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Elliott Wave si Pengenal Pola Harga

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Elliott Wave merupakan indikator yang diciptakan oleh R.N Elliott dengan melakukan percobaan selama 11 tahun. Elliott Wave dilahirkan beberapa tahun setelah era Great Depression yang melanda US pada tahun 1910an.

Dari percobaannya, Elliott mengetahui bahwa pada dasarnya pergerakan harga mengikuti siklus khusus yang merupakan cerminan dari karakter manusia yang bertransaksi didalamnya. Oleh karena sifat takut dan serakah manusia selalu berulang dari waktu ke waktu, maka menurut R.N Elliott, pergerakan harga pun seharusnya bisa diperkirakan dengan tepat. Untuk itu, Elliott membuat 12 pattern dasar yang menjadi acuan pola harga dan dinamakan sesuai namanya: The Elliott Wave Principles!

Bagaimana bentuk ke-12 pola Elliott? Baca lebih lanjut pada link dibawah ini:

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Seorang lulusan jurnalistik University of Oregon ini pernah mengubah sebuah account realnya dari sebesar hanya $10.000 menjadi $1.147.000 dalam waktu hanya 12 bulan pada sebuah perlombaan trading yang diselenggarakan oleh Robbins Trading Company. Belum pernah ada yang menyamainya ketika rekor profit ini dibuat oleh Williams. Bila Anda pernah mendengar indikator bernama Williams %R, Anda sedang menatap foto penemunya saat ini dilayar komputer Anda.

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Apakah Anda sedang mencari sebuah buku forex yang komprehensif, dapat dibawa kemana saja, dan yang terutama disampaikan dengan bahasa yang sederhana? Belajar Forex memilikinya! Forex Education Journal merupakan versi cetak dari artikel Belajar Forex. Dengan tebal lebih dari 200 halaman, kini website Belajar Forex berada dalam genggaman tangan Anda! Informasi lebih lanjut:

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HOME | DEMO REGISTRATION | FOREX GLOSSARY | SUKU BUNGA DUNIA | FORUM FOREX hanya mereferensikan pialang yang resmi terdaftar di bawah pengawasan Regulator yang berpihak pada investor serta memiliki track record dan reputasi yang baik.

Forex Trading dapat menimbulkan resiko besar dan belum tentu cocok untuk semua investor. Leverage dapat memperbesar keuntungan atau sebaliknya kerugian Anda. Sebelum berinvestasi, Anda harus menentukan tujuan investasi, tingkat pengalaman, dan resiko yang mungkin terjadi.

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Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

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The Perfect VC Pitch Slides aka deck

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 09:19 AM PDT

So I was talking to our new neighbor who is the CEO of a new startup called bulubox.  They have like a monthly subscription vitamin thingie that sends you samples of like the latest and greatest stuff.  It’s awesome go buy it.

Anyway, they have been through the whole raising money thing and being I have never done it.  I have been picking his brain a bit on whether we should do it for our new PAR Program.

He sent me a link to this website which has like the ten must have slides in your powerpoint deck when pitching for money.  Even though we are not really pitching for money we are looking for a full service internet marketing agency to team up with that has a lot of the resources we don’t before we hire them ourselves.

Anyway I found the deck everyone talks about here.   Some of the key points are still there but, I approach them from a little different way and give not only a real life example but show exactly what I am doing.  (Shoeintology – talk from experience)

While I think that is a good start… with my experience I believe I can make a much better one.  I made my own improvements below. (this is the actual deck that I have put together word for word minus images).:

  • Slide 1 - Contact information (PAR Program, Jeremy Schoemaker, MFCEO, 1316 N ST, Lincoln NE 68508)
  • Slide 2 – Pain – Make them understand why your service is needed – (You are spending money and resources to get people to your website that are bouncing!).
  • Slide 3 – Potential – What if ?? (what if there was a way to capture these users, build a relationship with them, and turn them into customers that keep coming back to purchase?).
  • Slide 4 – Proof – Social Proof – (We are currently doing the PAR Program for these 3 companies and they are seeing a minimum of 350% ROI).
  • Slide 5 – How are you going to make money – (we operate off of a flat monthly fee or a CPA whatever makes more sense.  We currently in the first 2 weeks of operations have over 250k in signed contracts).
  • Slide 6 –  Underlying Magic – (the mystery under the hood)
  • Slide 7 – Competition – Why they suck. (Par program is an enterprise level service and while other companies offer simple auto responders none offer the ROI reporting functionality which is what the ParProgram is built for)
  • Slide 8 – Marketing and Sales – ( I already have tons of leads coming in.  Everytime I talk at a conference there is 20-30 people lined up to see how I can help them with their company.  We have leads come in through the blog daily from companies that need help. We can get booths at trade shows.  I can do more media interviews (leverage media contacts that I have been helping for years)).
  • Slide 9 – Management Team –  Who is running the show and why should we believe in them? (To date I have built and sold 5 companies.  Google me).
  • Slide 10 – Financial Projects –  (I expect this company to be at 1 million in revenue by the end of this year and 10 million by the end of 2013)
  • Slide 11 – Why are you hear – (While I have tons of experience selling and marketing I lack the experience and education of running the company.   All of the companies I have sold in the past were because I reached this point where the company needed a real CEO to hire client service people,  sales staff, customer service, etc,etc..).

So thats basically it.  It’s a ten slide deck really not including the initial contact page.

Maybe it will help you ;)

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