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Three Unconventional Ways to Find Enough Time for Your Blog - DailyBlogTips

Three Unconventional Ways to Find Enough Time for Your Blog - DailyBlogTips

Three Unconventional Ways to Find Enough Time for Your Blog

Posted: 27 Jan 2014 03:04 AM PST

"My biggest problem is not having enough time."

Have you ever felt like that – or said that?

Building a successful blog does take time, but if you're juggling a day job, a partner, looking after kids or elderly parents, other hobbies, volunteering and more, it can be really tough to find the time.

You've probably come across some basic tips before – things like "don't watch TV" or "get up half an hour earlier." But wouldn't it be better if you could do more with the time that you already have?

Here are three unconventional ways to do just that:

#1: Cut Down the Number of Posts You Write

A few years ago, the standard advice in blogging was to publish a new post every day (usually Monday – Friday). In fact, here on DailyBlogTips, we do exactly that.

But it's not right for all blogs – in fact, many blogs do fine with posts once a week or even once a month. Jon Morrow's Boost Blog Traffic is a great example of a very successful blog with fairly infrequent posts.

Figure out how many posts you currently write and cut that number by roughly a third.

So, if you're writing three posts a week, cut down to two. If you're writing twelve posts a month, drop to nine. This should give you the time to create higher-quality content, or to promote it more successfully.

#2: Develop Better, Faster Systems

Do you spend ages on every post, scratching your head until you come up with a half-way decent idea, editing each sentence as you write, and struggling to stay on track without a plan?

If so, you need a better system – one that allows you to come up with a bunch of ideas at once, plan out your posts before you start, and edit after you write. (You might begin with One Simple Way to Plan Great Posts.)

The same goes for plenty of other blogging tasks. If you find it takes ages to get each post published because you have a bunch of different tasks to remember, make a checklist for yourself – "add an image, write a meta description, add in the 'more' link…"

#3: Don't Reply to Every Comment

Once your blog starts growing, you may find yourself spending a lot of time keeping up with comments.

While it's important to reply to comments, you don't have to reply to all of them every time. Of course, reply to any direct questions, or jump in if you have something relevant to say – but don't feel you need to leave a separate "thank you" for every single person.


Try out one of these tips this week, and see if you can save a bit of time.

If you want to grow your blog and attract loyal readers, check out our new course, Get Readers. In just six weeks, you can make a dramatic difference, using our straightforward lessons and clear weekly assignments. Registration closes tomorrow (Tuesday 28th) and we're sending out the very first course email today, so please join as soon as you can!


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