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Will The Real SEOBITCH Please Stand Up

Posted: 27 Aug 2012 07:08 AM PDT

Since SEO Bitch started blogging on here again its been interesting.

While her posts don’t get as much tweet’s and Facebook shares as mine… they do get on average about 4x the traffic. But its all email traffic. People don’t want others to publicly know they are sharing it. This makes me lol.

Then since SES San Fran I have had several people email me talking about how she was the talk of the conference. They were cracking me up making promises to give me stuff (or buy drinks or lapdances) if I would tell them who she is.

One person actually brought up something I never thought of. Why does Bitch have to refer to a female? Can’t it just be for someone bitching about the industry? Interesting… although her avatar kind of gives it away… or does it? hrmm…

Why is SEO Bitch overnight the most read persona on the internet. Why do I get emails about when the next time she is going to post.

Why is her author RSS Feed getting more subscribers per day then my entire site gets in a week!!?!?!?

Look at the godamn FaceBook messages I got JUST TODAY!

And the buzz on twitter from industry leading SEO experts is also interesting:

I actually feel bad for The Lisa if indeed she is getting bombarded with messages from people who think its her. I will tell you right now its NOT HER. Course that is what I would say if it was right?

I think I figured out why.

There is nobody left questioning the industry! Lemme explain.

Please keep in mind about 2008ish my life took a drastic turn in the industry. I was no longer the “Adsense poster child” attending every SEO event under the sun being Google’s Jarrod (subway fame great story blah blah).

I had just sold AuctionAds and was focused on building real services and delivering real value. Don’t get me wrong I still threw in the occasional “I told you so” Shoestradamus post but for the most part I have been in the b2b/affiliate world and walled off from the SEO industry.

A couple days ago I logged into google reader and re-enabled my SEO bundle.

I could not believe what has happened to the bloggers in the SEO industry.

  • Michael Gray who was never afraid to question authority! He challenged authority and picked fights like a champ. Now mostly book reviews and news echoing. – 18 posts in 8 months.
  • David Naylor who used to be on the cutting edge in the seoblogosphere is only writing a mere – 10 posts in 8 months
  • Seo Blackhat – MY DOG!! This cat called out everyone and their mom. Pissed off everyone but had a lot of great content. 0 posts this year last post feb 2011
  • Even the almighty one, Matt Cutts, has fallen off a bit. No more double digit postings for him a month. 7 posts in the last 8 months.
  • Rand Fishkin – SEOMOZ Sure Rand’s always been a Google suckup but hes always had a way of picking fights that made sense. When I left was a very valuable news source for the latest SEO tips, techniques, and general industry news. Now looking at their blog it reads like every post is driving people to their pro tools (hey nothing wrong with that!). Rand has made many posts (or the person posting as him has) but 99% of them are purely about their commercial products.
  • Sphinn!!!!!!!! WTF happened to sphinn ? – The social media network that was the heartbeat of the SEO world. The place I would game to get front page then listen to everyone cry. When did that go away? Damn…
  • Greg Boser – AKA webgurilla was just migrating to 3dogmedia and the last time I was reading his posts. Greg is the shit and I totally loved his posts about the SEO industry! But no where to be found now =(.
  • Then there are your company bloggers that have moved on. SugarRae, Lisa Barone, Rhea Drysdale, Rebecca Kelley (former staff writer). I miss them =(.

BUT There is ONE GUY who is still at it in full force. Aaron Wall! Aaron delivers content and is posting as much as he ever has. Aaron has also evolved with the times putting in rich media in his posts. He also still stirs up shit ;) . Love you awall.

Well I don’t want to ramble more. I was a bit sad. Kind of when I logged into my everquest account the other day and found that not 1 of my 1834 people on my friends list were online… Well I guess its been over 11 years since I played so..

But I digress.

Atleast the news sites are still there (although not very opinionated)…

While they are very valuable to keep up with news… unlike blogs… these sites have to be very careful who they talk about. They don’t want to get black balled from getting Google/Yahoo/Microsoft etc news or people.

Also lately in talking with SEOBitch via Bitchphone I was like damn it seems like we are laying on a lot. And she was like, “HAVE YOU LOOKED AT THE INDUSTRY LATELY?!? that is the ONLY site that breaks news. Everyone else copies them”. Fistey one that SEOBitch.

So in closing, and not that anyone (other then me) really cares its really no wonder why she has overnight become such a leader in the SEO space.

Even if anonymous.

Who do you think SEOBitch is ?   

Trying to increase your Google rank that is like no other?


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