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Is Google making it too easy for spammers to win?

Posted: 14 Aug 2013 06:00 AM PDT

Google has made lots of changes in the past couple years, designed to improve transparency for webmasters. True, the so-called good webmasters are getting some of the tools they need to succeed better in SEO.  But on the flipside, Google is handing up all the tools spammers need on a silver platter.

Got bad back links?  There's a tool for that. Need to see if your site has been caught up in a spam filter? Well there's a tool for that too.  Did you dial the spam back attached that you think it might squeak through the algorithm? You guessed it, there's tools that.

The thing is, spammers are always going to be two (or five) steps ahead of Google. It is been happening since the first Google dance, and the first big spam updates. Spammers get banned?  That's when the sites many spammers create are called churn and burn, because for everyone to get spammed you already have 10 more ready to take its place.  And yes, the best spammers are already working on the spam technique that will still work five updates for now, but maybe not the sixth.

So what about the link disavow tool? Spammers have been using it as a tool to figure out just what links they can get away with what links they can't. It is nothing for spammers to create 1000 different sites across a wide variety of markets, throw 1000 variations of back links at them, see what sticks and what doesn't, disavow the doesn't for all thousand sites and bingo, you have an entire spam network ranking. Tada!

The latest tool that has spammers flipping out with how excited they are is Google's new "let's see if your site is really banned or not" tool. Well, it's a quick and dirty way to figure out your sites are banned or not, which ones you should continue to push, and which ones you need to completely recycle or burn.  True, you need to login webmaster tools to check and see, but it's pretty darn easy for spammers to create a ton of different logins and use proxies to check, if they even care that is.  Brings churn and burn to a new level.

True, it's great for legitimate webmasters to get access to these kinds of tools to help troubleshoot their sites that have somehow been caught up in one of the spam updates. Unfortunately, it's having a negative impact on the quality of search – unless you are one of those spammers getting all your shit to rank!

And just for the record, yes I do know some of the spam techniques that are working today, and the ones that will be working in the months to come.  Spamming is pretty much a cycle of new techniques for when the old ones get trashed in Google's updates. And you know what? These tools are doing nothing but helping spammers succeed in making sure you see their spam before anything truly legitimate.

Some hardcore affiliate spammers are saying that it is easier to spam in Google today than it was a year or two ago, especially in some of the competitive markets the traditionally been a little bit harder to crack like payday loans where Google tends to keep a closer eye on it. In other words, enjoy your mesothelioma, payday loan, free porn search results, because spammers are certainly making sure you’re going to see them, compliments of Google’s webmaster tools.

Oh, and if you think spammers aren’t winning, just take a gander through “payday loans” or “free credit checks” results in Google and see.  And I am sure you can add your own to that list, but I don’t want to out all the spammier keyword phrases that are making good money but aren’t as closely watched by Matt’s minions in the Google spam team :)

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