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Tackle The Hardest Tasks First Thing in the Morning - DailyBlogTips

Tackle The Hardest Tasks First Thing in the Morning - DailyBlogTips

Tackle The Hardest Tasks First Thing in the Morning

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 06:07 AM PDT

One of the basic principles of personal productivity is to tackle the hardest tasks, the ones you don’t want to do, first thing in the morning. If you haven’t tried it, you should.

Suppose you are a salesman. Making sales calls is one of the most important things you can do to close deals, but it’s also one of the hardest, because you need to “disturb” the person on the other side, and you’ll need to hear 20 NOs for every YES you get.

It would be natural for you, therefore, to postpone dealing with the sales calls for as long as possible. The problem with this approach is that on many days you would postpone it so much that you would end up not making the calls at all.

A better approach would be to make all the sales calls first thing in the morning, and make a habit out of it. That way you wouldn’t miss the calls a single day.

I used this principle to start reading more. As I mentioned in this post around six months ago I created the goal to read at least 30 pages of a book every day. The problem is that on many days I would leave the reading to be done after I finished work, and if I worked until 9 or 10 pm (which is not unusual) I would be so tired that I would just skip the reading section and go straight to eat something and to sleep.

Then one day I decided I would wake up, take breakfast and then ready my 30 pages straight away. No excuses.

It worked like a charm, and I practically never miss a day.

Bottom line: tackle the hardest tasks first thing in the morning and just be done with it.

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Original Post: Tackle The Hardest Tasks First Thing in the Morning

What’s Holding You Back as a Blogger? (Four Problems, Eight Solutions)

Posted: 24 Sep 2013 10:45 AM PDT

Do you ever feel like you're not making the progress you should be? Perhaps you've been writing away for months, even years, on your blog – and you still don't have more than a handful of readers.

Maybe you never get comments. Maybe it's rare that you even get a retweet.

It might seem like your blogging dream (earning money, building a big audience, getting a book deal, whatever it might be) is very far away.

What's holding you back?

Here are four typical problems … and eight possible solutions:

#1: Lack of Time

When I talk to bloggers and writers, this one problem is often their biggest. They know what they want to do with their blog, they just don't have the time.

To squeeze more blogging into your day:

  • Streamline your blogging. Post less frequently, but write higher-impact posts. Ditch some of the non-essential tasks (like checking your stats for the third time today).
  • Develop better time-management habits. Try working for short, focused spells (e.g. 30 minutes) on your blog rather than fiddling around for two hours and not getting far.

#2: Lack of Knowledge

Maybe you know the next step in your blogging life – like starting a newsletter list, creating a free ebook, or launching an ecourse – but you're not sure how to take it. Or perhaps you don't know enough about your niche.

To learn more, faster:

  • Write down three (small) things you want to learn this week. Search for resources on these topics. Start with blogs you know and trust, rather than searching the whole of Google.
  • Get help. Find a blogging peer who's been there and done that, and ask them what they wish they'd known before they began.

#3: Lack of Skill

You might know what to do – like write a call to action – but you might not have the skills you need.

To improve your blogging skills:

  • Practice. The more you write, the better you'll get at it. The same goes for creating audio or video content.
  • Get feedback. Ask readers which of your posts they enjoyed the most. Ask fellow bloggers for constructive criticism.

#4: Lack of Readers

Maybe you're doing everything right, but almost no-one is reading your blog. This can be really discouraging, but it's not a reason to give up.

If you want more readers:

  • Guest post on other blogs. This is a great way to get your work in front of a big audience, and some of those readers will come back over to your blog (tip: link to one of your best posts in your bio).
  • Support other smaller blogs. Comment on, tweet and share posts from other bloggers who are at a similar stage to you. The A-listers might not notice you, but your peers definitely will – and they'll often return the favor.

If you're struggling with several of these problems (and many bloggers are), pick your most pressing one to focus on this week. Try the solutions we've suggested, and let us know how you get on!

If there's something else holding you back, or if you've got a question we could help with, just drop a comment below.

Wanna learn how to make more money with your website? Check the Online Profits training program!

Original Post: What's Holding You Back as a Blogger? (Four Problems, Eight Solutions)


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