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“5 Intellectual Property Laws about the Internet Bloggers Need to Know” plus 1 more

“5 Intellectual Property Laws about the Internet Bloggers Need to Know” plus 1 more

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5 Intellectual Property Laws about the Internet Bloggers Need to Know

Posted: 15 Aug 2013 08:15 AM PDT

This is a guest contribution from  JT Ripton, a Freelance writer from Tampa.

An image depicting IP Law

Image via Flickr by auggie tolosa

Intellectual property law protects much of the content that you enjoy on the internet. Though you aren't always required to pay to enjoy this content, that doesn't make it free for all types of use. Since many intellectual property laws haven't yet been adapted specifically for the Internet, here's a rundown of the basics you can use to safely guide your decisions.

Photos and Images are Not Free for Use

Quick and simple searches like Google Images make it seem like the Internet is overflowing with free photos and images. However, copyright law protects most of these photos. If you're looking for images you can post on your blog, you need to look for those with a Creative Commons license. You can also pay for rights to use certain images.

Creative Commons Licenses Come in Different Forms

Creative Common licenses give you access to various forms of intellectual property. There are many different types of Creative Commons licenses. Before using something that's protected under this type of license, you must carefully look at it to decide exactly how you can use the image. Some licenses allow commercial use while others do not. Some allow you to alter an image while others stipulate that it must stay in its original form. Attribution is typically required.

Most Movies, Music, and Television are Protected

Although there are many sites where you can get access to movies, television shows, and music for free, these downloads are typically illegal. Though the sites themselves are not violating any laws, you are if you share or download copyrighted material. You can legally view some movies and shows online, but you cannot download them. Network sites often show recent episodes of popular shows and sites like Netflix and Hulu offer access to movies and shows with a paid subscription.

Plagiarism Isn't Just for School Papers

You undoubtedly learned about the dangers of plagiarism in high school and college, but these laws’ importance doesn't end when you're finished writing term papers and dissertations. Whether you have a blog yourself or you write for others, you cannot reproduce another's intellectual property and take credit for it as your own. Cite your sources, use quotation marks when needed, and try to limit your works to your own unique ideas as much as possible. Referencing another article and quoting from a book are fine. Reposting an entire article or chapter of a published piece are not.

Permission Trumps All

When in doubt about a work, simply ask for permission to use it. Just as the Internet make it easy to find works, so too does it make it easy to contact creators. Many will gladly give you the necessary permissions when requested.

The Internet is a great forum for sharing everything from thoughts and ideas to your original photos, films, and musical works. However, it's essential that you always think about who has the rights to the content in question and act so that you do not violate them.

JT Ripton is a Freelance writer from Tampa, FL, he writes about several of his interests including, blogging, all things tech, and useful tips and idea’s for a myriad of things. He likes to write to inform and intrigue.

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger
Build a Better Blog in 31 Days

5 Intellectual Property Laws about the Internet Bloggers Need to Know

Blog like Hemingway: 5 Writing Tips to Improve Your Blog

Posted: 14 Aug 2013 08:31 AM PDT

This is a guest contribution from Victoria Elizabeth, writer for the Ometria Blog.

Type writer - in the beginning

If Ernest Hemingway were around today, he would have made an excellent blogger. From online news sites to individual industry experts and straightforward enthusiasts, people are using blogs as a way to attract consumers to their goods, services and information. With all the blogs out there on the internet, it can be difficult to weed out the good from the bad.

Although what makes a good blog post can differ with context, you should keep in mind that bloggers and content marketers are always pressed for time. So making your blog posts as digestible as possible will ensure that you keep them interested and engaged with your writing.

Hemingway's short, snappy prose delivers a clear message and his writing scarcely strays into flowery descriptions. Online content writers in-the-know understand why his style is worth emulating, and so should you.

Here are 5 blog writing tips that Hemingway would have definitely approved of:

1. Short Sentences are KeyScissors with letters

This tip seems obvious but if writing isn’t a regular habit for you, then it’s easy to fall into writing longer run-on sentences. Hemingway was fond of short clear sentences and thought little of elaborate language.

"You belong to me and all Paris belongs to me and I belong to this notebook and this pencil." Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast.

Your writing should be similarly straight to the point as an online audience won’t hesitate to leave your webpage with a click once they get bored or confused by your language.

2. Research the Truth

Hemingway wanted to find the truth within stories, and his research heavily drove his writing pursuits. Research is vital to writing truthfully, and this should always be your priority as a blogger.

If you want to move people with your message, then you must convince your audience of the truth in your writing. Hemingway also wasn't a fan of adjectives, and bloggers who use words like ‘great, exciting, amazing, etc.’ tend to betray their creative insecurities. These words detract from your message instead of adding value so beware the verbose adjectival pitfall (See what I did there?)

A laptop with books - Internet research

3. Brief Clear Introductions

Not only do short clear introductions allow your readers to gauge whether they will read on, it is also the best opportunity to hook them in. No one likes to read four paragraphs if they can read four sentences instead. In marketing, time is money, and reading time is something that people are less likely to extend solely for your long elaborate blog post.

4. A Specific Beat or Topic of Specialty

You can't write about all of your knowledge in one blog post. Your purpose should be to educate and convince people, and you should always have material left for another time. Never give away all your secrets as this will shorten the lifespan of your blog, and leave you with no material to keep writing about. The trouble is figuring out what the right balance should be. How much is too little, or too much? Evaluate your topic to see how much information should be included in one post and try to stick to a consistent word count as well.

5. Writing HabituallyNotepad and coffee - a writing habit

Writing effectively means that you form a habit of doing it everyday. This is difficult for most people, but if you train yourself it will undoubtedly become easier. Hemingway typically wrote about 500 words a day from daybreak till noon, and tried not to think about his writing until the next day.

Hemingway's habit had a twofold benefit. First, the morning is a good time to write because your mind is fresh and the day's distractions are limited. Second, leaving your writing aside for the afternoon allows you to digest and process what you write, while you focus on other important things. You will find your afternoon workload lighter because you already accomplished so much, and may get more ideas from subconsciously digesting what you wrote earlier.

Stick to these simple little tips and you will ensure that your writing style stays clear and concise for your readers to enjoy.

Victoria Elizabeth writes for the Ometria Blog. See her recent article on the Wild West of Big Data.

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger
Build a Better Blog in 31 Days

Blog like Hemingway: 5 Writing Tips to Improve Your Blog

Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Link to ShoeMoney

Eat, Kill, Sex – Part 3 Face To Face

Posted: 15 Aug 2013 07:24 AM PDT

Post image for Eat, Kill, Sex  – Part 3 Face To Face

This is a mini series on how to keep people interested in your product or service and in each one I will break it down to our primal instincts.  When pitched something everyones brain is filtering information and deciding should I kill it, eat it, or mate with it.  In this series I will demonstrate how I do it  for articles, video marketing,  face to face marketing,  and landing pages.  When its done I will probably put the whole thing into a pdf and try to sell it to you or new readers in a $99 ebook who missed this series and don’t know its free on my blog.

Face To Face Pitching

While this might not be as sexy  as the pervious 2 other  tips it contains the most  important information I can give you.  So pay attention. If you attend a trade show, then you have invested a lot of money.  If you get a booth and staff it ,then your in for minimum $10k and some companies have told me they have spent over $100k for their booth, staff, travel expenses, hosting a party, etc. Recently, I have re-focused my goals from getting shifted with friends to finding qualifying clients for the PAR Program.  I take more staff because a lot of the time I get bogged down by fans.  I’m kind of a big deal.


Most people have multitasking wrong.  For instance: if my wife and I are watching Dexter and she is on her laptop shopping at Zappos – she will ask me to rewind parts MULTIPLE times. If you’re talking to someone face to face explaining your product or service and they look away then you’re done.  They couldn’t give a shit what you’re doing.  There is a VERY small chance you will bring them back to eat it and eventually have sex with it. Here are my tips from my last year of experience talking to people about the PAR Program.  It’s been a very educational experience.


Don’t talk to people in the middle of the conference hall.  Now I am not saying snub everyone but if your attending the Affiliate Summit there are 5,000 people going. In 2 days it’s going to be hectic to locate people that you can do business with so don’t waste time.

If you can isolate them, your odds of having sex with them are MUCH higher. Much like if I make my wife turn off her computer and watch TV or turn off the TV when we are having a conversation.

So when your cruising the halls or manning a booth and you spot someone’s name badge that is qualified to be your customer…  Ask them for a moment of their time and set an appointment somewhere outside of the expo hall OR set an appointment with someone else in your company to meet with them.


I can’t emphasize that point enough.  The odds someone they know walks by or in my case it’s someone that is a fan and recognizes me.  If either party looses eye contact with you then you’re done.

Sidenote:  See my post here on tips to ditch people at a conferences.   Don’t go too shallow.

Don’t go too deep  (skip once, I lose you)

My biggest problem is my enthusiasm.

“Our product is so amazing that I get amped and in the beginning had companies that were totally ready to go but then pulled out because I overwhelmed them. “We are an enterprise level platform that acquires emails via popups, exit layovers, exit popups, white papers you can give away,  contests or other ways you can gather emails of people interested in your product or service.  Once these emails are acquired, we then do a bunch of background analytics through various api’s and our own patent pending proprietary methods.  Through these methods we know where they live, their twitter, google plus, facebook, linked in,  and over 150 other data points.  We also know their interests, likes, and what other people say they are interested/experts in through endorsements on linked in and klout.  You can also programmatically engage a user that comes into your list completely automatically tweeting to them, suggesting they like your page,  facebook, and linked in friend request depending on the persons privacy settings. Once a user’s email is acquired, we put them in a sequence where a bunch of value added emails are sent completely automated to get them as a customer.  Once they are a customer then we place them in another list or what we like to call “retention”.  This allows you to pass a dollar value to us or an arbitrary number so you can track your true dollar value by all of the demographics we collect.  For instance: if the person is on a certain social network they are worth this much to you.  If they are interested in advertising they are worth this much to you.  We also have full scale email reporting that gets away from the old legacy data of opens and clicks that could not be more misleading because mobile devices open everything and firewalls and antivirus software count as clicks.  What we do instead is measure user engagement by ranking your users by open/click/site visit so you can easily so who is actively engaging with your company.  We also are the only platform on the market that is PCI compliant being we have financial and medical clients.  We also have passed the highest security ratings from 3rd party auditors and continue to engage them routinely for security compliance internally and externally.  We also insure 100% email deliverability because we have thousands of accounts setup with all major providers and test emails from your sequence every 10 minutes.  We also register every client with return path and pay the fees for you to whitelist your domain and IP.  What do you think ?”

Now you might have made it through that because it’s written…  But imagine me saying that over 5 minutes.  I usually lose people around social media. 

Not going enough into it

Me, “We have an email platform with social media also”.

Them? “huh”

Then every question they ask only leads to more questions.

Now I have to tell you my only experience with this has been people pitching me.

If you tell me something from a high level I am going to say, “do you have a card?  Cool – thanks”.  I don’t have time to play 20 questions.

So the question you’re dying to ask is, ok ShoeMoney since you know it all let’s here your pitch for the PAR Program.

Here it is:

I start by asking a series of key questions:

  1. I have heard of your company but can you tell me what you guys do?
  2. What makes you different than your competition here?
  3. How did you guys start?
  4. Do you guys have any press?
  5. Do you guys have any case studies?
  6. If someone were to see another person with YOUR company’s shirt on and walk up to them and say, “Hey I know that company they do X”.  What would you want that person to say?
  7. What is your company’s main source of traffic?  How many unique visitors do you get per month?

First off everyone loves to talk about what they do.

Now it’s my turn

“Man I gotta tell ya I am sold.  In fact as soon as we are done I am gonna order your product.

What we do for our clients is take a one time website visitor that came to your site because they were interested in your product or service and turn them into a life long customer everything for you A-Z.”

You just sold me on your product but how do you do that with a one time website visitor?  That’s what we do and we do it through a series of emails that have that same conversation that you just had with me.

When are you looking to get started?”

They will obviously have questions but the questions will be very targeted and depending on what they answered before I can put them at ease.


“Well you definitely qualify and I am really excited to dive into your company more and communicate your story to a person who just visits your site one time.  Let me send you over an IO and we can get started next week.”

It’s that easy.  The biggest thing you DON’T want to do is let users draw their own conclusions.  Like how many people they are going to have to hire to use your service.  YES we do everything for them period, but there is no reason to go into that.

Any question that leads to that you can simply talk about case studies and other clients in their vertical and how successful they are with it and you’re happy to provide them with references and case studies (we have a lot of these).

Well that is my experience for this series on how to get users to eat, kill, or have sex with your product.  Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think.

This is Part 3 in the series.  You can see the first 2 parts here: