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Beware: The Quarter Life Crisis

Posted: 06 Jul 2016 06:00 AM PDT

You can officially stop worrying about a mid-life crisis, because before you even get there you're going to have to navigate the quarter life crisis.

It's hardly a surprise when you consider what we were led to expect; we've watched the older generation go to college and take their degrees into a well-paid job, meanwhile we just don't have the same opportunities.

Baby Boomers have a lot to answer for, having reaped all the rewards leaving us with the scraps. In their day it was Monday – Friday, 9-5. Now? Well, the work life balance is certainly not what it was in those days, because the world has changed.

When you look at our life expectancies it seems kind of crazy to expect an 18-year-old, with no life experience, to know what they'd like to spend their life doing. Most of us don't even know what we want to do by the time we get to our 20's and 30's, we all have dreams but deciding on a realistic career that doesn't make you want to stick pins in your eyes is a tough call.

Our ideas have changed, too, because we don't expect people to get married at the age of 20 and start having kids immediately. So as we enter adulthood, it is generally on our own, and move into apartments, take a career on, enter relationships but it doesn't really feel like adulthood, we joke about not wanting to adult today, because we don't truly feel like we're there.

With the amount of time we're all spending at work it's hardly surprising that our relationships suffer, both romantically and socially.

The mid to late twenties (and early 30's) are emotionally the worst time of our lives, when we are besieged with adverse thoughts and negative feelings, and a mind that has a dirty habit of taking long wanders, which can be damaging to our wellness.

It can actually last for years as we reassess the decisions we have made and long for change and make decisions about how to fix this life they've created, finding new hobbies, or interests and social groups, too. Eventually you will come out the other side and happier for it, but for a long time it feels very much like you're walking in a very dark tunnel and you have no idea when the light at the end of the tunnel is going to appear. You just feel lost and alone.

It used to be that this occurred when in your 40's and 50's, but the world has changed so much that this just isn't the case anymore.

The younger generation has much more to deal with than their predecessors, including those predecessors calling us lazy, good for nothing and suggesting that our desire to have a healthy life is a sign of weakness. Caring about mental health and wellness are not signs of weaknesses, it's self-awareness.


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