny dynamic ads of ebay…

What you probably aren’t aware of is the “Ad Parameterizer” feature within adwords. This nifty tool lets you dynamically change text in an ad using pretty much any variable you can put in a spreadsheet. For example, you can change your ad as your inventory changes, enabling you to say something like, “Only 3 left” or you can adjust it by the weather and say, “It’s above 90 Degrees outside, Doesn’t Ice Cream Sound Like a Good Idea?” . You can pretty much go wild and use your imagination.

This is one of the little known features within Adwords.

It is an Adwords Script, which is a tool that lets you use Javascript to make changes to your account, ads, set alerts, and all sorts of nifty tricks. Let’s be honest, marketing is changing quicker than you can read this sentence. If you stop and smell the roses, someone will jump ahead of you. If you want to stay ahead you have to have a dynamic strategy that moves as quick as the world around us. One great way to stay ahead is to utilize the full power of Adwords and deploy a bunch of scripts. You don’t need to be a programmer, you just need to know how to copy, paste, and read English. In fact, Google actually wrote a bunch of scripts, so if You don’t know how to write JavaScript you can still run these scripts just by copying and pasting the code. One of my clients is my Dad’s business. I tried my hardest not to take on this account because there’s nothing worse than having your mom call you asking how their campaigns are doing :( All in all though, family comes first, so I reluctantly dove in to help out. My dad and his business are experts on medicare reimbursements and preparing the required medicare and medicaid cost reports for nursing homes, hospitals and home health agencies. They offer preparation of cost reports as well as a software for accountants to prepare cost reports on their own and even offer training sessions to help operators prepare their own medicare cost reports. There is a HUGE deadline this coming Monday for submitted your Medicare cost reports, so I used a countdown timer in their ads. Check it out.

Here is what you see when you search in Google for Medicare Cost Reports.

Every hour that ad changes dynamically. This was a script written by Google meant for businesses to run a sale countdown.

Pretty awesome, Huh? But, let’s get down to brass tax, did it really help? Well, the data sample is small, so I am reluctant to say this is statistically significant, but look at the difference in Click Through Rates.

Ok, You See How I boosted Click Through Rates By Close to 75%, and cut CPC by 8%

Here’s step by step instructions for you to deploy the same script… (or you can follow Google’s Directions like I did.)

First, here’s how to setup an Adwords Script in your account.

Start by logging in to Adwords. On your left side you will see a menu of items including, All Online Campaigns, Shared Library, Bulk Operations, Reports & Uploads, and Labels. You want to click on “Bulk Operations,” and a new menu will appear with a few options. Choose the one that says “Scripts”

Now, You will need to click on the “+ Script” button to create a new script. Here is what your screen should look like…

The first thing you should do on this page is name your script. Then, you need to copy and paste the code for this script into the main area where it says, ” function main ()  ( ” You will copy and paste the following code below, just keep in mind you will need to modify two small details which I will highlight and discuss after posting the script.

// Date to use to find out how many days are remaining. var END_DATE = new Date(‘June 2, 2014′); // Change this to the Ad Group you set up with text ads with AdParams. var AD_GROUP_NAME = ['Medicare Cost Report']; function main() { var timeLeft = calculateTimeLeftUntil(END_DATE); var adGroup = getAdGroup(AD_GROUP_NAME); var keywords = adGroup.keywords().get(); while (keywords.hasNext()) { var keyword =; // We want to update {param1} to use our calculated days and {param2} for hours. keyword.setAdParam(1, timeLeft['days']); keyword.setAdParam(2, timeLeft['hours']); } } var DAY_IN_MILLISECONDS = 1000*60*60*24; function calculateTimeLeftUntil(end) { var current = new Date(); var timeLeft = {}; var daysFloat = (end – current) / (DAY_IN_MILLISECONDS); timeLeft['days'] = Math.floor(daysFloat); timeLeft['hours'] = Math.floor(24 * (daysFloat – timeLeft['days'])); return timeLeft; } function getAdGroup(name) { var adGroupIterator = AdWordsApp.adGroups() .withCondition(‘Name = “‘ + name + ‘”‘) .withLimit(1) .get(); if (adGroupIterator.hasNext()) { return; } }

Just copy and paste that code into the script section. For your purposes you only need to modify two small details. First, you need to change the date to the time you want your countdown timer to run until and you need to tell the script which adgroup to run the timer within. There is a way to do this on a campaign level which you can read about in the Adwords Scripts documentation linked above. Now you will need to Authorize the script to access your account, and save the script. When you click save it will ask you if you want to preview it. This is a good idea because it will tell you if there are errors or not. If there are errors, there is an official Adwords scripts community that you can tap into for help. Once the script is saved you need to tell Adwords how often to run the script. Since my script countdowns by the hour, I set it to run once an hour. Here is how to do that.

Once your script is saved and ready to run, you need to Click RUN to let Google know to start running the script. Finally, You need an ad that the script will modify, so you need to add ad parameters into your ad. Here is an example…

Only {param1:a few} days {param2:and} hours left!

Just like dynamic keyword insertion, you need to tell Google what to display if the countdown timer isn’t working. That’s what the text after the colons are. You’re all set . You can even check in the Ad Preview Tool if it’s working or not. What ideas can you think of for using the Ad Parameterizer feature? I bet there are some pretty creative ways to modify ads based on the news, or what’s going on in People’s lives, etc… Share your ideas in the Comments. I’ll get you started. 1. Countdown to a sale 2. Change ad by weather 3. change ad based on inventory 4. Change ad based on price 5. change special offer 6-100. ???

You Know What… I’ll Do You One Better Than Step By Step Instructions. I WILL DEPLOY THIS SCRIPT FOR YOU.

Here, Let Me Do That For You. Why Would I do it for you? What’s the catch? You have to be willing to let me publish a case study of the results on Shoemoney. Click below if you are interested. Yes, Please Setup a Countdown Timer Adwords Script For Me.

Five Simple Ways to Make it Much More Likely Your Guest Post Will Be Accepted - DailyBlogTips

Five Simple Ways to Make it Much More Likely Your Guest Post Will Be Accepted - DailyBlogTips

Five Simple Ways to Make it Much More Likely Your Guest Post Will Be Accepted

Posted: 29 May 2014 05:17 AM PDT

Whether you're an old hand at guest posting or have yet to submit your very first guest post, there's one issue you're sure to face: getting your posts accepted.

If you've been guest posting for months, you may find that the majority of your posts get a "yes". Even so, you'll want to improve your success rate.

And if you're working on your very first guest post, you want to give it the best possible chance.

Here are five simple things that you can do make it much more likely your guest post will be accepted. None of these are complicated or hard … but you'd be surprised how few bloggers actually do them.

#1: Read and Follow the Guidelines

If a blog has guest post guidelines, read them … and follow them. I find it's often useful to print out the guidelines and check them off as I go through.

Once you've written a few guest posts, you'll find that most guidelines are pretty standard (e.g. "100% original content") — but it's still important to carefully read each separate blog's guidelines.

And while this isn't usually stated in guidelines, it's really important: address the person you're writing to by name.

If I get guest post pitches that begin "Hi there" or "Dear DailyBlogTips", I usually delete them straight away — because I've found that emails that don't use my name normally come from SEO agencies who are mass-emailing lots of blogs.

#2: Ask a Friend to Review Your Guest Post

It's always a good idea to have a second pair of eyes look over your guest post … and that's especially true if it's your first post for a particular blog. Your friend might easily spot something that you've missed (like a flat introduction, a confusing paragraph, or simply a daft typo).

If you know a blogger who's already guest posted on your target blog, they'd be a great person to ask. They'll have a clear idea of the blog's requirements … and they clearly have what it takes to get a guest post accepted there!

#3: Edit Your Guest Post Thoroughly

Never, ever, send a guest post that's a first draft. Even if you're asked to send "a draft", you should make it as good as you can. (Just be prepared for the blog to ask for changes.)

This is important even if the host blog doesn't have brilliantly high standards. (Of course, it's doubly important if they do!) A well-edited post is one that reads smoothly for both the person making the "yes" or "no" decision on it, and for the readers when it's accepted.

Two problems I often see in guest posts are:

  • Tangents. The poster introduces an idea in the introduction that never gets picked up in the rest of the post, or they have a long rambling section in the middle where they get off the point. It's important to edit on a "big picture" level to catch this sort of problem.
  • Typos. While I'll forgive a few of these, they make my life hard as an editor … and they suggest the post has been dashed off in a hurry. Look out for missing words and the wrong form of a word (e.g. "there" when you need "their").

#4: Link to Posts on the Host Blog

This is an incredibly easy thing to do, and I'm always surprised that most guest posters don't. Of course, your guest post isn't going to be automatically rejected if you don't include links to the blog that (you hope) will host it … but having those links already in place definitely makes it more attractive.

Once you've written your post, look through for any phrases or sentences that would make good links — e.g. if you introduce a topic briefly but don't go into detail. Search the host blog for a post on that topic, and link to it. You don't need to go overboard: two links is usually plenty.

#5: Time Your Follow-Up Email Carefully

Big blogs get a lot of guest post submissions, and busy owners/editors may take a while to get back to you. There are a couple of mistakes would-be guest posters often make when checking up on a submitted post:

  • Not emailing at all. It's embarrassing for a blogger if they misplace your email, only to realise two months later that they never replied. Most bloggers will welcome a brief, polite follow-up message.
  • Emailing too soon. While you may well be keen to find out whether your guest post has been accepted, emailing three days after submitting it just brands you as a nuisance. If you push a blogger for a response, the easiest one for them to give is "no".

So what's the right length of time? I'd say you should email between two and three weeks after sending your post, if you've not heard anything by then. Definitely don't email before a week is up, and try not to leave it more than a month.

Do your guest posts (almost) always get accepted? Share your best tips in the comments below.


Wanna learn how to make more money with your website? Check the Online Profits training program!

ProBlogger: Get Your Tickets to the ProBlogger Academy in Portland Oregon: Thursday 10 July

ProBlogger: Get Your Tickets to the ProBlogger Academy in Portland Oregon: Thursday 10 July

Link to @ProBlogger

Get Your Tickets to the ProBlogger Academy in Portland Oregon: Thursday 10 July

Posted: 28 May 2014 12:31 PM PDT

I’m really excited today to announce that alongside Chris Garrett (who co-authored the ProBlogger hard cover book and who now works as the Chief Digital Officer at CopyBlogger) I’ll be running a ProBlogger day of training in Portland Oregon on Thursday 10 July.

Darren rowse chris garrett

The day will be called the ProBlogger Academy and it’s being run as part of Chris Guillebeau’s World Domination Summit.

This will be the only US based teaching that I’ll be doing in 2014 and a rare chance to get Chris and I in the same room at the same time!

Tickets are limited and given their price they could go quickly. If you’re a WDS attendee they are just $29 USD and if you’re not a WDS ticket holder they’re still a bargain at $49 USD!

I know I’ll get asked about the low pricing on this. No it’s not so that we can get you in the door to sell you something – the price is low for two reasons:

  1. we wanted to make this as accessible for as many people as possible
  2. we’re doing this as a part of the larger WDS event and they’re a not for profit organisation

Chris and I are involved simply because we love what WDS does and we want to give a little something back. PLUS we also get asked to do events in the US a lot so this seemed like a pretty good time/place to do it as we know a lot of ProBlogger readers will be at WDS.

Grab your tickets here

The day runs from 9am-4pm (although we’ll stop for breaks along the way) and we hope to have a couple of special guests along to be involved in the teaching.

We’ll cover our main 4 ‘pillars’ of blogging:

  • Creating Killer Content
  • Finding Readers
  • Building Community
  • Monetization

We’ll cover the above with lots of practical teaching and if previous times Chris and I have gotten together are anything to go by you’ll come home with a head full of ideas. There will be plenty of time to explore other topics as we always include opportunity for Q&A.

Tickets are limited so please don’t delay if you’re thinking of coming and head to this Eventbrite page to grab yours.

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger
Build a Better Blog in 31 Days

Get Your Tickets to the ProBlogger Academy in Portland Oregon: Thursday 10 July

Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Link to ShoeMoney

Pistols to PCs: Criminal Syndicates, Gangs, and Cybercrime

Posted: 28 May 2014 06:30 AM PDT

Post image for Pistols to PCs: Criminal Syndicates, Gangs, and Cybercrime

Originally my interest in gangs was purely scholastic – I researched street gangs for a history course. Since then, however, that pursuit has evolved (devolved?) into a preoccupation which now teeters between hobby and obsession.

That will likely come as no surprise to readers familiar with the article I recently wrote for ShoeMoney on the Japanese Mafia's newsletters.

Unfortunately, for someone who could happily spend an afternoon wandering a neighborhood to find and study its spraypainted gang tags (and has done a time or two), my homebase of Boise, Idaho isn't exactly the ideal hunting ground. While some people, weirdos, might consider the relative lack of gang activity here a bonus, I find it inconvenient.

Gangster Disciples in Idaho-The Street Gets Sophisticated

However, that doesn't mean there's no gang presence in rural states like Idaho. In fact, it was an account of rural gang activity that both got me hooked on the subject and revealed how sophisticated street gangs had become.

A few years ago the Idaho State Police (ISP) suddenly found their previously robust drug bust numbers on the I-5 corridor dropping dramatically.

After a long stretch of head scratching, the word spread through the state's law enforcement community that a group of Chicago's infamous Gangster Disciples (GDs; aka Black Gangster Disciples) had bought a house just outside a little Idaho farming town. (The local police were apparently equal parts terrified and overjoyed to encounter a house full of inked-up Gangster Disciples in their tiny hamlet.)

Tired of being pulled over by the ISP for out-of-state plates, the GDs had purchased their property to secure some Idaho vehicle registrations.

Cooperating with local Hispanic gangs in Nevada, Utah, Idaho, and Montana, the GDs had wholesome-looking mules transport the dope. Several disreputable-looking gangsters would then pile into a clean decoy car with out-of-state tags to draw the heat from law enforcement. And while the ISP were busy detaining and searching the decoy vehicle, the mule would cruise past with a trunk full of dope.
1Gangster Disciples… in Idaho?!

Gats to Gadgets

The point of that anecdote is: criminal organizations evolve. Years back, a law enforcement official would have been laughed at for suggesting that members of a massive African-American criminal syndicate based in Chicago would be buying property in Nowhere Farmville, Idaho to cop state tags; cooperating with local Hispanic gangs; hiring mules; and employing decoys to smuggle drugs through and into the state. No one would laugh now.

Still, the prospect of street gangs moving off of dope corners and behind keyboards is still considered unlikely by a number of experts in the field. For instance, a study funded by Google Ideas reported that gangs don't use the internet to commit complex cybercrimes (or to recruit new members). According to the study, gang members use the internet in a manner pretty much identical to that of their peers: they watch videos, visit social media sites, and generally surf the web. Although, as a group, they do definitely prefer more violent fare and are 70% more likely to commit less complex crimes – selling drugs, making threats, illegally downloading media, etc.

Likewise, an article from TechWeekEurope recounted the findings of two experts who spent several months studying Russian hacker forums found that the majority of Russian cybercriminals were petty small-timers. They were "geeks not gangsters", according to the article, most making a $50 or $100 bucks here and there flipping credit card numbers.

To some degree, the "gangs and mafia groups control cybercrime" debunking crowd has a point. The great majority of cybercrime probably isn't perpetrated by organized criminal enterprises. The reality of cybercrime is a great deal like the reality of analog crime: yeah, the vast majority of street crimes – petty theft, fights, drunk driving, vandalism, even most burglary and robbery or small-time drug dealing- is likely committed by people without gang affiliation.

However, when the big picture is considered by national law enforcement figures, it's not the petty criminals and their petty crimes keeping the feds up at night, it's the organized syndicates engaging in large scale drug importation, human trafficking, complex fraud, and multimillion dollar robberies. And, once again, the same is true of computer crime.

From Russia with Bugs

Well, the undisputed reigning champion of worldwide cybercrime is the Russian Mafia. And organized Russian and Eastern European criminal groups aren't just the biggest minority among the planet's many cybercriminals or something. They're the big show.


Imagine a keyboard where the back of that chair is.

A computer forensic organization doing an analysis of European computer crime were shocked to discover that one-third of all online thefts and cyberattacks were committed by the same Russian/Eastern European gang. That's not attacks and thefts perpetrated by all Russian syndicates but by one single gang. That gang raked in somewhere around $4.5 billion in 2011, and that's a conservative estimate. One gang stole more money on the internet than the Gross National Product of 40 or so small countries. It's estimated that 85% or more of cybercrime originates from a Russian or Eastern European country.

Altogether, the (lowest) estimate puts the cost of global cybercrime somewhere around $110 billion a year.

Russian crime groups are able to operate on such a large scale for a few reasons. That they're already organized criminal syndicates helps. Plus, in many of the less-monied regions of the world, including much of Russia and Eastern Europe, there's simply more money to be made by hunting in the richer cyber-habitats of Europe and North America.

That same poverty and lack of a coordinated, well-funded and well-prepared law enforcement infrastructure means that local police agencies are more easily bribed and lack the resources to pursue cybercriminals even if they wanted to.The anonymity of cybercrime obviously works in their favor, as does the fact that better-organized and funded cyber-policing groups in the west find it nearly impossible to cut through the international red tape which keeps them from making arrests.

The result of all that is an entrenched, experienced, well-funded, well-equipped, well-organized network of computer criminals that often operate with an incredible level of brazenness. One computer crime boss recently produced and released a professionally-made video that promised a Ferrari to the hacker who could net him the biggest cybertheft score.


The new weapon of choice.

So Who Else is In On It and What Do They Do?

While the Russian have cut themselves out an 85% piece of that cybercrime pie (delicious), the other 15% is no small potatoes – that still represents many billions of dollars. Non-Slavic perpetrators can be found pretty much anywhere. China, of course, has a healthy hacking community. The Mexican drug cartels are increasingly coming around to the fact that computer crime is way lower risk than say… smuggling pounds of hard dope across a border and engaging in a war with other cartels. That low-risk/possibility-for-great reward dynamic is precisely what's made cybercrime so popular everywhere, in fact.

Brazil and a number of African nations, Nigeria and South Africa being big players, have definitely got their foot in the door. Japan, Korea and other Asian countries, many of the European countries, and pretty much anywhere else that people and computers hang out together, you're gonna find some hackers.

In the United States, our cybercriminal community was once virtually entirely populated by those guys (and gals) with thick glasses who talked about writing code, how stupid it is that Firefly's off the air, and Dungeons and Dragons. At least, the ones who were less burdened by a conscience. Now, however, the terrain has changed.

Again, the aforementioned experts who remain unconvinced that gangsters in the US are trading in their dimebags and pistols for modems and mouses, have a point. America gangs have been far slower than their international counterparts to get into digital hustling. No doubt America's wealth, incredibly lucrative drug trade, and the money that can be made on the streets plays a part in that trend. It's unclear how long that will last, however.

American gangs are catching up:

  • In 2012, members of the large, well-organized, dangerous (and now largely Hispanic "sureño") street gang Armenian Power orchestrated "one of the largest identity theft schemes in California history", according the US attorney's office. They netted over $2 million. They did so with a sophisticated scam that included credit card "skimming" from ATMs combined with fraudulent check kiting. Skimming – stealing card numbers and other information from ATMs and cash registers – is responsible for worldwide theft in excess of $1 billion dollars a year worldwide.
  • In 2010, soldiers in the African-American prison gang Black Guerrilla Family organized a pre-paid debit card clone caper to buy drugs, make payoffs, and do a number of other naughty things.
  • In 2009, a group of Lincoln Park Bloods in San Diego were busted for a complex mortgage fraud scheme involving online manipulation of information.
  • In 2008, law enforcement and fraud investigators in Southern California were already speaking out against and making arrests for phishing and identity theft scheme perpetrated by Long Beach Insane Crips, the Mexican Mafia and their sureño soldiers, 18th St., Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and a number of others.
  • The earlier mentioned Gangster Disciples commonly use real estate and internet purchases to launder drug money.
  • Additionally, an FBI gang threat assessment reported that Bloods, Crips, Nuestra Familia and their norteño soldiers, the Latin Kings, Aryan Brotherhood, Texas Syndicate, Florencia 13, the Vice Lords, plus a number of Asian Gangs, Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs, and "neighborhood gangs" were likewise engaging in cybercrime.


At last count (in 2011), there was something like 33,000 active, violent gangs operating in the US, with 1.4 million members. That's a 40% increase from the 2009 numbers. So where those statistics are at now is unclear but it can be assumed that they're higher still than 2011's figures. That's a lot of gangsters with access to a lot of computers.

If there's a silver lining here, however, it's that if a criminal organization is going to take someone's money, better that they do it with a keyboard than a knife or gun.

For the average Joe (or Jane), the best way to protect info and assets is practicing smart cyber-security. Switch up usernames and passwords for different accounts; DO NOT use either "Password" or "12345678" as your password(s), or combinations of the two – "Password1234"; avoid using personal information for passwords, like your name, your child's or spouse's name, and/or birthdays; shred or otherwise destroy sensitive financial info before throwing it out; and be very wary of messages from friends who send you "funny", "awesome", or "crazy" videos or pictures via email or social media.

Anything you're not sure about, or that seems out of character for your acquaintance (particularly if you don't know them that well) – don't open it. Get in touch with them and ask them about the message.

Otherwise, be smart, be safe, investigate any bank or financial anomalies quickly, and don't send your social security number and banking information to members of organized crime syndicates, even if it sounds fun.

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