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The 5 things to do before you kick The Bucket List.

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 05:00 AM PDT


If you could have MORE of anything you wanted in your life what would you choose?


If you are someone who earns less than $83,333.33 a month then I’m sure you would choose MONEY.

However, the more money people earn the fewer you’ll find answering this way.


It’s like everybody who’s fat wants to be skinny or at least in shape.

Everybody who’s skinny wants to gain some weight.

People with curly hair really want it straight.

People with straight hair want it curly, OK.


What do rich people want?


Don’t ask me why but for some reason this question popped in my head so I came up with this list.

Maybe, we’re ALL doing it wrong.

I’ll never forget the scowl that the Queen of England had on her face at the last Olympics.



One thing I noticed from observing  extremely wealthy people is they rarely appear to be happy.

It’s like the other end of the spectrum I guess.

They have the same look on their face as extremely poor people have, isn’t that ironic?

“Some people are so poor the only thing they have IS money.”
     -Someone smart


THE BUCKET LIST.  The 5 things to do before you kick the bucket:



#1 – Live at least one year in paradise.

NO, you don’t have to rough it on a remote island with no power or running water like an episode of Survivor back in the day when it was popular.

It’s 2013 now and thanks to technology there are tons of fantastic locations where you can actually telecommute to work from the beach.

This means you can live a day to day lifestyle of awesomeness by witnessing breath taking sunsets everyday instead of idiot non-drivers on the interstate at rush hour.


#2 – Write a book.


What you write lasts for years after you’re gone like Dr. Suess.  How many of us were brought up on green eggs and ham? 

Writing a book is also the best way to position yourself as THE EXPERT in the eye of the public and your potential customers.

Are you one of the best in the business at what you do?


Well, why in the hell would anyone want to hire you or buy anything your selling?

If you’re awesome at what you do and you know it writing a  book  is the best way to separate yourself from everyone else.  You get the floor to communicate the fact that you know what you’re talking about and explain WHY we should listen.

I wonder how things have changed for Jeremy since publishing Nothing’s Changed But My Change.


#3 – Save somebody’s life.

Yes, comedian Dane Cook is 100% right when he says that most men would love to be part of a successful caper like a bank robbery if we knew we could get away with it.

It’s just our nature I guess.

The problem with capers in real life is you always get caught which leads to jail time ie ending someone’s life. 

Therefore saving someone’s life is the ultimate caper.


Here are 3 ways to save someone’s life:


i – Teach somebody how to earn money on the internet.

No, I’m not talking about becoming the next international GURU or NOTHING like that.  I’m talking about taking  the time to sit down with somebody rather it’s your aunt or your young cousin or whatever to actually teach them how to EARN money online.

Yes, you can lead a person to water and no, you can’t make them drink.

However if you give someone a fish they’ll eat for a day but if you teach them how to fish they’ll eat for a lifetime.

This is why you should focus on the people who are already interested in what you’re doing. They are the ones who asked you questions like hey, how do you actually make money online?

Teach them the way of the internet Jedi and save their life from an unfulfilled existence as a wage OR salaried slave.

NO, they don’t have to learn how be an internet marketing master they can just simply get paid to write articles. It’s all about being independent and self sustainable.

ii –  Pay the property taxes on somebody’s grandma’s house.
She doesn’t owe anyone for the house but she’s behind on the taxes and they are going to sell her house and kick her out in the street.   You appear out of no where and cut a check, she will call you a lifesaver.

iii –  Help a good kid stay in school.
You can call any college or university and after some research they’ll put you in touch with someone who knows about the GOOD students who really need financial help staying in school.  You contribute money to help keep them there rather it’s a book scholarship or whatever.  You cut the check, they will call you a lifesaver.


#4 – Set or be a part of setting a Guinness world record.

In my opinion this ongoing international event is the definition of awesome free publicity.

Red Bull has taken what was started by Guinness to a whole new level but the Guinness book of world records is where it all started.

You can get in on this too ya know and you don’t have to do it all by yourself.

A great example is the Crawl for Cancer where organizers set the world record for the number of people participating in a bar crawl.  Another is the Los Angeles Angels setting the world record for The largest gathering of people wearing wigs.



#5 – Patent an invention preferably a time machine.

Ok just joking, kind of.

Apple went iSue last year with Samsung and iRonically’ they just lost the decision from a judge who ruled that THEY were the ones who actually infringed on patents.

Either way the whole thing has been a big publicity event for Apple and even though it’s bad news they lost the case they still got a ton of attention out of it.

This is why you want to own a patent it separates you from everyone else yet again AND it’s great marketing for your business.

If you didn’t know you don’t have to actually build the item that you patent either.  You can get a patent for your idea and maybe later someone else will come along and actually build it.

In the meanwhile you can look like even more of an expert to your potential customers.

Imagine having this discussion with a potential client, “Yes maam, our technique is so unique we have a patent.”



There are some prerequisites for this bucket list.

If you don’t know how to make money online you’ll need to learn how first.

Don’t have enough money to save somebody’s life?

Save YOURS first.


Whatever you do never let the fact that you don’t know how to do something be the reason that you don’t try.

Maybe that’s what’s wrong with extremely rich people?


They’re not happy because they don’t know how–to be happy.  

Maybe it’s because they’ve never really tried?

What do you think?



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