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Start Your Blog, Optimize and Promote It - DailyBlogTips

Start Your Blog, Optimize and Promote It - DailyBlogTips

Start Your Blog, Optimize and Promote It

Posted: 27 Oct 2014 09:08 AM PDT

I always find interesting posts while browsing the web, and on this post I’ll share four quite useful pieces I found recently.

1. How to Start a Blog

If you are still planning your blog or website, this guide is for you. It goes into quite detail about the steps you need to take. For instance, they talk about choosing your topic, finding a domain name, getting web hosting and so on. Here’s a quotation:

Once you pick a topic and start to write posts, your job is not done. In order for your blog to be successful you need to have people reading your posts. You are going to need to spend some time becoming an authority and promoting your blog so that other people can find it.

You’ll want to begin building authority early on. Presenting yourself as an authority in your niche is essential to good SEO and traffic in general. When people consider you an authority, they’re more likely to keep coming back, to bookmark your site or subscribe to your RSS feed.

2. Off Page SEO Factors Infographic

SEO can be broken down into two main parts: on-page SEO and off-page SEO. On-page refers to the stuff you can and should do inside your website, and off-page is the opposite. If you are not familiar with these concepts and want to learn more about off-page SEO, this post and infographic will help you. Here’s a quotation:

In a nutshell, all of the above off page seo factors that I've mentioned in this infographic are the key factors from which search engine evaluate your data and rank your site in search engine. Probably, there are also some other factors that Google use to evaluate how worth yourcontent is. But, these are some major factors that come first in Google's eye.

3. Stat-Driven Tips on How to Pitch to Big-Name Publishers in Your Niche

Once your blog is up and running you will need to promote it, and getting other people in your niche to mention you is one of the best ways to do it. But how do you get them to actually link or mention you? This post will explain how, based on data and stats the author gathered.

What's the best way to pitch a content idea to the big players in your niche? What do today's top publishers look for in a contribution? Many of today's biggest influencers get hundreds of pitches every week. How do you stand out from the crowd?

It's a tough question to answer unless you're the one who's doing the sifting. So, the folks over at Fractl went straight to the horse's mouth to find out what separates the good enquiries from the bad. After surveying 500+ industry-leading publishers, writers and editors over the course of three months, they found several interesting trends. As you continue reading, you'll find out specific, stat-driven dos and don'ts to keep in mind during your next pitch.

4. Google Panda Recovery: A Simple Guide to Recovering from Panda Penalty

As you might know, Google updates its ranking algorithm almost daily. Once or twice a year it will run a major update that affects a huge number of queries, and when this happens some websites might have big fluctuations in traffic, especially if they get penalized. If this happened to you with the latest Panda update, this guide will help you recover from it. Here’s a quotation:

Google Panda update was first released in 2011, it was introduced to strike out all the low quality sites with poor content from the search results. There are many websites that have been demolished after the recent Google panda update 4.0. If you are one among them, this detailed guide is for you to recovering from Google panda penalty.

Before going into the details, first know which Google update affected your website traffic.

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