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Verizon Wireless Lincoln Nebraska Location advises I go to @att for better deal @verizon

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 11:30 AM PDT

Post image for Verizon Wireless Lincoln Nebraska Location advises I go to @att for better deal @verizon

I would like to share my recent experience to the Verizon Wireless Lincoln Nebraska location near SouthPointe Mall. verizon lincoln ne - Google Maps

The new iPhone just came out last thursday…  and I was amped to get it.  I currently have the iPhone 4s and am super excited for the iPhone 5s.  But I have a issue – My contract is not up until January 1st, so I am not allowed to upgrade at the discounted $299 price but instead would have to pay the $899 price if I went by the book..  But that’s silly.  I know their early termination fee is only $150 so I figured worse case they would let me pay the $150 early termination fee on my 2 year contract and buy the iPhone and renew my 2 year contract.  That makes sense right?

So I went in… put my name on the list and waited for 30 mins or so…  But during that time I started chatting with other folks.  It’s Lincoln, Ne and everyone is friendly here.  They were would be iPhone users and had all kinds of questions.  Then they asked me what I did for a living and all that…  good people.  I sold them on the iPhone easy.   I told them about my dilemma and they thought I was silly for not waiting a couple months and saving a $150 but I told them it was worth it to me.

Took a little longer than quoted for my name to be called (45 mins or so) but I never really cared; I was having good conversation.

I was straight up with the guy.  I wasn’t looking for any sort of “deal”.   I told him I know my contract doesn’t allow me to upgrade for 3 months but I wanted to get the iPhone 5s today and wanted to know what my options are.

Oh side note -  I don’t want to give up my phone number.  About 3 years ago I ported my old number to Google voice and just now people are finally adjusting it.  Most still text my old number and I am always lost who they are.  I DID not want to change numbers again.

So the guy was kind of cocky…  He said ‘Newp, can’t do it.’   I asked well what are my options.   He said well you can get a new line with a new number,  drop this one down to $40 a month and let it terminate.  But I would lose my number when it terminates.

I told him that seemed really silly to me and I would rather just pay $150 and renew my 2 year contract.   He said I could terminate but the phone number would be terminated with it and I would lose it.

Then it hit me that I could terminate my contract with them by porting my phone number over to another provider… say AT&T (which my company has all of its cell phones with.  I am the only one on Verizon).

I looked at him confused and was just like,  ”Lemme get this straight, just so I am clear.  Any way you slice it I have to give up my phone number even though I am willing to renew right now and pay the fine?”

“Yup,” in a smartass ‘I’m better than you’ tone.

So then I brought it to his attention that the answer would be for me to simply port over to AT&T or Sprint.  I would pay the SAME etf fee but be able to get the iPhone 5s AND keep my contract.

His smart ass answer?  ”Yup, that would work.”.

Wait what??

Ok I’m out of here.

On my way out I ran into other fellow Lincoln Nebraska business owners who were looking at moving their business to Verizon Wireless.  They asked me how it went.

I told them the guy advised I goto AT&T cause they can’t help me.  They, like me,  were absolutely baffled.   The one guy was a older gentlemen and he recited what I said really loud.  Started to draw other customers attention.

I then,  in a loud voice,  announced that the Verizon Employee advises that I go to AT&T due to their ignorant policies.  They are ready to give up a loyal customer who has never been late on paying their bill and is not asking for anything outside of my contract except keeping my phone number. They told me I have to go to AT&T to keep my phone number.

The manager came out and I was asked to leave.   The other 10 or so people I were talking to said they did not want to deal with a place that treated people like crap.

I called customer service as soon as I got home.  The lady was VERY nice and said she totally understood.  She put me on hold and tried to get a manager to make sense of …. something that made no sense.

The real fact is I LOVE Verizon Wireless service.  Mostly cause they are the only company that has ringback tones (lol, I know).

Anyway said while it does not make sense….  it is that way.  Again she was very nice.

She was SUPER nice.  But those jerks in the store….  I’m done with Verizon.  Unless I hear different in the next couple weeks I will port over to AT&T.  At least there I have had great in store customer service.


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New ASM downloadable content

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 06:00 AM PDT

Post image for New ASM downloadable content

My friends Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback are doing awesome on Amazon right now. And it has nothing to do with Kindle ebooks.  timthumb

Check out what they’ve figured out (no opt-in required).

If you remember they released a live training course on how to run a company on auto pilot with Amazon last spring.  I know over 100 people from my newsletter took part in the training and I have heard nothing but great things from them.

They are releasing some great insider content (for free) right now from the course and there is no opt in required to watch the video.

Check it out here.   Its great stuff! 


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