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Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

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Amazon Selling Machine Just Went Live

Posted: 12 Mar 2013 09:55 AM PDT

Did I tell you I was going to have a VERY cool bonus for you with this product?

You have seen the video’s and now the shopping cart just opened.

Check this out as a amazing bonus: If you buy from my link I will send you a iPad mini if you are a customer in good standing after 30 days.

I FULL endorse this product. It has been a LONG time since I have put my name on the line with a product of this caliber. The guys behind it are amazing, their hands on approach with you will blow you away.

AND you can rest assured that if this product does not work for you for ANY reason you can get a full refund. You all know I don’t play around with that and if you have any issues I will personally guarantee it. So you know I have done my homework on this.

Click here to reserve your seat now

Here are more specifics about the offer:

1.  8-Week Web Class that starts on March 21st.

This 8-week, 8-module class will teach people everything from A-To-Z that they need to know to get setup and to build this business selling

real products on Amazon.

This will work for people in the USA or outside the USA.  And people can start very small without a huge investment in inventory to test

product ideas and then easily ramp up and SCALE to make things grow — that’s the beauty of leveraging Amazon’s infrastructure.

People DON’T need a Web site, merchant account, blog, a list, or anything else.  Everything to do with this business runs inside

Amazon’s site and infrastructure.  Amazon will send payment (electronically or via check) every 14 days.  This isn’t their affiliate program where it takes months to get paid.

No other online business model has the potential to generate $1,000+ PER DAY in sales within AS LITTLE AS 7 DAYS depending

on how long it takes to get a supplier to send product to Amazon’s fulfillment center.  The course can show them how to get a top ranking for a buying keyword on Amazon in as little as 7 days.

2.  Software Tool Suite

This is a suite of 7 software tools that help manage and scale this business.  These tools help get top rankings, help with the automation of communicating with buyers, track product listing rankings within Amazon so they can easily see their progress and monitor their improvements, and much more.

These are the SAME TOOLS Matt and Jason use everyday to grow and scale their own businesses.  They’ve invested over $175,000 developing these proprietary tools.  The tools are fully hosted on scalable servers.

Customers will get unlimited access to these tools for at least 2 years.  After that time there might be a small maintenance fee as there is some real cost to providing them; including live staff that help moderate the use of the tools.

3.  Lifetime Membership To Exclusive Community

Matt & Jason are building an awesome, private community for people building this fantastic business.  It will be a great place to network, share knowledge, and even find people to do deals with.  They are even doing something very unique by adding an element of “gamification” to the community where members will earn little ‘badges’ that will display with their profile based on their accomplishments – from locating a supplier to earning their first sale to even revenue accomplishments like joining the “$10K/month” revenue club up to the top award for anyone that ever breaks $250K/month in revenue.

No one has done anything like this in the IM market before. A real focus on helping people take action, get results, and have fun doing it.

Matt & Jason are going to foster and grow this wonderful community of people involved in selling real products on Amazon.  The membership to that community alone is worth 10X the price of the offer.

4.  3-Day Hands-On Workshop In Austin, TX in May 2013

This “Builder’s Kit” offer also includes a 3-Day live event in Austin that will take place in late May.

This will be a hands-on Workshop to help people further grow this business, hear from others doing it, and to

learn more about all the opportunities (including suppliers overseas), see live listing boosting tricks, and much more.

This will be a life-changing event for many people.

* Any customer that can’t attend in person will be able to watch a live streaming of the event AND receive recordings.

Limited Availability

Obviously this offer is very limited as Matt & Jason work very hands on with each student.  So make sure to grab your seat right now.

AND as my special bonus to my readers not only will I see you at the live event in Austin but I will also send you a iPad mini to your door step.  I will even cover shipping ;) .

Click here to reserve your seat.

Trying to increase your Google rank that is like no other?


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