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Five Ways to Improve Your Blog in Just Five Minutes (Take Our Challenge) - DailyBlogTips

Five Ways to Improve Your Blog in Just Five Minutes (Take Our Challenge) - DailyBlogTips

Five Ways to Improve Your Blog in Just Five Minutes (Take Our Challenge)

Posted: 03 Feb 2014 06:36 AM PST

Does your blog ever feel like a hungry beast demanding a constant stream of fresh content?

A lot of bloggers struggle to keep up – and when there are new posts to write on a regular basis, it can be tough to find time to tweak, refine and improve your blog.

So this week, I have a challenge for you. Find five minutes per day to check off each of the tasks below.

(You might want to bookmark this post or even print it out.)

Monday: Fix Broken Links

Use one of the tools on this list to find broken links on your site. Fix as many as you can in five minutes.

Why it matters: Broken links create a bad impression for first-time visitors – and can even have a negative impact on your SEO.

Tuesday: Declutter Your Sidebar

Take a look at your sidebar. Are there any widgets you can do without? Remove them.

Why it matters: Like broken links, cluttered sidebars look bad. They may also put readers off taking action (e.g. subscribing to your blog) by presenting too many choices.

Wednesday: Take a Fresh Headshot

Grab your camera (and a friend if possible). Spend five minutes taking headshots.

Why it matters: You'll want a good, recent headshot for your About page, social media profiles, and guest post bios. Smile!

Thursday: Update Your About Page

Add that headshot to your About page – and while you're at it, fix any outdated information. (The age of your kids, the services you offer…)

Why it matters: It's easy to ignore your own About page, but first time readers will often check it out.

Friday: Plan a Post for Next Week

Grab a sheet of paper or open up a new document. Spend two minutes writing down ideas as fast as you can, then pick one and write a plan.

Why it matters: Coming up with ideas ahead of time reduces blogger's block; creating a plan makes it easier to write a well-structured post.

Are you up for our five minute daily challenge? Drop a comment below to tell us that you'll be taking part … and share the post with your blogging friends for extra accountability.


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