Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills | |
- Free Shirt Friday- ACE Hackware @acehackware
- What happened to Affiliate Blogs?
- Free Shirt Friday- Dandrew Media (
- Get the @affiliatesummit West 2014 Mobile App
- Holiday Deal Arbitrage
- The new Gmail changes, Why they did it, and what they mean to email marketers
- Free Shirt Friday- Hit King Styles @HitKing_Styles
- Flava Flav to co-host affiliate ball at ASW 2014
- Charity Auction At Hundreds (unreal!!)
- Free Shirt Friday – Bench-Mor @BenchMor
- Get your brand out in front of thousands at Affiliate Summit 2014
- Adult monthly box
- November Recap
- ShoeMoney Charity Auction getting love ;)
- Time tested affiliate program and a big opportunity
- Happy holidays and be safe!
- Chirp chirp for iPhone
- Fast Company Article on “Amazon Whisperer”
Free Shirt Friday- ACE Hackware @acehackware Posted: 27 Dec 2013 07:00 AM PST This week’s free shirt Friday comes from ACE Hackware. The business is an e-commerce boutique for information and physical security professionals. The company is run by chief hacktologist Taylor Banks. ACE Hackware carries fun and interesting assortment of gear for the seasoned and aspiring security professionals alike, including lock picks, bump keys, hackware (the stuff the good guys use) and much more. If you would like to see your website or company featured on Free Shirt Friday click here. Trying to increase your Google rank that is like no other? |
What happened to Affiliate Blogs? Posted: 27 Dec 2013 05:22 AM PST 4-5 Years ago there was a ton of GREAT affiliate blogs. AND a ton of great forums for affiliates. All of these places shared some great content. This blog has never really been a affiliate blog or anything more than about me. I also used to give a ton of information on here. Lots of step by step walk throughs. I will occasionally throw out some easy ways to make money but its more of a hobby for me.
When people ask me where the best information is right now I direct them to either my free training course which is somewhat outdated OR the ImGrind forums (pay). The best blogs right now that I read are Charles Ngo and John Chow (I know I can’t believe I am saying that). Know of any great blogs for affiliates? Looking for an SEO service that won’t get you banned? |
Free Shirt Friday- Dandrew Media ( Posted: 20 Dec 2013 07:00 AM PST This week’s Free Shirt Friday comes from Dandrew Media LLC and their affiliate program Their affiliate program allows people to capture first and second tier affiliate commissions selling their 3 tiered real estate financier program. Dandrew Media is the mentoring division of Dandrew Partners, which specializes in bridge financing and other capital in commercial real estate. The divisions were founded by ex-Wall Street investment bankers. The principals have 30+ years of collective experience building relationships with institutional investors and high-net-worth investors nationwide. If you would like to see your website or company featured on Free Shirt Friday click here. Trying to increase your Google rank that is like no other? |
Get the @affiliatesummit West 2014 Mobile App Posted: 19 Dec 2013 06:39 AM PST The Affiliate Summit West 2014 application is dope! It allows you to communicate with others, easily add sessions to your calandar, and other stuff. Very well done. The app on Google Play requires Android 2.3 and up, and in iTunes it requires iOS 5.0 or later. It is optimized for iPhone 5, and compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Here are direct links for Android and iPhone or you can just search for Affiliate Summit West 2014 (make sure you are downloading the right one). BTW People keep asking me why I am speaking when I said I am retired. I AM MODERATING SO CHILL OUT. See you there! Looking for an SEO service that won’t get you banned? |
Posted: 18 Dec 2013 09:53 AM PST
Now its year end I am blowing cash on shit we need for the upcoming year. So I decided to fill our backup/file/media server to capacity with drives. I set up a deal alert for keywords on for “4TB and 4 TB (with space) and immediately I got an email alerting me to a new deal about’s eBay sale that had external usb 3.0 enclosed drives for $109. I researched the internal drive and it happened to be the exact same model and serial series as the ones we paid $70 more for. These currently sell at best buy for $189. Here is the kicker. I purchased 2 more than we need. So I had our intern put them on our local facebook buy/sell/trade group and people bid against each other and it ended up selling for $300 for both. Bam instant profit. I made $80 accidently. Big opportunity here. Its not just during the holidays but thats when the big opportunity is. |
The new Gmail changes, Why they did it, and what they mean to email marketers Posted: 16 Dec 2013 07:15 AM PST If you are a Gmail user you have probably gotten the popup upon login that images are now enabled by default. This coincides with Gmail announcing a couple of weeks ago that they will be caching and serving the images from their CDN to speed up browsing email.
You also have a option to disable this in your settings to go back to the “Ask me before displaying” just like the old Gmail setup. Personally, I feel this is a new spam signal that Gmail will use to adjust their already great spam detection system. The biggest single problem that Gmail has with spam is mass mailers (spammers) is using 100% images that contain keywords that would be flagged as spam. I am guessing they are trying to OCR (optical character recognition) but that is a monster in itself. Also these spammers get around easy detection systems by sending from a slew of different IP addresses, subject lines, alt tags for images, and other items. By caching these images Gmail can now use that as a signal when enough people report the email as spam and either not display the image, flag all emails with that image as spam, or even replace the image with a “this is spam” or something. Many people have written various theories on this but only time will tell how its going to be implemented. Looking for an SEO service that won’t get you banned? |
Free Shirt Friday- Hit King Styles @HitKing_Styles Posted: 13 Dec 2013 07:27 AM PST This week’s free shirt friday comes from Hit King Styles . The baseball inspired company is run by Chuck Olsen from Delaware. Their goal is to provide eye-catching products, with motivational, or underlying messages. Their first design, the HK Crown, is their base design and conveys their main message: ‘crown yourself’. The crown atop the diamond represents dominating one’s own realm, or your “zone”. The conjoined “HK” represents the company logo, but also represents confidence, and unity. If you would like to see your website or company featured on Free Shirt Friday click here. Trying to increase your Google rank that is like no other? |
Flava Flav to co-host affiliate ball at ASW 2014 Posted: 11 Dec 2013 01:05 PM PST The Affiliate Ball has become quite the tradition at Affiliate Summit Events. Its kind of like a players ball meets an affiliate network event. Always top level hip-hop talent and a great group of affiliate marketers & companies. Last ASW they had Big Boy from outcast, Coolio. It was SUPER awesome!
Details from the official Affiliate Summit Blog:
Looking for an SEO service that won’t get you banned? |
Charity Auction At Hundreds (unreal!!) Posted: 09 Dec 2013 05:34 AM PST OMG this could be the year a company STEALS it!!! Its only at $100 right now. Don’t miss out on this charity auction for a great cause! Click here to go directly to the auction Trying to increase your Google rank that is like no other? |
Free Shirt Friday – Bench-Mor @BenchMor Posted: 06 Dec 2013 07:00 AM PST Bench-Mor brings us this week's Free Shirt Friday. Bench-Mor™ states that it will simply increase your bench press capability. While reducing the stress on your shoulders, elbows and chest, the strategically developed device will help perfect your bench press form so that muscle memory occurs resulting in a rapid escalation of weight capability.
If you would like to see your website or company featured on Free Shirt Friday click here. Looking for an SEO service that won’t get you banned? |
Get your brand out in front of thousands at Affiliate Summit 2014 Posted: 05 Dec 2013 06:02 AM PST I am auctioning myself to wear your company’s shirt for 3 days during the Affiliate Summit West Event January 2014 in Las Vegas. All of the proceeds go to Matt Talbots Kitchen which feeds the homeless, in the name of the Affiliate Marketers Give Back foundation which is a non profit group lead by Missy Ward (Affiliate Summit Co-Founder). The winning bidder can pay us by Credit Card, Check, or Wire Transfer. This is a HUGE oppournunity to get your company out to a very targeted audience. I normally take between 50 and 100 pictures with people and this year we will be doing video again interviewing people in the expo hall. I will also be speaking at the conference and will wear your shirt when speaking in front of thousands of attendees (depending on room size).Go here to see the auction now
Here is the history of my T-Shirt Auction for Charity and details: At Affiliate Summit West 2009 I agreed to wear your companies logo EXCLUSIVELY at Affiliate Summit west and the auction ended up going for $10,000 !!!!. The winning bidders Trainsignal, makers of computer training software, were in attendance. We gave the money on behalf of the Affiliate Marketers Give Back foundation to the National Breast cancer society. Then at Affiliate Summit East 2009 I did the same auction again for the Lincoln City People’s Mission Homeless Shelter and it ended at $11,000.00. The winning bidder was the giant coupon site Once more a year ago at Affiliate Summit West 2010 I held an auction that raised $10,100 for the People’s City Mission again, the high bid coming from ClickBooth. In 2011 Banner Ad Rockstar won the Auction for $5,000.00 2012 ASW Hostzilla Webhosting company for $5710 2012 Leadscon NYC BMI Elite – $5000 2012 Affiliate Summit West – Anthony Morrison – $5,000 Its really been awesome raising over $50,000 at Affiliate Summit events by wearing a companies t-shirt. But now its 2013 and I want to crack that $65,000 for charity mark!!!!!!This is a great chance to get your brand out there and also support a GREAT CAUSE! You will receive a TON of exposure. And A LOT MORE than just a handsome model wearing your logo! Video Exposure:
Photo Exposure: My photo gallery is the most visited section of other than the root domain. Check these stats out from the last year. You are not reading that wrong… over 2 million page views and almost 1.7 MILLION UNIQUE page views. That’s quite an amazing reach! But besides the TONS of photos I will have in my own gallery, there will be loads of them on flickr and Facebook that people will tag and they’ll be seen by many. So put your logo in front of TONS of people NOW! Click here to bid!Looking for an SEO service that won’t get you banned? |
Posted: 04 Dec 2013 08:52 AM PST
For those unfamiliar with the monthly boxes you get a box of trial stuff in a particular niche and it comes monthly. I currently have about 8 different ones and it’s awesome when they come, it’s cool to be surprised. Anyway, there appears to be nothing in the adult space. I think this would be a interesting opportunity for someone looking for a new endeavor. It’s kind of the culmination of consumers wanting more things in line with the racy “Fifty shades of grey” and the new monthly box craze. You could get samples of condoms, lubes, restraints, various things… I am sure you can come up with some. Anyway just my dumb idea of the month. Looking for an SEO service that won’t get you banned? |
Posted: 03 Dec 2013 09:05 AM PST
Nov-05 12:36:42 - Google’s Patents and why people shouldn’t freak out (15 comments) As we are going through filing various patents for our PAR Program its interesting to see that it takes many years before you even get any sort of response… then you have to make rev…[more] Nov-06 09:25:53 - I am a TV Junkie. (30 comments) I keep a running tally of all the series/shows I have watched here. …[more] Nov-07 08:00:13 - S.O.S. to SMS: Are You Still Alive? (14 comments) …[more] Nov-08 08:28:54 - Free Shirt Friday- (16 comments) This week’s Free Shirt Friday is from Page One Power. Page One Power is a custom link building firm located in Boise, ID. Headed by two brothers, …[more] Nov-11 07:25:42 - So I saw Pink In Concert Last Saturday (13 comments) 5 years ago… or so.. I saw Justin Timberlake in Omaha, NE. and Pink opened up for him. She was really good. But last Saturday I saw her solo here in Lincoln, NE. and the show was amazing. I had seen her acrobatics before but she has taken it to a …[more] Nov-12 08:09:19 - Value of affiliate marketers twitter accounts (14 comments) Geno did an interesting post ranking affiliate marketers using the Time Magazine’s formula: …[more] Nov-14 08:58:24 - Help just getting started with SEO (18 comments) This ShoeMoney Question was sent in by Leroy from Atlanta, Georgia. Because Leroy?s question was chosen he will receive a ShoeMoney Shirt and a signed copy of my best selling book ?Nothing?s Changed but my Change ? The ShoeMoney Story?. To …[more] Nov-15 09:12:08 - Free Shirt Friday - (16 comments) This week’s Free Shirt Friday is from $97 Press Release. 97 Press Release provides high quality professional press release writing and distribution for those wishing to get more …[more] Nov-20 08:29:30 - My Stats From New Gmail Changes In Email Sorting (13 comments) Last June Gmail introduced the “tabs” that sorted promotional emails into their own section outside of the inbox. For those who don’t use Gmail here is what it looks like: …[more] Nov-21 10:05:35 - Slow sick week (13 comments) This week ha…[more] Nov-22 09:15:55 - Free Shirt Friday- CarCovers.Com @CarCoversCom (12 comments) This week’s Free Shirt Friday is from CarCovers.Com. They are a long-time friend of mine who attend my annual Elite Retreat Conference. I’m also thrilled to have them a part of our enterprise level automated email ma…[more] Nov-23 13:55:45 - Fast Company Article on “Amazon Whisperer” (12 comments) I came across this article I wanted to share on Fast Company Magazine that I found pretty interesting. There is a lot of fluff in the article but the just of it is this. This guy has created a multi million dollar company by: …[more] Nov-25 09:41:00 - Chirp chirp for iPhone (14 comments) …[more] Nov-26 10:45:52 - Happy holidays and be safe! (10 comments) …[more] Nov-26 15:55:35 - Time tested affiliate program and a big opportunity (34 comments) Last week I did a video interview with Jeffrey John who is one of the foremost experts in the astrology affiliate industry. Many affiliates are always chasing the next hot thing. I know… I have been there. But things go up and down… especially …[more] Skills to pay the bills, -Jeremy Looking for an SEO service that won’t get you banned? |
ShoeMoney Charity Auction getting love ;) Posted: 02 Dec 2013 06:56 AM PST Last week we were featured in our local Lincoln, Nebraska newspaper for my charity auctions
Turns out it was the most read article OF THE YEAR. Guess having a large mailing list helps ;). Looking for an SEO service that won’t get you banned? |
Time tested affiliate program and a big opportunity Posted: 26 Nov 2013 01:55 PM PST Last week I did a video interview with Jeffrey John who is one of the foremost experts in the astrology affiliate industry. Many affiliates are always chasing the next hot thing. I know… I have been there. But things go up and down… especially CPA networks. Dating, MMO, Free+ models, Ringtones, whatever.. it’s not.. it’s dead. The astrology niche has not only stood the test of time but also can be advertised in many ways that these other niches can’t. So affiliates who take their knowledge in other spaces and apply it to the astrology space can totally crush it. I experimented with this a couple months ago and pretty much replaced our eye catching dating ads on Facebook with copy for astrology… With little effort I made over $4,000 which was about a 50% profit margin. Now I am running the PAR Program full-time and that is my future. I’m taking that company to the house! But I can’t help being an affiliate from time to time because it’s what I love (as a hobby in my spare time). So I wanted to share with you a lot of insight on this niche and invited Jeffery to do a video interview to shed insight on the niche. In this video Jeffrey reveals:
Check out the interview here:
You can signup through the network I use, Oranum, here: Sign Up For The Oranum Network. Looking for an SEO service that won't get you banned? This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 26 Nov 2013 08:45 AM PST
I wanted to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving. Be safe. No drinking and driving! Looking for an SEO service that won’t get you banned? |
Posted: 25 Nov 2013 07:41 AM PST
Just something simple. Siri kind of defeats the purpose on that while it records you it transcribes instead of giving you the option of passing the audio file. I used to love nextels ptt functionality. Is there an app for that ? Looking for an SEO service that won’t get you banned? |
Fast Company Article on “Amazon Whisperer” Posted: 23 Nov 2013 11:55 AM PST I came across this article I wanted to share on Fast Company Magazine that I found pretty interesting. There is a lot of fluff in the article but the just of it is this. This guy has created a multi million dollar company by:
What a cool story and again emphasizing what an amazing time we live in and what huge opportunities there are. You can find Amasuite here: You can read the full article here Skills to pay the bills, -Jeremy Looking for an SEO service that won’t get you banned? |
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