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Lessons for Entrepreneurs

Hi there,

Daniel Scocco here, from

It has been a while, I know! I am back in action with some cool online projects though, so I will start sending emails to my list again when I have interesting stuff to share.

Don't worry, my plan is to send 1 or 2 emails per month at most, and always with valuable and useful stuff. You don't want to miss those!

Today I want to share with you a terrific presentation I came across this week, titled Things I will Tell My Kids if They Becomes Entrepreneurs.

All the slides are spot on, but there is one that I liked in particular, which talks about strategic vs. opportunistic behavior. It says: "You can either pursue every opportunity - in which case you are not really deciding where you are going - or have a clear strategy and reject opportunities that don't fit in. Opportunities will take you somewhere fast, strategy will take you somewhere far."

Food for thought huh?

Website owners and online entrepreneurs are particularly vulnerable to pursuing opportunities that don't necessarily align with their overall vision and strategy. After all setting up a website takes 5 minutes these days. The next time an opportunity comes along, think about whether or not it fits your overall goals and strategy, and only pursue it in case it does!

Best wishes,
Daniel Scocco

2972 Columbia St. Suite # 8161 - Torrance, CA 90503 - US

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