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Top Social Media Content Marketing Tips - DailyBlogTips

Top Social Media Content Marketing Tips - DailyBlogTips

Top Social Media Content Marketing Tips

Posted: 24 Apr 2016 03:32 AM PDT

Great content and social media marketing isn’t terribly unlike chemistry: the slightest alterations to the ingredients can produce either amazing results… or painfully disastrous ones. So we’ve scoured available research and collected some of the best ways to increase your blog’s social media engagement and strengthen your content marketing across social media.

Share Images on Twitter to Increase Your Retweets

Twitter’s new image capabilities allow twitter accounts to share images alongside links, not unlike Facebook. And there’s a significant uptick in retweets when you share links which have images. Don’t expect a major change in CTR; but those retweets offer notable SEO benefits! In fact, Moz theorizes that page-level social metrics like retweets comprise a notable portion of a specific page’s ranking power.

Share Your Content More than Once

If your blog is trying to gain traffic from multiple time zones, consider sharing your content more than once! This increases the likelihood that you’ll net visitors from different time zones. Ideally, this should be staggered to occur on different days; for example, if you share one post at 8am on Wednesday, consider sharing it again two or three hours later on Friday. This is especially useful for extending the shelf-life of high-performing articles or blogs.

Don’t hesitate to do this for blogs that are weeks or months old; links to deeper content can be another positive signal to search engines, and of course increases the amount of benefit you can get from each post. Where possible, develop a ‘sharing timeline’ that includes posts the day a blog is published, weeks after it is published, and months after it is published. Larger blogs might consider enlisting the help of marketing experts to help develop optimized content posting calendars.

Don’t Let Your Posts Get Stale

Do you ever feel that you’re repeating yourself on social media? It’s an easy trap to fall into, and one that’s best avoided: because if you notice it, so will your followers. Look to other high-profile blogs or news outlets to see how they mix up the framing of their posts (the words and images they use) to keep similar content feeling fresh. This is especially important when you’re re-posting the same articles! A good rule of thumb is to mix up the style and type of images you highlight in your social media posts, and to draw potential readers in with questions in the text, rather than statements.

Use Sharing Data To Guide Your Content

What’s the most-shared and liked content in your blog’s niche? The best blogs always keep track of what’s trending, and use that information to guide their content marketing. It’s relatively easy to set up free news alerts for your niche keywords, and there are plenty of free tools which allow you to analyze the top content for specific keywords. Buzzsumo, Ruzzit, and Social Count are all good examples! Being aware of trending subjects can help you pin down the formula for going viral.

Use Social Media Targeting Opportunities

Most social media outlets allow you to target your audience when you’re promoting posts and information. Always take advantage of this option! Doing so will help ensure that the people most likely to engage in your content are the ones who see it. It’s widely understood that using Facebook’s ‘life events’ parameters can have dramatically positive effects. You can target individuals who land new jobs, new relationships, are recently married or engaged, have children, start college… and the best part is that there’s almost certainly one of these ‘life events’ which can indicate likely readers for your blog.

The Bottom Line

Social media marketing isn’t rocket science; but it can be very difficult to measure the ROI from your efforts, or to tell which tricks you’ve used have had the best effect. After all, the process you use successfully for one kind of content might not work as well for another! The most important tool you can give yourself for successfully engaging in content marketing and social media outreach is to collect data and analytics on your successes… and your failures. Understanding how they happened will help you avoid them in the future!

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Stream Of Social Shares Followed by Email Leads, Here is How I Do it

Posted: 23 Apr 2016 09:53 AM PDT

Ranking higher in search engine results and building up a targeted email subscribers list, who doesn't like it. The problem is, things aren't as simple as they are told to be. Methods of doing these things can be found on Guru Internet Marketer blogs but they become so common that they lose their effectiveness.

In such cases, adding your own twists to these methods can get you awesome results. What you are going to read here is also not very simple but when done correctly, gets awesome results. I saw a sudden surge of social shares on my blog posts that I did this experiment on. Four of my posts were shared 43, 71, 64 and 80 times in a few hours after following these exact steps.

I know these are nothing when compared with those who get thousands of shares. But, they are super famous people with a very huge follower base. I am a starter, a newbie who can only spend a few hours on his blog each week. I am somebody who started with zero investment.

And when it comes to convincing people to subscribe to your list, this methods rocks. I saw a conversion rate of 20+ percent.

In this post I will tell you my exact strategy of building up social signals to a post and then start gathering email subscribers from it. First let's have a look at what all is required to make this happen.

Tools required
1. A very lucrative and relevant freebie that your target audience craves
2. Social share locker plugin
3. Email content locker plugin
4. Email marketing service subscription
5. Access to targeted groups on social networks and relevant forums

I know some people don't like the very concept of locking downloads but this is how things work in Internet Marketing. They give you their email addresses; you give them something they really want.

Step 1: Choosing The Freebie

Choosing the right freebie to giveaway is very important. It must be something that your audience really craves for. It should be a problem solver for them. You cannot rehash something that is already available on the internet and expect people to sign up for that. Your freebie should be unique and something that can't easily be found.

I blog mostly about internet marketing and SEO. I came up with a few very lucrative freebies that my target audience really craves for. In the SEO audience there are people who use many black hat SEO tools to rank their sites. GSA SER is one of those tools.

The tool requires you to have a very good and huge list of websites where it can submit your backlinks. Scraping huge lists of websites that also have good metrics is another technical and tedious task. Most GSA SER owners are not good at it.

I paid somebody to scrape me such a list and I offered it as freebie on my blog. Guess what? People loved it and were ready to share my post and subscribe in order to get the download.

Step 2: Posting On Your Blog

Post your giveaway with a very catchy title. What is in the freebie should be clearly explained in the title. Sense of urgency needs to be created.

Write some lines and paragraphs but preferably keep it short. Our aim is to take them to the download as soon as possible.

Create a download button or link for the downloadable file and lock it behind a social locker. Social locker is basically a plugin that locks the content behind itself and one has to share the website on social networks to unlock the download.

You can search on google to find many free and paid ones but I use Bizpanda. Bizpanda has both social and email locker features and is very easy to use.

Clearly explain that they have to unlock the download by sharing it using social media sites available on the locker.

Step 3: Getting some initial traffic

Find social media groups and pages relevant to your freebie and submit your blog post link to all of them. Comment on relevant blog posts and question answer sites. Also exploit forums and post there wisely.

If people love what you have to offer, they will surely come and share your post to get the download.

This will result in more social shares and subsequently more traffic. Social signals will increase referral traffic from social media sites as well as give some positive SERP push. Due to my keyword being easy to rank, I hit first page with so many social shares coming from real people.

Once you start getting traffic you will notice numbers increasing in share counters after a few hours.

Step 4: Capturing Leads

Getting social shares is good. But we want laser targeted leads too. Once you get some decent amount of shares, replace your social locker with email locker. The traffic is already pouring in from all the social shares.

Now people will have to subscribe to your list to get the download. And they will surely do. Once you feel the traffic is dying, post in social media groups and pages again.

The Next Time You Repeat The Process

I got really good results from my first attempt. After sometime I decided to come up with a new freebie and do it all over again. Guess what? This time step 3 was even easier for me. I already had list of laser targeted subscribers to send the offer. After going through step 2 I emailed my subscribers about the freebie I was offering. They came running after it and my post saw 40+ social shares in a few hours.

Click through rate in most of these emails was well above 4% mark. In one of my email campaigns the click rate was a whopping 7.2%. This number is well above the industry average.

The more you do it, the better you get at it. But the key point here is "How good your freebie is". Believe me, people who own GSA SER love New and Fresh Links Lists. I found the weakness of my audience and I am exploiting it. Hope you do it too.

About the author: Nabeel Shamshad is a blog scientist and writes about SEO, Internet Marketing, Blogging, online money making ideas and many other things related to the Internet. He is dedicated to showing others what he learns and experiments in his blogging life. To know more about what he is up to, please visit his blog:

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