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Check Out John Chow’s Blogging Course - DailyBlogTips

Check Out John Chow’s Blogging Course - DailyBlogTips

Check Out John Chow’s Blogging Course

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 04:54 PM PST

If you are looking to get started with a blog, or if you have been blogging for a while but are not happy with the amount of traffic or money your site is generating, I recommend that you take a look at a course that my buddy John Chow just launched, called Blogging with John Chow (just to be upfront: I am not an affiliate, so I am not making any money whether you buy it or not).

As you probably know pretty much every week there’s a new Internet marketing or blogging course/ebook being launched. I rarely recommend any, though, cause I am never sure if the person behind it really knows what he’s talking about or not, and whether or not the numbers and figures being mentioned are real.

With John I don’t have this problem. He got started in the game many years ago (earlier than myself, in fact), and he’s one of the most experienced guys around when it comes to affiliate marketing and monetizing blogs.

Sure, he has a peculiar style (writing about cars and the places he goes to dinner, for instance), but his strategies work, cause he makes over $40,000 per month from alone.

John gave me access to the program a couple of days ago. It contains the 9 core modules below:

1. Blogging 101 (choosing what to write about and common mistakes)
2. Launching Your Blog (software, domains, etc)
3. Brand-o-nomics (habits of successful bloggers, social networking)
4. Content is King (content ideas, attracting comments, etc)
5. List building (how to build your email list, squeeze pages)
6. Monetizing 101 (advertising, ad networks, affiliate marketing)
7. Hunting Down Readers (how to grow your traffic and subscribers)
8. SEO (optimizing for google, linking strategies, etc)
9. Analytics (Google Analytics, social media monitoring, etc)

On top of that you’ll get access to a 30-day action plan that you can follow to get your blog up and running, four extra modules on automation and outsourcing, and a bonus video with a presentation where John talks about the behind the scenes of his blog (quite entertaining).

The cost of the program is $37, which I think is a fair price for the amount of content and information you’ll get. If you believe this might be the right course for you head to where you can get all the details and purchase it.

Wanna make money with your website?

Original Post: Check Out John Chow’s Blogging Course


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