I often get asked what podcasts/websites I read.
Well I don’t read websites on a regular basis. I used to back in the day but for the most part unless someone shares an article on Facebook I don’t. Facebook has basically replaced an RSS reader for me (does anyone use an RSS reader anymore?).
So here are the podcasts that I listen to. There is only a couple business wise cause they are not updated daily.
Click on them to be taken to the iTunes subscription page.
Business related:
Problogger – Just great tips about blogging and monetizing your blog.
Digital Marketer Facebook Specific Marketing – Keith Krance is the go to guy for Facebook marketing for many big brands and internet marketers (Frank Kern, Ryan Diess, etc etc). Great Content.
Personal Interests:
Joe Rogan – He does a LOT of podcasts and has a lot of interesting guests. I just choose which ones to listen to based on the guest a lot but I have come to learn most of them are pretty good. He focuses a lot on his career as a comedian and brings on a lot of verteran comics and some really famous ones as well as UFC fighters. He is really all over the board.
I also listen to various podcasts when they are in season. Big Brother, Game Of Thrones, Walking Dead, etc etc.
Also just a tip – If you don’t have a huge hard drive and want to archive them all then you can change settings to just keep the latest number on your drive.