“10 Steps To Help Turn Your Blog Into A Number 1 Bestselling Book” plus 1 more | |
10 Steps To Help Turn Your Blog Into A Number 1 Bestselling Book Posted: 31 Jul 2014 08:22 AM PDT This is a guest contribution from entrepreneur and author Niall Harbison. Although not everybody wants to make money from their blog, it is undoubtedly the goal for many. To make a living from writing at home often features high on the list of dream jobs! I’m lucky enough to have just published a book which got to number one in the charts, sold a business, as well as running a couple of businesses today, and most of the success can be put down to blogging. I wanted to share some of the tips that helped me first of all get the book published, and secondly, how blogging helped it to the top of the book charts. The book is called Get Shit Done and if you start using these tips that is exactly what you will be able to do. Hopefully you too can turn your blog into a bestselling book… 10 Steps To Help Turn Your Blog Into A Number 1 Bestselling BookFind your nicheThe really good blogs focus on one thing and they do it well. It doesn’t matter if you are a pig farmer in Russia, or a fashion student in New York, because whatever you do you will have an audience. The biggest mistake that most people make is they try and be to generalist and start straying away from their topics in order to get more traffic. Even though things won’t explode in terms of visitors at the very start, if you keep on doing what you are doing and writing in your niche with authority, you will eventually see the results and the audience grow. Let Your Personality Shine ThroughThink about all the big blogs that you read and the chances are there will be a strong personality or character shining through in the writing or through the content. Readers have millions of pages online to choose from so in order to keep them coming back and engaging with what you do there needs to be a part of you that stands out. It doesn’t mean you need to share your deepest darkest secrets like I did, but do try and be personable in your writing and give your readers something to latch onto. Invest In Professional DesignThe one thing that I think sets the truly great blogs and the average ones apart is great design. In my own early days of blogging I made the mistake many make trying to design the blog myself and using templates. If you are to be taken seriously and to get a book deal or start driving some serious revenue then invest $500-1000 on getting somebody to design your blog professionally. A badly designed messy blog will put people off straight away and make people think you are small-time. Connect With Other BloggersThis was the best advice I got in the early days and it has paid off over and over again. Some of you might think that people within your own niche should be seen as competition but the reality is that there is room for everybody. Like-minded bloggers within your niche will help you grow your audience, refer business to you, add value to your content, and share what is working for them. Most people ignore this tip but the community of bloggers is so strong and you’ll be surprised at just how welcoming most are. Help PeopleThere is no more effective tool in the world than helping other people. It could be advice. An Intro. A Retweet. A link in a post. For the first five years that I was blogging and on social media, all I did was help other people and give out favours to others. What that does is create a huge base of people who are willing to help you in return when you need it. As soon as I launched my book, I was able to nicely ask all the people I’ve been helping over the years to share my link, review the book, or even just buy it. Helping others is the best way to help yourself in the long run. Network At Offline EventsYou probably think that because you have a blog you can do all your networking online and that you never have to shake another hand in your life. The reality is very different. Some of the best connections and your biggest fans will come from the real world. I got a publishing deal by meeting people in the flesh. I met commercial partners in real life. You have to get out from behind the laptop sometimes and put yourself out there and meet people who are going to help you achieve your dreams. Use Traditional Media And PRAlthough the likes of print media are certainly dying, there is still huge leverage to be had by appearing in traditional media. I often write newspaper columns for free (newspapers love filling space for cheap these days) and I’ve found PR to be one of the most effective tools in terms of building brand. Your blog might be the best thing since sliced bread but people still put a lot of weight on seeing a photo or a name in a byline in a newspaper. Use traditional media to take your own brand to the next level. Think InternationalAnother big problem that most bloggers have is that from day one they pigeonhole themselves within a certain country. We live in a connected world where the internet knows no boundaries, so don’t limit the size of your potential audience by nailing your colours to the mast in your own country. Think big and talk in an international tones and you’ll be surprised at just how big your blog can get all over the world. Speak At ConferencesI’ve found nothing more powerful in all my years of blogging than speaking at conferences on the subject that you are blogging about. If anybody is willing to give you a microphone stand up in a room even if there are only 10 people there. If you’ve never done it before you will be nervous the first time but get over that because speaking at public events is the quickest way to build your own credibility and take you to the next level. If you don’t have any conferences to speak at simply ask organisers. They are always stuck for speakers and you’ll be surprised just how many people say yes! The 70/30 Social RuleIt used to be seriously hard to grow an audience for a blog. Now we have social media. The quickest way to grow an audience is not by constantly pushing out links to your own content but instead by interacting with people on social. Answering their questions. Sharing links. Showing your expertise. The way I think about it if you want to build a really big audience you should be spending 70% of your time creating content and interacting on social media compared to 30% creating content on the blog. It really is that important. Do that and people will slowly start coming back to your longer pieces over time and your audience will be huge after a while. These are some of the tips that I used for the last 6 years and repeated over and over again. The end result was selling a business for a couple of million and publishing this book which has all the tips and which just got to number one. Enjoy. Niall is an entrepreneur who has sold a business for millions and author of Get Sh*t Done published by Penguin. Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger |
Increase Your SEO By Appearing on Google News Posted: 30 Jul 2014 08:34 AM PDT This is a guest contribution from business/tech writer Nick Chowdrey. Getting on Google NewsEverybody knows that the world of SEO is changing. As Google's algorithms get ever more efficient at filtering out good content from bad, more and more companies are turning to content marketing and guest posting to increase their Google page rank and appear higher up searches. In the world of content marketing, creating high quality posts is just part of the story. You could write the most fascinating and informative article, but with so many other companies now employing writers to do the same, it's still hard to to get the attention you need. The goal is to become a trusted and respected commentator in your niche, but this can often take a huge investment in both time and resources. As such, one content marketing strategy that has surfaced recently is to try and get ones site featured on Google News. What is Google News and why is it important?Google launched its full news service, Google News, in January 2006. Aggregating content from over 25,000 publishers worldwide, the service uses Google's algorithms to search for and promote the top news stories of the moment. Users can customise what topics and publications they'd prefer to see and can order stories using various filters. Getting listed on Google News is not easy. They have extremely strict standards and a publication can only register for consideration once every six months. Google then uses its web crawlers to scan your site and determine the journalistic integrity, authority, accountability and readability of your content. The rewards for getting listed, though, are substantial. Not only will a listed site benefit from the huge amount of traffic that goes through Google News, the added authority that a site gets from being listed means that more sites will start linking to your articles, which bumps you up the Google search rankings. Being featured on Google News will not only boost the domain authority of your page but, as other businesses and professionals begin to rely on your site for news that's relevant to them, your actual authority as a commentator in your niche will also increase. This should increase the amount of shares and trackbacks to your articles and, ultimately, your visibility on Google. So, how can you get featured on Google News? Quality of contentGoogle states in its Google News guidelines that its main aim for the project is "to organise all the world's news and make it accessible to its users, while providing the best possible experience for those seeking useful and timely news information." In order to achieve this, they maintain strict quality controls, which were briefly mentioned above. Google are very strict on what constitutes news and what doesn't. Google state that they don't include how-to articles, advice columns, job postings or strictly informational content such as weather forecasts and stock data. They also only accept genuine, original news stories with high journalistic values. The best way to make sure that you fulfil these criteria is to write about what you know. Find stories that are relevant to your industry and, specifically, your niche in that industry. Not only will this improve the originality of your content, it will also mean your news stories are more relevant to your target audience. Accountability is also a must. Google wants to know that you're a reputable site, so they require a degree of transparency on your part. Your office address should be easily viewable and all of your editorial team should have profile pages with images and email addresses included. Finally, the quality of the writing itself matters greatly. Here are some tips on how to write news content to an excellent standard. Quality of writingYou'll need to make sure that you and your team, if you have one, have excellent news writing skills. News writing may seem straightforward – especially if you're already writing a blog – but it's actually hard to do it right. the quality of your news writing is one aspect that Google will assess when considering you for Google News, so it's important to learn to do it properly. Just republishing press releases isn't going to get you anywhere. A few quick tips on how to write a decent news piece: First, in terms of structure, you should always write your news with the most important facts at the top and the least important at the bottom. This is called the "inverted pyramid of news" and is designed for the way news is read, making it easy to skim lots of pieces and get a general jist of a story as efficiently as possible. Deciding on what's important is very much a judgement call on your part, but you should choose the content that's most likely to get readers interested in the rest of the piece at the top. This will usually be some kind of statistic or statement, such as "X% of young people suffer from headaches, according to X professional body." Headlines are very important because they not only influence the searchability of your articles, but also the readership. The BBC are strongly credited with writing the most searchable headlines in the business. Here are some tips from their SEO guru, Martin Asser:
Finally, it's also important to include first-hand information, correctly sourced and referenced, in the form of quotations. One of the best places to obtain these is from press releases, which you can find in the press sections of most big organisations. If you lift a quote from another news site, be sure to reference them, otherwise you're just stealing other people's work, which Google definitely won't like. Technical requirementsYour articles will need to meet certain technical requirements in order for Google's web crawlers to be able to tell which of your site's pages are news articles. If these requirements aren't met, Google will not be able to automatically aggregate your stories, which is a requirement of being accepted onto the News site. Technical requirements are as follows: Article URLs must be unique, permanent and contain at least three digits. This is so that Google can tell when an article is new. Links to the articles on your site must be in HTML with anchor texts that include at least a few words. Google is unable to crawl JavaScript, graphic links or links found in frames.Articles themselves must also be formatted in HTML, because Google is unable to crawl articles in other formats, such as PDF. It's generally accepted that articles made using popular content management systems like WordPress will be crawlable by Google without you having to make any manual changes. A full list of technical requirements can be found in Google's webmaster guidelines. Other considerationsYou then need to make sure that you're covering as many news pieces from your niche a day as possible. Perhaps dedicate the first hour of every day to source, write and publish relevant news pieces that you think your audience would be interested in. Google don't only assess quality of news, but quantity also. You need to start building your position as a news provider. Make sure you diligently share all your news stories across all social media platforms. The amount of views your news site is getting will also influence Google in their decision on whether or not you'll be featured. Once you think you're ready, go ahead and apply! But make sure you really have done as much as you can, otherwise there's a six month wait to apply again. Improving your rankingsAlthough the mere fact that you've been accepted onto Google News will most likely do wonders for your organic traffic, you can still take positive steps to climb up the rankings. Firstly, it stands to reason that the more stories you write, the better chance you'll have to get them read. At least three articles a day is recommended. Google also look to filter out duplicate content, so making the titles of your news articles unique will help to get it ranked. A unique title is also more likely to be clicked on by readers. Finally, be diligent and get your news published quickly. As was mentioned above, if you make a routine of writing news pieces in the mornings, this will improve your chances of being the first. Start making a habit of keeping up with all relevant current affairs in your niche. Keep checking influential commentators and trade bodies regularly for press releases. You might also want to watch live broadcasts of political debates, such as Prime Minister's Questions in the UK. Nick Chowdrey is a staff and freelance writer specialising in business and technology. He is currently Technical Writer at Crunch Accounting. Follow Nick on Twitter @nickchef88. Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger |
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