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ProBlogger: How To Advertise Your New Business In Blog Posts Without Looking Too Promotional

ProBlogger: How To Advertise Your New Business In Blog Posts Without Looking Too Promotional

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How To Advertise Your New Business In Blog Posts Without Looking Too Promotional

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 06:48 AM PST

Image via Flickr user twicepix.

Image via Flickr user twicepix.

This is a guest contribution from freelance writer Victor Ijidola.

Sometimes we just want to advertise our new businesses in blog posts so people can quickly know the new product or service we're selling.

But then, we don't want our readers to see us as being too promotional. So often we say little or nothing about our product, thereby making a lot of them read, get value, and leave. without ever having a glimpse of what we sell.

Honestly, that doesn't sound good for business.

So how do you solve this puzzle?

Here's the truth: Millions of people visit various blogs every day to get tips that would help solve specific problems for them. If they begin to read your posts and notice that you're all about how to get their hard-earned cash, they mostly won't have a reason to give you their attention.

And when when they don’t give you their attention, they're not in the right frame of mind to buy whatever you've got to sell.

So you really don't want to look too promotional in your blog posts.

In this post, I'll be sharing two basic strategies by which you can effectively advertise your new business in blog posts without turning people off.

Strategy #1: The challenge approach

Okay, this approach will stress you. However, you will discover that it's worth the effort in the end.

Basically, here's how it works:

  • Come up with a problem
  • Solve the problem with your product/service
  • Get results
  • Share your results in blog posts

The following posts will give you a clearer picture of the challenge approach:

  1. Neil Patel's How I Grew Techcrunch's Traffic By 30% In 60 Days

So what's the problem in this case? Traffic.

It's something anyone who makes blogging a part of his marketing strategy would crave for. But if you’re running a blog, you'd know how challenging it can be.

Neil solved this problem by using his digital marketing service to grow TechCrunch's traffic by 30%, and then shared his result in a blog post.

See how it works?

This way, he's not only sharing some great tips with his readers, he's also advertising his craft.

  1. Zac Johnson's How I Made $860,538.38 PROFIT in 4 Months!

Six figures in four months?!

Seriously, that's a big problem for a heap of us bloggers.

Zac got it solved and made a blog post out of it — telling the whole world that he really is a genius in making money online.

How does this apply to his products and services?

Well, there are a lot of bloggers out there who would do anything possible to make as much as six figures in a year, let alone in just four months.

Hence, if Zac is offering any make-money-online coaching service, trust me, people would sign up from all over the world.

But how do you get these kind of challenges and results to share as blog posts while you're just starting out your business?

After all, these guys have being in their respective niches for years. Of course, they would have even more to share form their experiences.

Well, it's the same approach:

  • Challenge yourself with a problem – particularly one that your peers find challenging.
  • Use your product/service to solve it
  • Then share your results in blog posts

It doesn't have to be multiple challenges at once.

Just pick one. After all, we all face challenges at one point or the other in our lives, and we discover that one problem is better tackled than two or more.

Here's an example of a post by a blogger who challenged himself to write 270 guest posts around the year he started out blogging.

Bamidele Onibalusi's How I Wrote 270 Guest Posts In 8 Months.

Bamidele started blogging in 2010 and challenged himself to write more guest posts that every other blogger in that same year.

Long story short, he was able to write 270 guest posts in 2010.

The problem here is this: getting 40 guest posts published in eight months is a huge problem for a lot of us bloggers.

Bamidele wrote 270! Seriously, that's huge.

So what results did he get? He puts it this way

"…I got no true results until I told people what I'm capable of. It all started when I wrote a post on my blog telling people how I wrote 270 guest posts in 8 months, this boosted my credibility, made people to start respecting me, brought a lot of interview offers and eventually landed me a big client…"

See how it works?

If you're freelance writer, for instance, you come up with a challenge like: "getting a good number of social shares on a particular article"or "getting published on a big blog".

When you're done with the challenge (if you succeed, of course), you can then come up with a post like: How I Got [xxx] Number of Shares on a Single Guest Post.

This would tell your prospects that, as a freelance writer, you can write articles that will get their prospects engaged and in turn, expose their brand to more customers.

See how it works? When you solve a common problem, you become recognized.

Strategy #2: The business blogging approach

If you run a regular blog, don't worry, it won't hurt to do some business blogging once in a while.

After all, you want to advertise your product/service blog posts without looking to promotional, right?

By the way, what exactly is business blogging?

As Corey Eridon of HubSpot puts it "Business blogging is a marketing tactic that uses blogging to get your business more online visibility.

It's simply the art of running a blog that talks about how your product or service can solve specific problems for people.

For example, HubSpot is an inbound marketing company, hence, you'll usually find topics related to inbound marketing on their blog. That's business blogging.

Okay you get the drift.

So if you're an internet marketer, for instance, you can simply write posts like:

  • 7 Incredible Reasons Why Internet Marketing Is A Must For Every Business
  • How Internet Marketing Can Get You Longtime Customers, etc.

Here are few tips you need to make this approach effective:

  • Content is king – you've heard that a million times. So genuinely write great contents. We know it's really not about word counts, but take your time to dive into every corner of each topic. This way, you would get your prospects' attention.

"I've just developed a handful of simple habits that have bumped my pay rate much higher than the pay rate of the average freelance writer" 

See how she dropped the hint that she's a freelance writer?

  • Lastly, craft a compelling author bio.

Bonus tip: You can use this approach on your guest posts on bigger blogs. This way, you'll be reaching a wider audience, telling them how much you know your stuff.

I used this approach with my guest post on Blogging Tips.

The result? I got a client.

Here’s the harsh truth 

If I’m going to be honest with you, I’ll let you know that the strategies above don’t always bring an overnight success.

However, it does bring success.

But you've got to use them to write a heap of great posts, on your blog and on other blogs.

Danny Iny of Firepole Marketing puts it this way, “You understand that if you want blogging to part of your marketing strategy, then you’re going to have to write great posts, and lots of them on your blog, and on bigger blogs, too” .

What are your thoughts?

Victor Ijidola is professional freelance writer and copywriter. You can learn more about his freelance writing services or more get sales and marketing tips for your new business on his website. Some of his works have also been published on Forbes and Blogging Tips. Connect with on Twitter @veeblogs

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger
Build a Better Blog in 31 Days

How To Advertise Your New Business In Blog Posts Without Looking Too Promotional

Are You Optimizing Your Conversion Rate? - DailyBlogTips

Are You Optimizing Your Conversion Rate? - DailyBlogTips

Are You Optimizing Your Conversion Rate?

Posted: 22 Jan 2015 05:06 AM PST

While increasing your traffic is a guaranteed way to boost your sales and earnings, it’s not the only way to do it, and frequently it’s not the easiest way either. In fact if you keep your traffic constant but increase the conversion rate of that traffic, your overall sales and earnings will increase.

For instance, suppose you are currently getting 1000 people to visit your sales page every month, and your conversion rate is 1%. This means that out of those 1000 visitors 10 end up buying your product. Now here is why I say that working on the conversion rate might be easier and faster. In order to double your sales acting on traffic alone you would need to double your traffic from 1000 to 2000 monthly visitors to the sales page. Quite a challenge. If you work on the conversion rate, on the other hand, you would need to bump it from 1% to 2%, which is something quite doable in a short period of time if you know what you should tweak around.

Now if you would like to have some help with your conversion rate optimization I suggest you take a look at a tool called TrenDemon. They offer a service that will automatically identify the content on your site that is most promising to drive sales or any other goal you might have, and it will create custom calls to action to your visitors, increasing the engagement and conversion.

Here’s how it works:

1. Once you sign up you’ll need to add a couple lines of code to your site. The software will then start analyzing your content to identify the traffic sources and pages that are most effective.

2. The tool will then create real-time calls to action to further engage your users. One example of these calls to action could be a panel which rises from the bottom of your site once the user scrolls all the way down. They also have calls to action specific to mobile users.

3. With those custom made calls to action your users will consume more of your content and will also convert more into clients, if your goal is to increase sales.

The technology is pretty sleek, and they are gathering some high profile customers, including Microsoft, Nike and Nestle. If you are a WordPress user you will be able to download a plugin that directly integrates with your content.

Once you have it up and running you will be able monitor how your conversion rate will change over time. On top of having the tool create automated calls to action, you can also tweak aspects of your sales page to see if you can bump the conversion rate further.

TrenDemon offers a 30-day free trial, so you can test the service to see whether or not it will fit your needs. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

Wanna learn how to make more money with your website? Check the Online Profits training program!