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Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Link to ShoeMoney Internet Marketing Blog

Want to be a ShoeMoney Author/Contributor?

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 08:12 AM PST

When I first started in 2003 I was a complete newbie. I was documenting items as I was doing them. Everything from my first business as doing eBay Arbitrage… then talking about my fun ringtone site and then one day when I got a call from Google about AdSense and I placed the code and made some good coin.

Then I shared how I optimized that… learned how to sell direct advertising, products, made money from subscriptions, and donations.

That lead into the affiliate game. I shared everything I learned as I was learning it. Naturally progressed. I shared items like how I tested 10k on every major ppc engine learning all the differences. Shared a day by day experience in doing that.

Then I built my first service I shared my blueprint on what I was doing marketing it. As you may or may not know that company in 4 months grew to 20k+ active publishers doing millions of month in revenue. And I sold it almost 4 months to the day I sold it. Again I continued to share all of this as it was going on.

I continued to share items as I learned them.

Then I started the ShoeMoney System (now free) … My own product. Again sharing everything I was learning. The product has grossed close to 5 million dollars to date.

But as you see here there is somewhat of a pyramid of people that can benefit from these experiences.

  • I was able to help a lot of people when I was just getting started.
  • Then I was able to help people who had their own websites.
  • Then I was able to help people who were making money make more from other revenue sources.
  • Then I was able to help people make their own service.
  • Then people who wanted to make their own product.

As you see like even though the blog continues to grow in traffic and authority in the industry the people that get benefit has lowered in my opinion.

So I am seeking authors who are doing real things and are open to sharing real results. Benefits to you would be you get exposure for your website and/or product you are talking about. Plus a bi-line on posts you write. In addition to all that it will also get your name out there as someone you should listen to.

But with that said this is not a solicitation for people who just want to shill their products. I am looking for people with real experience who are going to share real value.

I am not sure in this day in age people are willing to do so but if you are contact and we will see whatcha got ;) .

This does not by any means mean that I will no longer be writing.  So don’t worry ;)

Looking for an SEO service that won’t get you banned?

What you need to succeed in just about any business…

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 07:52 AM PST

Post image for What you need to succeed in just about any business…

Customers…. it’s what we all seek when first starting a new business. Getting them however is a lot harder than we expected. This is because people are SMART. They can spot those that are reputable from those who are not without much effort.

Those who start their business from day one knowing this will prosper, those who don’t will fail. It’s as SIMPLE AS THAT. This means smoke and mirrors and other trickery won’t work over the long haul. You have to run your business the RIGHT WAY to make long-term profits.

This fact is a tough sell to many newcomers. They just want to cut to the chase and get their fair share, and they want it as fast as possible. I should know, as I was one of them way back when. Luckily for me I caught on and started treating the customer with respect.

When I did, I started getting sales. Not just a few, but a lot as my monthly revenue went from several hundred per month to well north of thirty thousand per month. The business I speak of was the cleaning business. It was my “first” business, and one I still own to this day.

I know… your thinking what does a “cleaning” business have to do with an “internet” business? The answer is… EVERYTHING! This is because PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE. It doesn’t matter if they are buying cleaning services, widgets, software or anything else you can think of.

To take it a step further it doesn’t matter if they live in the northern hemisphere or the southern hemisphere. What language they speak doesn’t change a thing either. When it comes to making a purchase it all boils down to TRUST. Does the potential customer trust you?

That is the million dollar question you need to ask yourself if you are having a problem getting sales. If you don’t know whether or not they trust you, just look at your bank statement. That will give you the answer real quick.

Gaining trust isn’t really all that hard, but in order to get it you have to pay attention to “details”.  This is because TRUST ISN’T ANY ONE THING, it’s a collection of many smaller items that collectively add up in the potential customers head.

Think of it as a scorecard. The higher you score on it, the more likely the customer will choose you and your company. This means EVERYTHING that the customer comes in contact with concerning you, your products and your company must “look the part”.

This means your website, your content, the product descriptions, your logo, the layout, your guarantee, your testimonials and every other detail the customer has the ability to view needs to be in sync. They have to come across as POLISHED in every way. Remember the customer is KEEPING SCORE. If the customer can see something, then they can JUDGE IT.

If it’s not up to par they will spend their money elsewhere. Case closed. So look at your company AS IF YOU ARE THE CUSTOMER. Would you do business with yourself? If the answer is NO then determine why not then get to fixing the issue that is holding you back. Your success depends on it.

Trying to increase your Google rank that is like no other?

Check Out John Chow’s Blogging Course - DailyBlogTips

Check Out John Chow’s Blogging Course - DailyBlogTips

Check Out John Chow’s Blogging Course

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 04:54 PM PST

If you are looking to get started with a blog, or if you have been blogging for a while but are not happy with the amount of traffic or money your site is generating, I recommend that you take a look at a course that my buddy John Chow just launched, called Blogging with John Chow (just to be upfront: I am not an affiliate, so I am not making any money whether you buy it or not).

As you probably know pretty much every week there’s a new Internet marketing or blogging course/ebook being launched. I rarely recommend any, though, cause I am never sure if the person behind it really knows what he’s talking about or not, and whether or not the numbers and figures being mentioned are real.

With John I don’t have this problem. He got started in the game many years ago (earlier than myself, in fact), and he’s one of the most experienced guys around when it comes to affiliate marketing and monetizing blogs.

Sure, he has a peculiar style (writing about cars and the places he goes to dinner, for instance), but his strategies work, cause he makes over $40,000 per month from alone.

John gave me access to the program a couple of days ago. It contains the 9 core modules below:

1. Blogging 101 (choosing what to write about and common mistakes)
2. Launching Your Blog (software, domains, etc)
3. Brand-o-nomics (habits of successful bloggers, social networking)
4. Content is King (content ideas, attracting comments, etc)
5. List building (how to build your email list, squeeze pages)
6. Monetizing 101 (advertising, ad networks, affiliate marketing)
7. Hunting Down Readers (how to grow your traffic and subscribers)
8. SEO (optimizing for google, linking strategies, etc)
9. Analytics (Google Analytics, social media monitoring, etc)

On top of that you’ll get access to a 30-day action plan that you can follow to get your blog up and running, four extra modules on automation and outsourcing, and a bonus video with a presentation where John talks about the behind the scenes of his blog (quite entertaining).

The cost of the program is $37, which I think is a fair price for the amount of content and information you’ll get. If you believe this might be the right course for you head to where you can get all the details and purchase it.

Wanna make money with your website?

Original Post: Check Out John Chow’s Blogging Course