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Why All Internet Marketers Need To Be Religious

Posted: 27 Sep 2012 05:41 AM PDT

I don’t think anything fascinates me as much as organized religion.

Out of all the stuff I write about that internet marketers can learn from… if you can keep a open, objective mind – there is nothing like religion to teach you to be a better marketer.
If you can study all religions (with an open mind, objective, and non judgmental) it will start to open your eyes on what makes people tick…

Lets compare it to what I do for a living – getting people to buy items or services on the internet.

Here are my trademark (pending) 3 p’s to selling stuff.

  • Pain – what is the huge problem right now?
  • Potential – What if there was a way to solve this problem?
  • Proof – Well here it is and look at Jimmy and how he did it!

Sound like religion yet?

Pretty much every religion goes like this:

  • You are going to die and goto a bad place or burn for eternity or be eaten by spiders FOREVER!
  • What if there was a way you could live for the rest of your life in a magical place with all your friends?  What if you could get laid everyday by a new beautiful virgin?
  • Well there is!!  And we have this book (Bible, Book of Morman, Quran, etc etc)  that documents the entire process and how its guaranteed to happen to you!  We are pulling back the curtains!

What do you call the person in charge of an business that gets everyone to give them money and power?  A great salesman?  A great businessman?  The Pope?  The

Many moons ago when I sold washers and dryers and Sears they  gave us a manual that contained every rebutil to every reason someone would not want to buy an extended warranty.

Every had someone ring your doorbell to push some religion on you?  They have an answer for everything too.

Religion is the ultimate form of manipulation.  It knows what points to push to get people to buy products.  It also is time tested over thousands of years.

In the end we are all story tellers telling how if people buy the product we are selling is not only going to solve people’s current problems but also give them salvation.

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11 Business Rules You Should Know - DailyBlogTips

11 Business Rules You Should Know - DailyBlogTips

11 Business Rules You Should Know

Posted: 26 Sep 2012 11:57 AM PDT

A couple of weeks ago I came across an interesting post by my buddy Neil Patel. Neil is one of the most successful online marketers and entrepreneurs I know, so when he talks about business, I listen.

The post is called 11 Rules to Work By, and he basically shares some tips he learned along the way of building his online business. Here’s the first one:

Rule #1: Never fly solo

Google, Apple, Groupon, Zygna, and Microsoft are just a few of the examples of companies that are doing very well. Do you know what they all have in common? They were all founded by multiple co-founders.

If you want to get into the business world, do it with someone. Flying solo may sound great at first, but things can get tough if you don't have a co-pilot. This way when you are unsure of what to do when things get tough you have someone you can consult.

The most important time to have a co-founder is when you first start your company. This is typically the time where cash is tight and you can't afford to hire people even though there is a ton of work that needs to be done.

If you are one of those lucky few that already have a co-founder, good for you! If you don't you should read this article, as it will help you find the perfect business partner.

Make sure to read the whole article, as the other 10 tips are quite valuable as well. If you think there’s a tip missing feel free to share it with a comment below.

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Original Post: 11 Business Rules You Should Know