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Battle of the Minds with Neil Patel on the ShoeMoney Show @neilpatel

Posted: 22 Sep 2014 08:24 AM PDT

Guess who's coming to The ShoeMoney Show (the live-broadcast audio show between myself, Jeremy Schoemaker, and a special guest, back after a five year hiatus).

The answer is Neil Patel, of his self-titled business. Neil is classic entrepreneur and an excellent and relevant guest. He has all kinds of experience—SEO, traffic studying and building, customer analytics, consulting.

Neil says of his current company, "All I care about is how much revenue and profit I can drive to your business."

Cool, right?

"I'll analyze your business, find the areas that need to be improved and come up with a game plan to boost your revenue. Before we start our engagement, I'll use math to show you how much money I can make you."

Very cool. The guy is all over everything. Our backgrounds in the field are similar –we're even both doing consulting—so this going to make for a very good show. Good conversation and good intake for anyone listening.

Please tune in tomorrow, Sept. 23, 4p.m., CST on WebMasterRadio.FM. Tune in online or on demand using the website's archive OR use their app for iPhone and Androids!

If you missed last weeks show with Bart Lorang, CEO of Full Contact catch it here:

See you then (okay, we won't be able to see each other).

How to Stop Procrastinating - DailyBlogTips

How to Stop Procrastinating - DailyBlogTips

How to Stop Procrastinating

Posted: 21 Sep 2014 09:41 PM PDT

One of the best things about working as a blogger/webmasters/online entrepreneur is that you can work from anywhere, as long as you have a laptop and an Internet connection.

For many people this means working from a home office, using pajamas and drinking cappuccino, which is great, as long as you can actually get work done in such an environment.

The problem is that dodging all the distractions and temptations is not easy. YouTube is just a click away, and as you don’t have a boss no one will bother if you waste away the rest of the day watching funny cat and dog videos…

The solution? Face the problem and stop procrastinating! If you are looking for help in this area I came across an interesting product last week, called the How to Stop Procrastination Workshop.

It comes one cheatsheet plus seven work sheets to get you moving in the right direction. The cheatsheet alone has 4,000 words, so it definitely will give you food for thought.

I am a big fan of organization and productivity methods where you need to actually write things down, and this is exactly what this workshop aims to do.

Do check it out. Today!

Wanna learn how to make more money with your website? Check the Online Profits training program!