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ProBlogger: 7 Ways for Bloggers to Be More Productive

ProBlogger: 7 Ways for Bloggers to Be More Productive

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7 Ways for Bloggers to Be More Productive

Posted: 24 Sep 2014 06:18 PM PDT

This is a guest contribution from Charles Crawford.

If your business is blogging, productivity is essential. The only way for you to get the results you want is to put out consistent high quality content. While this is often easy in the beginning when the blog is new and exciting, as time goes on this can become more difficult. There are some ways that you can improve your productivity to keep your blog current.

1. Work at the Right Times

A common misconception is that people work better first thing in the morning. The problem with this is people are all different. You may not be a morning person at all.  This is why you need to find the time of day that you are most productive and work then, even if it is 3 AM.

2. Use Technology to Your Advantage

If you are like many writers, then inspiration will come at the most unexpected times. You may be sitting at a red light or even in the doctor’s office when a great idea for a blog will come to you. Rather than trying to remember it, which often is unsuccessful, use your smartphone to your advantage. Apps such as Evernote syncs with your computer and other devices. It will allow you to type note, snap pictures for inspiration or even record audio notes. This is a great way to organize yourself and ensure you never forget an idea again.

3. Create a Schedule

A common mistake many bloggers who work from home is not creating a schedule for themselves. When you know what you plan to work on within a time frame, you are more likely to get this done. Otherwise you may find yourself wanting to scroll through your social media feeds or even doing household tasks. Make sure you schedule everything you need to get done for the day, both for work and personal tasks to ensure you get everything done.

4. Change Things Up

For those who are not productive because they feel like the blog has gotten stale, find a way to change things up. Write a new style of blog. For instance if you have been reviewing products every week, try making a list style blog with great images that matches the theme of the site. Don’t be afraid to try something new as this is a great way to grow your writing skills and have more fun.

5. Have Fun

If you aren’t having fun with the blog, then it simply won’t work. Find ways to make the blog fun. This can be with giveaways, Q and A sessions or many other activities. Make a list of different things you would like to do with the blog and if you can’t think of any new ideas, visit other blogs to get inspiration and ideas.

6. Work on it Every Day

Even if you just spend five minutes writing or tweaking, you will find that this will make you more productive. In fact, you may also find that the five minutes turns into half an hour and you have the first draft of your next blog done or have taken care of the back end SEO work you have been putting off since you created the site.

7. Utilize Social Media

Social media is a great way to connect with your audience and find out what they are looking for. You will also find this helpful in keeping you motivated to put out the next blog, as you know there are people waiting. Your fans can be a great source of support and help when you are not feeling productive.

Charles Crawford is the co-founder of Crawford and O'Brien. Aside from doing dental SEO and helping dentists get new patients, Charles plays jazz piano in restaurants in Scottsdale, AZ on weekends.


Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger
Build a Better Blog in 31 Days

7 Ways for Bloggers to Be More Productive

Building a .com or .net Brand - DailyBlogTips

Building a .com or .net Brand - DailyBlogTips

Building a .com or .net Brand

Posted: 24 Sep 2014 03:40 AM PDT

This post is sponsored by Verisign.

Every business has income and expenses, marketing, sales and customer service. Whether you "are" your own business or you are starting a new business idea, there are things that I have learned to become sacred in being successful.

Here are five things that I have learned that have helped me build my brand:

1. Get a website! With a .com or .net domain name, you become "Internet Official" and you, your brand and your business become available 24/7 to the public! Even if you're just thinking about starting a business, a website is a very important first step. Check out to search for a domain name.

2. Perception is reality. How people perceive your business is important for the success of it. You can't play in the big leagues if you don't appear to have a big team. Everything that you wish to be has to be leaning in that direction. If you want to be the top expert in a field, then you have to start referring to yourself as one of the top experts! But keep in mind, everyone can spot a fake – so walk the walk and know your stuff.

3. Excellence is the standard. You must strive for excellence with every thing you do. Being an expert requires dedication to your field and not everything that you do will be a paid interaction. But no matter if you're being paid or pro bono, always strive for excellence.

4. Leave an impression. They say people will not remember what you give them but they will remember how you made them feel. The best part of business and building a brand is being and giving your best in every customer interaction. Although, on stressful days, this can be difficult, remember the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

5. Make yourself happy. If you're working for the paycheck and not for the passion of how it makes you feel, you will have a hard time building a successful business or brand. People see through this and eventually will find someone who cares instead. Make sure you love what you do!

Learn more about becoming Internet Official here:!

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