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Content Topics and Ideas for Your Blog - DailyBlogTips

Content Topics and Ideas for Your Blog - DailyBlogTips

Content Topics and Ideas for Your Blog

Posted: 24 Oct 2012 05:49 AM PDT

Many times it is difficult to come up with new content for your blogs. You feel like you have written about everything you know about already. There is no new news or information related to your blog's topic that you have not covered. Well, in order for you to keep updating the blog regularly like is needed you will have to get creative. Here are some content topics for your blog you may not have thought of:

1. Money – Did you know that two ounces of gold can cover a billboard? Writing about money is always a sure bet. Whether you cover making money, saving money or spending money it will be a hit. Everyone is concerned about the bottom line and how much cash they have on hand. You can make almost any blog topic fit into something about money, even if you have to stretch things a bit. Get creative and see what you can come up with that will fit your blog's topic.

2. Pets – Did you know that tigers can be trained to use a litter box? People love their pets and love to read about other people's pets. If you want readers to get involved in your blog all you need to do is bring up pets. Maybe you can show a few pictures of your pet doing something cute or a video of your dog chasing his tail. Have readers send in their own pet photos. Pets are almost as popular as children when it comes to wanting to show them off.

3. Fashion – Did you know that pearls can weigh up to six kilograms? The world of fashion is ever changing. From men's watches to women's shoes, you can hardly keep up with new trends. This means you always have fresh content and new things to talk about with this topic. Even baby carriages and phone accessories and be fashion trends, so think about your blog's topic and see if you can make this fit.

4. Gross – Did you know that the average person swallows a litre of snot every day? The stranger and odder the fact, the more people will take the time to stop and read about it. Strangeness pays off big time. If you can find out something truly weird to post on in your blog's topic then you will get increased traffic and comments, almost guaranteed. Plus, the weirder a post is the more likely it will be that you will have a one of a kind post on your site, and that can only be a good thing.

5. Crime – Did you know that people see better when they are scared? Crime and criminals are a hot topic. There is always something new happening to warn people about. From identity theft to school shootings to terrorists, crime is something that never goes away. Fear sells and you can use that.

6. Health – Did you know that humans are allergic to mosquito spit? Everyone is concerned about their health. From natural remedies to sleep disorders to Facebook addiction, health is something that can cross over into nearly any blog topic. The more facts you can find and references you have the better, so with a little research health can make for great blog posts.

7. Age – Did you know that sharks can live to be a hundred years old? Everyone ages and everyone wants to stop it. Talking about getting older and staying young makes for interesting and viable blog posts. You can give tips on everything from skin care to doctor's appointments. Even vacations and brain games can be stuck into this flexible category.

8. Green – Did you know that a beaver can cut down two hundred trees every year? Protecting the environment and going green have been hot topics for a while now. If you can find ways to incorporate that into your blog you will be well off. Taking care of the Earth is almost universally accepted as a good thing, and can really give your blog a boost in the right direction and make you appear to be environmentally conscious.

9. Natural Disasters – Did you know that Japan experiences around 1,500 earthquakes every year? Natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunami's are always good for a timely blog post. Even if you blog does not normally cover that sort of thing no one will question a break from the norm to cover something so big. This also gives you an opportunity to grab new readers who would not normally be exposed to your blog.

10. Cleaning and Organization – Did you know that cat urine glows under black light? Keeping things clean is universal. Everyone needs to stay clean and organized at the office and at home. From computer file cleanup to dusting the living room, you can offer helpful advice, tips, and programs to your blog readers. You can even help people to understand the importance of organization in their homes and businesses and how helpful it can be to their productivity.

11. Holidays – Did you know that turkeys can contain gold nuggets? The holidays make for great blog post topics. From Christmas to New Years to Independence Day you always have a holiday that is coming up. Share your traditions, favorite dishes, gift ideas, or decorating tips. Not only is it fun to write about, but it also brings in new readers and is great social media fodder.

12. Jobs – Did you know that diamonds are not all that rare? Though finding a good job seems like uncovering a diamond. Finding a job in this tough economy is something that few people seem to accomplish. You can help. Offer helpful tips on what to look for, how to dress, what to say and more. You can even offer tips on how to find freelance work or work from home. Jobs and employment is a hot topic right now and should get you some new traffic fast.

13. Psychology – Did you know that the two most common fears that people have are clowns and heights? Psychology is part of our lives in ways we do not usually think about. From ads to magazine covers, from television shows to the drinks we buy, we are constantly being exposed to psychology. Your blog posts can cover a variety of topics like: Why do you buy products? What is the most effective type of online advertisement? Why do some pictures make you happy?

14. Writing – Did you know that your body contains enough carbon to fill nine thousand pencils? Writing about writing seems insane at first, but think about it. Who are the majority of your readers? Other bloggers, of course. So if you can offer advice and helpful tips for them to use they will continue to visit your blog. Writers love to read about writing for some reason, probably the same reasons doctors read about medicine; to stay on top of the newest trends and discoveries. Take advantage of this and write about writing.

15. Diet and Exercise –Did you know that you weigh less going down in an elevator than you did coming up? People are obsessed with their weight. They love to read about new fad diets, what works and what does not. They love to read about exercise routines and work out tips. You can grab a huge market if you can integrate exercise and diet into your blog.

These are just a few ideas that could work for you. If you think outside the box you can come up with tons more. Do not keep rehashing the same old boring post topics. Come up with something new and fun to both read and write and get back into the swing of things. You and your readers will enjoy it.

Facts from:

This guest post is contributed by Debra Johnson, blogger and editor She welcomes your comments at her email Id: – jdebra84 @

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Original Post: Content Topics and Ideas for Your Blog

“5 Goals Every Blogger Should Set Up in Google Analytics” plus 1 more

“5 Goals Every Blogger Should Set Up in Google Analytics” plus 1 more

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5 Goals Every Blogger Should Set Up in Google Analytics

Posted: 23 Oct 2012 01:02 PM PDT

This guest post is by Eugen Oprea of

Do you want to build a successful business online?

I bet you do. Now that I have your attention, what is the first and most important step that will help you achieve that?

It’s important to know your audience and to build an awesome website that is fast and secure. It’s also important to have a social media presence and to write engaging articles.

But all of these come after you set up your business objectives and goals.

Setting up your business objectives and goals is the first and most important step towards your success online. Without them, you might as well not start it at all.

Set up goals for your blog

Like business goals, you also need to have goals for your website.

Whether they are simple goals like attracting readers and engaging visitors, or bigger goals, like increasing conversion rate, you need to have them on paper.

Then, once you are aware of what you want to achieve with your website, it’s time to start measuring those goals.

The simplest way to do this is by using Google Analytics. Google Analytics helps you not only see stats about your visitors, but also lets you create and measure your website goals and objectives.

Getting started

If you are just getting started with Google Analytics, you may want to read more about reviewing your offer, revisiting your conversion funnel, and revamping your communications, or get a handle on the basics of Google Analytics.

But, you likely already have a Google Analytics account, so let’s just dive in to creating the first goals for your website.

For starters, I would recommend you measure:

  • Engaged visitors: visitors who stay on your website longer than the average
  • Readers: visitors who read more pages on your website that the average
  • Email subscribers: visitors who sign up for your newsletters or freebies
  • Customers: visitors who purchase a product
  • Ad performance: clicks on ads to see which one is performing best, and who sent the traffic that clicks on your ads.

Before diving into each of these stats, let’s see how you can create a Google Analytics goal.

Log into Google Analytics and from your Account Home select the website for which you want to set up goals.

On the next screen you should see the Visitors Overview—this is a good opportunity to check your Pages/Visit and Avg. Visit Duration stats. You will use them later.


Then, select[Admin from the top-right menu, select your website profile, and click the Goals tab.


Now, here’s how you can create the goals outlined above:

1. Measure your engaged visitors

Start with the Goals set 1, and click on the +1 Goal. You will be directed to a window that will help you set up your first goal.

First, type in a name for your goal and make it active.

The you will see a list of Goal Type options. You will learn about all of them in this article, but select Visit Duration for this goal. This will help you measure how engaged your visitors are, and who is sending you those engaged visitors, among other things.

Next, on Goal Details, select visits with Visit Duration greater than your Avg. Visit Duration. For my websites, I use one minute as the duration.

Additionally, you can add a value for your goal, but if you are not sure about this, add 1.


2. Measure your readers

Now, it’s time to set up the next goal and see who are the readers of our website, and which visitors read more articles.

Just like for the first goal, you need to give this one a name and make it active.

Then, select Pages/Visit as a Goal Type, and enter as the Goal Details visits with Pages/Visit greater than your average Pages/Visit.

I use 2 for my websites. Add a value for your goal and you are done with this.


3. Measure your email subscribers

Next, we get to the exciting part: measuring your email subscribers.

Even though it’s fairly easy to set this goal up, it will give you so many insights that can help you increase your conversion rates.

First, though, you will need to have a Thank you page set up to send visitors to after they confirm their email address for you. You are going to use this page when setting up your goal so set it up on your website first. Once that’s done, set up your email marketing provider to direct visitors there after they confirm their email address.

Now, you can create the goal. This time you need to select URL Destination as the goal type and on the Goal Details, you need to set these options:

  • The Goal URL: If your thank you page is then type in /thank-you/.
  • Match Type: select Exact Match.
  • If your URL is case-sensitive then select the Case Sensitive option.
  • Add a goal value.

Additionally, you can set up a Goal Funnel, which is essentially a series of pages that lead to your conversion or thank you page. You can use this option if, for example, you have a landing page for your newsletter.

In this case you can select / as the URL, name it Index and /your-landing-page/, and add a name for it.

This will let you see where your visitors dropped out on their way to subscribe for your newsletter.


4. Measure your customers

Setting up a goal to measure your customers is essentially the same as for your subscribers. All you have to do is create a conversion page where you can send people after they purchase your product.

Then, you need to set up a goal for it in Google Analytics in exactly the same way you did for subscribers.

5. Measure your ads’ performance

Before setting up a goal for measuring your ads’ performance, you need to have a good idea about what event tracking means and how you can implement it.

So, first learn about how you can use event tracking and what it means for measuring your ads’ effectiveness.

Now, once you setup event tracking on your website, you can go and create a goal for each event you’ve set up. To do that select Event as the Goal Type and fill in the Category, Action, Label, and Value for your goal. These values are the same ones you used when you set up event tracking for your calls to action.

You can set up goals for all your events, your most important events or none of them. It’s your choice if you want to see them only in the Events section, or get more insights about how different traffic sources are sending you visitors that complete actions differently.


How to measure your Google Analytics goals

Here comes the most interesting part of this article: measuring the outcomes for the goals you set up.

After you se tup these goals, you will be able to see your engaged visitors, your most loyal readers, your subscribers, your customers or how your ads are performing.

But what do you do if you want to discover who is sending you traffic that converts? And by “converts,” I mean simple visitors becoming engaged visitors, loyal readers, subscribers, customers, or people who click on you ads.

To do that, you need to navigate to Standard Reporting > Traffic Sources > Sources > All Traffic. Then click on Goal Set 1, just above the graphic, and you will see conversion data about your traffic sources.

This will tell you which websites are sending you visitors that convert, and you will know where you need to leverage your presence. For example, you can learn:

  • what kind of traffic you receive from a guest post
  • which social media outlet sends you quality traffic
  • if your press release did a good job
  • if the ad you’re paying for is worth it
  • and much more…

Finally, you can apply this technique to check most of the reports in Google Analytics. Go ahead and discover more about how your visitors convert.

Back to you

Now that you finished reading, it’s time to take action. Go and set up the goals you learned about and then come back and share with us:

  1. how much time it took you to complete this
  2. other goals that you want to measure, or already measuring, in Google Analytics
  3. what else you want to learn about this tool.

Eugen Oprea helps people drive more traffic to their websites and increase conversion rates. Get his Google Analytics course for free to learn more and check his new WordPress plugin Elevatr.

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger

5 Goals Every Blogger Should Set Up in Google Analytics

The Only SEO Your Blog Posts Need

Posted: 23 Oct 2012 07:04 AM PDT

This guest post is by The Blogger.

Okay, I know you’ve read posts about SEO, PageRank, and other things we bloggers should all know about.

This stuff is helpful, but it has come to overshadow some of blogging’s golden rules, like that original content is king. I doubt this fantastic blogger ever focused on “Search Engine Optimization,” yet her fan page is bigger than yours or mine will ever be.

All you really need to know about SEO are three relatively simple things and how they relate to each other. I’m talking about Keywords, PageRank, and backlinks. In this post, I’d like to explain how these three things come into play when you publish a new blog post. If you learn something by the end of this, post a comment and tell me.

1. Find popular keywords

To discuss keywords, we’ll began after your post is written, but before you hit Publish. I’m not here to tell you how to write posts. Everyone writes in their own beautiful way and you may be onto some new way of writing that is totally revolutionary and perfect on its own.

Keywords do two things, they describe your post and they make it popular. By popular I mean people are search these keywords in Google Search.

So here’s an example: You write a blog post on vacation spots in the Caribbean. Potential keyword phrases include “vacation spots Caribbean,” “cheap Caribbean vacations,” “best places to vacation Caribbean,” and anything else you’d imagine people are currently searching in Google. You need a way of knowing which keyword phrase is best and I’ve got just the tool for you.

The best keyword tool

Good news, you don’t need to imagine because Google lets you know for sure. Head over to the free Google Adwords Keyword Tool and try out some searches. Just plug in some short, two- to four-word phrases and see which are popular.

You have to try out a few searches to get the hang of this thing, so don’t get frustrated if your initial searches produce low results.

The Adwords Keywords Tool is totally amazing. It shows search term volumes and competition levels. Ideally, you want keywords phrases with low competition and ridiculously high search volume. This can be tough. Some phrases, like “cheap car insurance” or “purchase blog hosting,” are already totally bought out. Some phrases that aren’t popular at all are bought out. Weird huh? Google makes too much money.

But you’re not paying a cent here. Hooray!

Here’s an example of how I used the Adwords Tool: I just published a blog post on About Me pages and found “About Me page” to be a good keyword phrase for it. 246,000 people were searching that and competition was low—which is good enough for me! Some phrases get searched as much as 151 million times a month though. Impressive, huh?

Notes: Disregard one word phrases, those won’t help you here. Also disregard the website and category fields as you don’t need them for these searches.

Once you’ve found a good phrase, we’ll work on putting those keywords in your post title.

2. Put the keywords inside your post titles estimates that 500,000 new posts enter their blogosphere each day. That’s just the .com. Factor in other platforms and we’re talking a couple hundred million.

But about 95% of these posts are mistitled. The post authors slap careless titles on their posts that prevent the posts from ever being found. Why would you want a blog post to not be found?

Now I know I talked about titling posts in my previous post—but I’m not some title guru, okay? Just bear with me.

Titles broken down, again

A blog post title consists of two parts: what you see, and what Google sees. What you see is the actual title! What Google sees is the permalink. You want those keywords you just chose inside the permalink. This tells Google crawlers what your post is all about.

One way to accomplish this on a WordPress blog is by going to Settings—Permalinks in your blog’s admin panel then selecting Post Name. You can also download the Custom Permalinks plugin, which gives you a bit more control.

Either way, take that post you wrote on “vacation places in the Caribbean” and put your keywords in the title right after .com/ or .org/ or .net/ or whatever. Separate them with a dash and be as simple as possible. Google loves simple.

Now, your blog post is keyword-specific. Sure, you can also put those keywords in the post body text itself—if you’re doing it right, they should already be in there! Don’t ever try to trick Google by mistitling posts, that’ll surely get your penalized. The point I’m making though is a lot more people will see your post if the permalink is done right.

3. Build PageRank through links

PageRank is your blog’s, or any webpage’s, relative importance on the web. It is measured by incoming links, which Google sees as "votes" for your content. That’s the simple part. It’s the recursive nature of PageRank that makes it so confusing. (Click through that link for a super-techy Wikipedia post.)

Building your rank

You build PageRank by getting links from websites or blogs that have high PageRanks themselves. Ideally this happens because folks just want to mention you!

What PageRank gives you is much, much more complex though. It allows your blog posts to rank well in Google and usually results in a lot more traffic. Perhaps most importantly opens new doors for how you can make money with a blog.

So of course, people manipulate PageRank. In the bad old days of blogging, you could setup a niche site with three articles on it, get some good backlinks from already-established sites, and your traffic would soar. You’d be on Google’s top ten for whatever Keyword phrase you focused on! Not anymore. Yet backlinks are still very important.

Best PR tips I can give you

So you’ve written your post, you’ve found great keywords to describe it and to put in your permalink, and you’ve titled that bad boy. The post is done.

Here’s what you can do with your blog post to build PageRank effectively:

  • Get it linked from a news site: I was fortunate and got my first blog mentioned in the Huffington Post early on in my blogging career. This brought tons of new folks in, and the link itself was a huge Google-vote for my site.
  • Get your post in link round-ups: Lots of blogs do weekly features where they recommend five or ten article links for their fans. Ask a site manager to get on their round-up and offer the same in return.
  • Use link-text wherever you can: A raw link in a blog post is good for SEO but a link on good anchor text is better.( Anchor text just means the words you place a link on.)
  • Focus on one or two posts: A couple of posts can bring massive traffic that will then view other posts. Instead of getting every article linked, try to get your best two posts linked several times.

PageRank is a bit odd. Once you have it, you don’t need to focus as much on it because your articles should already rank well in Google, and chances are people are linking to your organically. But before you reach this point, it’s work, work, work.

What are your thoughts?

Do you think SEO has gone too far? Do you even bother making SEO tweaks anymore? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

The Blogger is a 25 year old guy from New York who answers about 150 blog questions over his first coffee of the day. Read his full story here. You can find him on Twittersubscribe to the club, or ask him a question at his blog and he will answer right away.

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger

The Only SEO Your Blog Posts Need