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“The 3 Step Guide to Creating Pinterest-friendly Graphics for Your Blog” plus 1 more

“The 3 Step Guide to Creating Pinterest-friendly Graphics for Your Blog” plus 1 more

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The 3 Step Guide to Creating Pinterest-friendly Graphics for Your Blog

Posted: 18 Dec 2012 12:04 PM PST

It´s well established that Pinterest can be a strong driver of traffic. We´ve been having a lot of success at our Digital Photography School account and have seen other blogs, like Hair Romance, experiencing similar success.

In my experience, most bloggers focus on curating boards to build their expertise and drive traffic back to their blogs. They regularly include their blog posts among the images they pin. This is great for attracting new visitors.

There is, however, an easier way.

You can save time and test whether your content will be shared on Pinterest by creating specific graphics for your blog posts. This simple method allows you to know if your blog and images resonate with users.

The most basic form is a title and a graphic. In this post, I´ll walk you through my three-step process for creating images that are Pinterest-bait. Also, I´ll be doing a follow-up post highlighting bloggers using Pinterest successfully, so let me know if you have any suggestions for that in the comments.

Step 1. Choose the size of your graphic

Sizing is an important issue. You want the graphic to be clear when it’s viewed as a small image. Additionally, you want the graphic to match the design of your blog. From a visual perspective, I prefer it when the graphic is the same width as the blog post. A great example is the image at the end of this post on Expert Photography.

The best shape is either a square or tall image. Dan Zarella´s research shows that taller images get repinned more often. I agree with this, but mostly because you can fit more text in a longer graphic. The size of the graphic will depend on a lot of variables such as your blog design and how much attention you want to give to branding or calls to action.

I recommend that you look at relevant images and take note of the sizes that appeal to you. Visit the original blog posts and see whether the graphics fit with the theme. Here are some example images on the original blog posts:

Tip: List posts and series do really well on Pinterest.

Step 2. Choose the design elements and fonts

The best graphics are ones that have a similar template. I can look at pins from Elizabeth Halford and instantly know when one is from her blog.

You want this kind of recognition and consistency. It means that people are more likely to trust you and repin the image without reading the associated article.

I love it when the image matches contains similar elements from the blog design. Examples include:

  • colours
  • font
  • logo
  • background

The goal is for you, or a designer, to create a template that you can use for all of your graphics. You want to be able to make minor tweaks and get a new, pinnable image in just a couple of minutes.

Additionally, you need to consider the following:

  • Do you want to use photos in your pin? This often increases the likelihood of the image getting repinned.
  • Will you incude a call to action asking for people to repin the image? This will take up extra room and can clash with your branding.
  • How long are your post titles? Will you have to change them for the Pinterest graphic?

This is the hardest part of creating Pinterest-friendly graphics.

Step 3. Add images and title

This is the easiest step, and the one that you will be repeating every time you write a new blog post. You simply have to add the title and, if necessary, an additional image in Photoshop.

If all of this sounds too complex, I recommend reading How To Create Pinterest Friendly Images. It contains a simply tutorial to create basic images.

Extra ideas

Create graphics for your Resources page

A Resources page is an easy way for many bloggers to highlight their curation skills and potentially increase their affiliate income. You can attract new readers to this page by creating a graphic specifically targeted towards Pinterest browsers.

To really excel at this, the page needs to have a title that is more catchy than Recommended or Resources. Look at what Bree, from Blog Stylist, has done. She created a graphic for her page titled A-Z of blogging resources. This title is much more likely to be shared.

Posts that have numbers in them—especially list posts—do extremely well. However, that approach may not work if you are regularly updating you Resources page.

Add pinnable graphics to older posts

This is an idea that isn´t used by many bloggers. People will create graphics for their newer posts but will rarely revisit their archives. There is a lot of potential for Pinterest traffic here. Tutorials are extremely popular.

Check out this example from BlogcastFM. It´s really simple—just a couple of nice fonts over a photo. It takes a good eye to get the elements working together like this but it is something that anybody could achieve with a bit of practice.

Do you have any pillar content sitting in your achives? Revisit it and check to see if it has already been pinned. Also check to see if people have pinned similar articles from other blogs. This will let you know whether the topic will resonate with Pinterest users.

I´d focus on creating graphics for the posts that have the most demand. This will give users the tools they need to share the post, and image, further.

Use quotes

People love pinning motivational quotes and images. This is also one of the easiest ways to find material for graphics.

Go through your previous posts—especially the more popular, thought-provoking posts. Look for feedback on the sentences and phrases that people resonated with. Some people have even identified these and highlighted them so that people can tweet them easily.

Colin Wright, from Exile, has created a page featuring images of his most popular quotes. He added an extra income stream by making these images available on T-shirts.

Create infographics based on blog posts

An infographic is a graphic, eye-catching visual representation of information, data or knowledge. Consider investing in having an infographic designed to provide information useful to your core audience—it makes for a highly "repinnable" image.—Donna Moritz via Amy Porterfield

Occasionally, you will have a post that would be perfect for an infographic. This if often a list post. It can take a bit of work to create the infographic, and for many bloggers, it may be beyond their budget or technical expertise. It does, however, give the post a chance to go incredibly viral.

Check out the post that I referred to in that quote.  The 10 Commandments of Using Pinterest for Business went viral on many networks because it was a comprehensive, well-written post. It went absolutely crazy on Pinterest: it felt like that graphic was haunting me for weeks! That´s how powerful it can be.

Over to you

Are you thinking about using any of these techniques? Do you know of any bloggers who are doing this to builds their visibility on Pinterest? Let me know in the comments.

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger

The 3 Step Guide to Creating Pinterest-friendly Graphics for Your Blog

The Blogger’s Guide to Cutting Your Losses

Posted: 18 Dec 2012 06:08 AM PST

I don’t know whether it’s a coincidence, but as we near the end of the year, there seem to be a few bloggers talking about what you should do if a past passion no longer inspires you, or your next big idea’s already been done.

Making cuts

Image courtesy stock.xchng user mmagallan

Now is a good time to take stock—I know I’m not the only one who has a look back over the year in December, and makes new plans in January. So I thought it might be valuable to talk today about cutting your losses.

What are losses?

You might be tempted to think of losses in terms of passion (things you no longer have an interest in) or lost opportunities (ideas you want to pursue but can’t, because of other commitments).

But there are other losses. One is dollars. If you’ve monetized your blog, and you are making money from blogging, you might find it difficult to work out the monetary value of lost opportunities, or money you’ve left on the table through poor execution or planning.

The other big consideration is lost opportunities around and beyond your blog. These can play into the question of income—perhaps a project you’re busy working on caused you to forfeit another opportunity that could have stepped up your income this year.

The question we, as bloggers, need to ask ourselves is whether that other thing we were working on is worth that lost opportunity. Are the gains we’re making with that other project worth it?

If not, it might be time to consider cutting your losses.

What should we cut?

Only you will know the parts of your life as blogger that feel like chores, that are overwhelming, or that don’t seem to add to your life no matter what you try.

Importantly, as Yaro’s story points out, sometimes cutting your losses has to be done in advance. You have a great idea, but then you find out the competition is really very tough, or someone’s already done what you’d planned to. That may mean that developing the idea isn’t worth the effort.

But only you can tell if that’s true.

I tend to cut the things that don’t give me energy to keep doing what I’m doing. I always have a lot on the go, so that makes it pretty easy to tell what’s gaining momentum, and what’s not. It’s easy to look at reader stats, or income statements, or even just how I feel about tackling a project, and know if I think it’s worth doing.

But sometimes, ideas that have been very popular can actually be difficult to convert into money-makers. For a pro blogger who’s relying on income to keep a roof over her or his head, those ideas can be the hardest—and the most necessary—to let go of.

If you’ve given everything you have to making a project a success, yet you just can’t make that traffic convert, you might need to think of cutting that project from your schedule and focusing on the areas of your work that are helping to support you.

Is now the time?

It seems obvious that once you’ve worked out that you need to cut a project, you should just do it. But I don’t know that this is always the right approach.

Think about selling a house. You might decide you’d like to move somewhere else, but you might also know that houses in your area sell better in Spring. So perhaps you decide to wait until then before you list and sell your home.

The same goes for blogging. I was in touch with a blogger recently who’s decided to sell a blog, so he’s spending three months building it up to be the strongest he can make it, to maximize his sale price.

So the on-the-spot cut isn’t always the best idea.

That said, there are times when it will be. If it’s an ongoing project (rather than a bright idea you wanted to pursue), it’s important to work out an exit strategy for that project. Simply dropping it might not be the answer.

Abandoning projects you’ve been working on means writing off the time you’ve put into them. By carefully reviewing what you’ve developed, you might be able to find ways to reuse some of that work in a way that gives you the greatest possible benefit.

That might mean backing up a cool WordPress theme you had specially developed before you take a blog offline, or asking contacts you’ve met through an ultimately unproductive project to help you with something else you’re working on.

Whatever you do, try not to just cut something and run. The best endings are the ones where we learn and gain from our experiences.

Looking back over the year, have you got losses you need to cut from your blogging work? I’d love to hear what you’ve been thinking in the comments.

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger

The Blogger’s Guide to Cutting Your Losses

How To Emotionally Connect With Your Readers - DailyBlogTips

How To Emotionally Connect With Your Readers - DailyBlogTips

How To Emotionally Connect With Your Readers

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 02:56 PM PST

One of the things I'm most passionate about is creating truly great writing, and with every blog post I write, I dream of changing the world.

Most people think that involves writing great content, giving value to readers, and making your posts useful… but that's only part of the equation.

Thing I've found in writing for a long time, and observing the kind of content that goes viral, and that makes people take notice, is that it's more than just writing content or giving value; it's an art form that involves storytelling, having a sense of vision, and captivating people's imaginations.

Your goal as a blogger is to turn it from a piece of informative content, into a work of art that captivates your readers, and will have your readers wanting to share your content with others; good blogging is about creating a TOTAL EXPERIENCE.

In this post I want to take unique spin on blog posts, and give you some simple tips that will give you a new and powerful way to supercharge anything you write, and really leave a lasting and profound impact on your readers.

Blogging Is About Building Relationships

When you're blogging your goal isn't just to focus on writing great content, although that is extremely important, but to also humanize your communication as much possible to build trust, loyalty, and a following who genuinely wants to share your vision, passions, and your dreams.

People aren't just looking for content; they're looking for relationships… especially in today's day and age where so much of the content we see feels so impersonal.

Everything in our lives is about relationships, so wouldn't it make sense to apply emotions and relationship building techniques to your writing?

As humans, we look for purpose, meaning, and motives behind things; we want to know the backstory, and we, as humans, crave that feeling of connecting with another human being who has similar interests to ours.

Humans want to laugh, cry, create memories, and creates experiences we'll remember for the rest of our lives.

We learn, grow, and feel connected to the bigger picture by sharing our experiences with others, and learning from others.

When we feel really connected with someone, there's something that goes much deeper than just reading a piece of content, to feeling that intimate, emotional, deep sense of connection with another person.

Inspire Others With Your Vision

Whether it's Disney, Edison, Jobs, Ford, or whoever, we always admire people with vision, passion, and the want to see the stories of people who follow their dreams.

For example, when Steve Jobs launched the Macintosh in 1984, he didn't just talk about the features, or the product; he got people talking about it by talking about how it was going to change the way we lived our lives forever, how it would revolutionize education, and how it would make computers accessible to everyone on the planet.

A powerful vision not only has the power of getting people's attention, but it also gets your readers to trust you, because they know you're really passionate about what you do, and you're not just doing things for promotional purposes or money.

His team would work for more hours, less money, and under a very demanding boss, all because they believed what they were doing with their time, energy, and brains, was something memorable that had meaning, and that was going to change the world; something they could do with their lives to make a difference.

I say that to emphasize how powerful vision and purpose are.

When writing posts, don't just share what you're doing; share the meaning and purpose behind why you're doing it; share with others what you stand for, and what you believe in.

If you look at sports, you can see every team has a purpose and vision (and dream of winning their championship), and all the fans rally around this vision because they want to share in this story of overcoming the odds, the story of getting to the goal, and the vision of being the best.

People didn't follow the dream of landing on the moon in the 60s because it was logical, or because there was a practical purpose to it; people followed this dream because it brought us together as a group, and allowed us to feel the fulfillment of a goal that expressed who we are, made our lives meaningful, and showed us what we could accomplish as humans.

People want to be inspired with a dream and a vision they can get behind; something that supports you, supports their beliefs, and is something they can represent, believe in, and bond with others over in search of a common goal.

Share Your Story

The internet Is a crowded and noisy place today, and standing out can be hard, so you need to make sure you make an impact, leave an impression, and make a meaningful connection with people, or you're going to be quickly forgotten.

If you really want to stand out, you want to make sure you do things to connect with your readers, get them passionate, and involved in what you're doing, and the way to do that is to communicate your story behind your purpose.

For thousands of years humans have connected through stories; they're used in our books, music, and television to keep our attention for hours on end, they're what inspire us and motivate us, and they're what connect us together.

You want to give people something to share in with you; whether it's an email, a blog post, or any other interaction with your readers, give them something to tell others, and remember that how your readers feel about you and the connection they share with you, is just as important, if not more important, than your content alone.

It's what's going to set you apart from everyone else in your niche, and create loyal lifetime followers and readers, as well as build your blog and encourage others to share your message (and your vision) with the world, and leave a big impact that really touches lives.

Chris Nosal is a blogger who writes and coaches at Apple Marketing Secrets. Visit his blog to get more free advice and to download his free eBook.

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Original Post: How To Emotionally Connect With Your Readers