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How Many Ad Networks Are There? - DailyBlogTips

How Many Ad Networks Are There? - DailyBlogTips

How Many Ad Networks Are There?

Posted: 01 Apr 2014 09:39 PM PDT

Pretty much every week I receive emails from at least four different advertising networks. The pitch is pretty similar too. Something like this:

Hi Daniel,

My name is John Doe, and I work with X Advertising Network, a global leader in CPM and banner advertising. I wanted to see if there is a chance for us working together.

We have a proprietary platform that guarantees maximum CPM rates, 100% fill rates, yield optimization and flexible payment terms. We currently have a long list of high quality advertisers who are ready to put their ads on your website!

Searching on my Gmail account for “ad network” returned hundreds of results.

I never ended up signing with any of those networks (because my business model is AdSense/selling my own products and services), so I am not sure how good and/or reliable they are. But I am starting to wonder how it is possible for so many different ad networks to co-exist.

Either the majority of those are not making any significant money, or the market is so large that the large number of networks is justified.

What do you think?

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Five Ways to Reinvigorate Your Blogging Today [Guest Post]

Posted: 01 Apr 2014 07:28 AM PDT

This is a guest post from Camille McClane.

It happens to the best of us: you feel burned out or you get stuck in a rut, your content suffers, you stop getting so many comments / tweets / emails … and you end up feeling even more discouraged.

Before you throw in your blogger's towel, try at least one of these five tips. They'll help you reinvigorate your blog and get back on track:

Tip #1: Work Consistently

You may already post regularly to your blog, but how regularly are you writing? Do you have a specific time when you sit down to work or do you strike when the moment takes you?

W. Somerset Maugham famously said "I only write when inspiration strikes, fortunately it strikes every morning at nine o'clock sharp." Try writing at the same time every day for a couple of weeks and see if the quality of your posts improves.

Tip #2: Get a Point of View

Like it or not, controversy attracts readers. There's nothing people like more than a good scandal. You don't have to write about inflammatory topics in order to generate controversy, you just need an opinion for people to disagree with.

Do you blog about history and feel a certain popular character needs his villainous side highlighted? Write about it and you're bound to spark some discussion from your readers who feel otherwise. Whatever you feel strongly about, state it. You can't please everyone, but by polarising opinion, you'll attract loyal, committed readers.

Tip #3: Spice it Up

Perhaps your blog is full of too-similar posts.  If every blog is a newspaper-style description of a topic, then you may feel creatively stagnant yourself and need a change of pace to energize your blog.

Try making a video post, or as HostPapa's blog suggests, don't be shy of interviewing an expert and posting the transcript. Alternatively, you could create an in-depth how-to guide. Whatever you try, make it different from what you normally do.

Tip #4: Be More Relevant

Social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and Reddit keep track of the hot topic items of the day. Browse these sites and look for trends that you can shape to fit your blog. What are the latest Justin Bieber antics? Who are the winner snowboarders in the 2014 Winter Olympics?

Find a link between your blog and current events or popular culture, in order to reach out to thousands of viewers keen on listening to popular events. Once you think creativity, you'll find people coming for one reason and staying for another.

Tip #5: Look Inward

Sure, the reader is important, every writer knows that, but that doesn't mean you're unimportant. If you want the reader to be interested in your topics, then you have to be interested in what you're writing.

If you're feeling stuck, maybe you've gotten too far away from what you loved about your blog in the first place and are playing an unwinnable game of please-the-reader. Think about the original purpose of the blog and create your next post with that in mind. Your readers will notice the difference.

Did any of these tips help you? Do you have any others to add? Let us know in the comments.


Bio: Camille McClane is a writer, researcher and designer from Southern California. She enjoys all things tech and social media, and recently suffered through her own "blogger's block," which she combated by using some of the aforementioned tips. She hopes they help you as well!


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