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Competitive Advertising Intelligence with AdClarity Media Intelligence

Posted: 26 Mar 2014 06:50 AM PDT

Post image for Competitive Advertising Intelligence with AdClarity Media Intelligence

AdClarity - Media Intelligence PlatformI read an article awhile back about AdClarity Media Intelligence on TechCrunch. At that time the PAR Program wasn’t ready for what they had to offer, yet. Then a couple of week’s ago one of my employees brought it back to my attention, and I’m glad she did because this thing is awesome!

AdClarity is the premier Saas (Software as a service) solution for online advertising tracking and analysis. The best part is that it is all automated. With these guys you can explore any site, advertiser, agency, ad network or exchange and get complete analysis of its online activity. Not only can you track your own campaigns, but you can track your competitors giving you the edge you've been looking for. AdClarity isn't just limited to the US, either. You can track your own or your competition's advertising around the globe in several different countries. You get full transparency on the entire eco-system of online media and advertising.

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AdClarity Media Intelligence uses advanced crawlers to monitor over 250,000 domains multiple times a day, using local IPs from 20 countries which unveil the advertisers, campaigns, ads and mediators running specifically on sites in those countries, AdClarity currently provides the most robust coverage of online advertising out of all the BI tools in the industry.


The company was started by a team of visionaries who had a lot of experience in different roles within the digital advertising industry, led by Kfir Moyal (founder of Matomy). They were frustrated by the opacity of the industry. So they did what I would have done and went out to create something themselves. They developed a system that offers the necessary transparency into competitors’ activities, and the industry as a whole.

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With the development of the PAR Program, I have loved using this system. We're not the only email marketing platform out there but this software allows me to know what our competitors are doing and how we can continue to kick their asses. I can monitor by country or even by vertical at a high level or get crazy specific details. AdClarity Media Intelligence is the only existing BI tool that provides real-time notifications so you're not left waiting for a weekly or monthly report to generate. If I don't want to wait until they email me information, knowing where I stand is a easy as checking in through the product dashboard. They've got killer customer service and a dedicated account management staff. You can sign up for a one day trial for only $.99, totally worth it to find out if it’s for you.

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