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ProBlogger: Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?

ProBlogger: Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?

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Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?

Posted: 22 Jul 2016 07:00 AM PDT

Reading Roundup: What's new in blogging this week /

Still shaking my head over that WordPress tip I HAD NO IDEA EXISTED. This changes everything – and means my workload is lighter. AWESOME.

Have a great week!

How to Discover Your Customer’s Favourite Social Media Platforms | Copyblogger

We say be where your audience is, and these are some great tips to help you figure it out – even for bloggers who don’t have “customers”, necessarily.

Managing the Tensions and Tradeoffs Between UX & SEO | Moz

I’ve seen so much debate over the years on how to fully SEO your site without sounding like you wrote your blog for a keyword-hungry computer. We all want amazing SEO and the best user experience, readability, and general human flow. Google has made it easier over the years and it doesn’t always have to be one or the other.

How 3 Publishers Plan to Use Snapchat Memories to Improve the Quality and Shelf Life of Their Output | NiemanLab

If you’re still confused about how Snapchat can be useful to you, check out how the pros are using it – especially the new “memories” feature.

5 Startups that are Killing it on Social Media | Entrepreneur

If you need a little inspiration in the social media department (who doesn’t – I feel like I’ve seen/tried/done it all, what’s new?!). Get a peek at what these brand new business are doing.

How to Discover Whether Your Audience is Bored with Your Content | Quicksprout

Unless you’re lucky enough to have someone unsubscribe with the comment “this blog is just so BORING” like I did, you may never actually know you’ve sailed past the point of interest for your readers! Have a quick glance through – do any of these apply?

95 Awesome Social Media Facts You Should Not Ignore | Jeff Bullas

This is huge – take a drink and a notepad!

How I got 20K Views in my Second Month of Blogging | Simply Every

The stuff of dreams for newbie bloggers! Love the visual breakdown here.

10 Awesome WordPress Features You Probably Didn’t Know Existed | wpbeginner

NUMBER THREE!!! I just did it and it felt so good. Gamechanger!!

Find Your Voice, Your Words, Your Story! | Christian J. Farber

Sometimes we just need to be told again, that we can do anything. Anyone can.

How to Repurpose Your Blog Content [infographic] | Smart Passive Income

For the visual learners! Pat also has a longer, more in-depth blog post on the topic if you need extra help.

23 Ways to Create Consistent Content Among 101 Other Priorities | Blogger Sidekick

None of us blog in a vacuum – we’ve all got other lives to lead and things to do. These tips are super helpful.

The post Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately? appeared first on ProBlogger.


How to address the churning factors with better UX? - DailyBlogTips

How to address the churning factors with better UX? - DailyBlogTips

How to address the churning factors with better UX?

Posted: 21 Jul 2016 04:21 AM PDT

Irrespective of the industry you represent, users buy or pay for your app just because they feel it can offer solutions to their problems. If any of your users canceled the app subscription it is because some aspects of your product could not deliver the value that customer purchased it for. It results in churn and going for another software app.

Churn is one of the most responsible factors in harming the growth of a business. Having a deeper understanding of the churn rate will help to identify crucial aspects playing a key role in optimizing user experience. Better the user experience you can ensure, lower the churn rate your software will have. Let us now see how by enhancing the UX you can address the churn factors.

What is churning and churn rate?

Way before you can start finding ways to prevent churn, it is more important to have a grasp of what churn means for a business. As per the basic definition, churn rate refers to the number of users or customers having stopped using the product offered by you. This number, when considered in a given time frame, refers to the churn rate of that time.

Addressing churn by perfecting the basics of UX

When you know how to calculate and determine churn it is time to seek ways to address it. The churn rate of a business can tell how many of the existing customers prefer the product offered by the company. Whether the company should give more focus on existing customers or should focus solely on getting new customers, this is determined by the churn rate. Often perfecting the product with the basic UX design principles, results in great result in addressing churn rate.

Why are UX basics so important? Well, to get a positive reply to this question mobile app developers have to focus on a series of questions concerning user interaction and their motivation. First of all, why the customers who have been churned just stopped using your product? Is your customer support not satisfactory? Or, is there a better competitive option making a better proposition to your customers? Or, do the typical customer needs for a lot of people changed all of a sudden and consequently your product suddenly seems to lack value?
Well, all the above-mentioned questions need to be addressed to make your product valuable and viable for your customers.

Finding ways to create more value

The surest way to reduce churn is by delivering more value for your customer. There are certain moments experienced by your customers that come with a delightful 'Wow' response. Creating such moments more and more, you can become irreplaceable for them. How to know about such moments that your users cherished most? User testing and user interviews allow you to identify the most appreciated product features. Secondly, you can always try to reduce the steps involved in signup to enhance ease of use. Moreover, you can help boosting the value by offering most noteworthy features.

Boost performance and efficiency

By allowing smooth, fast paced and glitch free user experience of your app you can encourage users to stick to your product. For this, it is important to evaluate the pulling factors. For this, try to focus on qualitative and quantitative user data comprising user task flows, the triggers, and challenges. Often user interviews will provide you credible insights on how they prefer completing tasks and what they are actually getting. By addressing the difficulties involved and performance issues you can add value to their experience.

Let them remain hooked

A habit of using a product regularly make customer build a bond with it. So, forming habit for regular use is important to reduce churn rate. Hook Model is seen as effective as it involves maneuvers to evoke highly positive emotional outcome from the user. Such responses create deeper resonance and actually persuade users to make frequent use of the software. A Hook Model typically involves four different elements introduced below.

Trigger: Trigger is nothing but the external stimulus arousing the internal need of a user.

Action: An action causes motivation for another action with the anticipation of a reward.

Variable Reward: When the reward remains uncertain and variable, the user cannot figure out what he can get.

Investment: Investment refers to the repeat of triggering action so that the user get the opportunity of receiving more benefits or rewards.
Fixing poor customer service

Customers constantly need to be supported just to have enough motivation for continuing with a product. According to the report by U.S. Small Business Administration and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the biggest reason why businesses lose customers is the poor customer service. A whopping "68% customers stop using a product just because of the way they are treated.

How can you fix it? First of all, through analytics you need to detect the specific problems with the customer service your business has. Net Promoter Score (NPS) which is nothing but the ranking of your customer service on a 0-10 scale is a great way to know where your customer service stands. An NPS score 9-10 clearly tells that the customer is a loyal enthusiast and you have almost no issue in customer experience. An NPS rate of 7-8 means though the customers are satisfied but not enough loyal to the product. Lastly, NPS score 0-6 always tells about utter unhappiness about your product. This group of customers is most susceptible to churn.

Boosting customer engagement

Only when you look at customer engagement you can know whether the UX lacks any real value or the users should be informed better about the app effectiveness? Does your customer look for certain features but not being able to find? Or, do you offer features that are actually pointless to your customers?

Offering a tutorial or easy guideline is a nice way to keep them well informed and make them capable of the software use. Secondly, following best practices principle in the product design is a great way to ensure engagement. Then, your product should use the language understood by your customers. Most importantly, it is important to follow the established naming convention as to prevent distraction.

About Author: Juned Ghanchi is the co-founder and Marketing director of IndianAppDevelopers, a mobile application development company that specializes in IOS and Android based world-class game and enterprise mobile app development. He creates strategies closely with marketing team and executes it to produce leads and community engagement.

Original post: How to address the churning factors with better UX?