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The Art of Selling Info Products - DailyBlogTips

The Art of Selling Info Products - DailyBlogTips

The Art of Selling Info Products

Posted: 12 Mar 2013 03:11 PM PDT

Whether you like it or not, info products are a big part of the digital economy. Ebooks, courses, membership sites, you name it. Same for niches: weight loss, dating, making money, personal development, investing, so on and so forth.

Now if you are currently selling an info product or planning to do so, I recommend that you take a look at a post that went up on TechCrunch a couple of days ago, titled How To Make A Million Dollars With A Hot Dog Cart.

Written by James Altucher, one of my favorite authors, it starts with the story of a 17-year-old entrepreneur who apparently is killing it with his startup. That first part alone would make the post worth a read, but on the second part you’ll find a chat/interview with a guy that has sold millions of dollars with info products.

Here’s a quote from the article:

"What's the website?"

"Oh gosh, it was so long ago I can't remember. One sec." I heard Perry yelling in the background and someone yelled back at him.

" was one of the sites we set up," he said. "I wrote a 5,000-word sales letter and then I just bought the phrase on Google 'I want to start a hot dog cart,' and for every $200 I spent on Google I made $1000 so I kept doing it and upping the buy."

"That simple?"

"I'm a big believer in the Warren Buffett saying: 'Instead of climbing 30 foot walls I'd rather find 2 foot walls and step over them all day.' So that's what I did."

"Isn't a 5,000-word sales letter too long? Who on the Internet can read that?"

"The kind of person who will buy your product! I tested this all out. I videotaped a thousand people going through the website to see how they did it and I tested out different variations. You know how much my sales went down when I shortened the letter so you didn't have to scroll?"

"How much?"

"85%. It turns out the more time people spend reading your letter, the more psychologically invested they are in it, and then the more likely they are to buy. Here's another big secret: people read the letter from the bottom up."

Interesting huh? So make sure to check both the article and the website where he’s selling his product, as you can learn quite a bit by taking a look around as well.

Wanna make money with your website?

Original Post: The Art of Selling Info Products


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