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“How to SEO Your Blog Post Series” plus 1 more

“How to SEO Your Blog Post Series” plus 1 more

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How to SEO Your Blog Post Series

Posted: 22 May 2012 01:03 PM PDT

This guest post is by Keith Bishop of Online Digital Junkie.

Google’s Panda Update, as well as the recent post from Darren about hosting a guest post series, has prompted me to take a deeper look into the implementation and search benefits associated with putting series on my own sites.

What I found tells me that publishing a series can be a good move if it’s done correctly. So let's look at when a series is a good idea, as well as some of the issues that need to be avoided for the optimal search performance of the series you publish.

When to use a series

A series is best used when you have a lot of material and media that would slow your page load time if you published it all in one article. Long load times can have a negative effect on your search ranking, as well as causing users to hit the Back button before your post ever finishes loading.

You can check page download speeds on sites like Pingdom. My personal goals are to have all of my main landing pages load with 1.5 seconds, and the rest no longer than two seconds.

Another great time to use series is if you find a group of posts on your site that have similar content with overlapping keywords. This scenario causes your own pages to compete with each other and suffer in search rank. Under these circumstances it would be beneficial to rework your content into a series and allow it to build upon itself. The result of this, as I will explain later, will harness all of the combined SEO benefits and push your series up in the SERP.

The last, and probably most applicable, reason to publish series is when you have a lengthy subject that you are covering over an extended period of time. I certainly don't want to read a 10,000 word article on the same subject—or have it delivered to my email. Everyone needs a little variety.

The negative aspects of series

Series have their downsides, as far as usability and search rank go. The worst part is the increased load time that the user experiences while navigating to each article, instead of having it load all at once on a single page. Most of the time, this is a good trade-off—the only exception being a long text article which will likely load quickly as a single post, and won’t benefit from being split into parts.

Another issue arises when the middle or last part of the series ranks better in the search results than the first part, and that becomes the landing page for search users. This is sort of like showing a guest your home by walking them through the garage first, and it’s something you want to avoid. The solution? Optimizing your series navigation.

How to link your series for greatest SEO and usability

Proper linking is accomplished by using the [link] element in the [head] section of the post page. This hints to Google that the page is part of a series, and also indicates the position of the document within the series.

To accomplish page ordering, we use the [rel="prev" and rel="next"] attributes that in the [link] pagination. This will ensure that the first part of your series will almost always be the one to show up in the search results. Note, though, that Google says “almost always” when it discusses this, so there must be occasions where the search engine likes an article deeper in the series for some reason.

Pagination is easy in WordPress, and there are probably some short codes for the other content management systems that will make it easy to implement in those as well.

Let’s imagine that you want to publish all the material in a series at once. All you need to do in WP is to put the entire series of articles into one post, then add [<!--nextpage-->] wherever you want to break the content up into separate pages or parts. You can then modify the look of your pagination links with CSS.

If you want to drip-feed your series to users over an extended period of time—perhaps in weekly installments—use a head injection plugin that will allow you to add the [] information to the series manually as you publish each article.

A good WordPress plugin that takes care of this is HiFi (Head injection / Foot injection).

Hand-coded blogs will need to have this information added manually into the head section. Here is an example of what the code looks like.


<title>Your Page Title</title>

<link rel=”prev” href=””>

<link rel=”next” href=””>


Naturally, the first page in the series will not have a [prev]  attribute and the last page will not have a [next] attribute. This is how the search bots know where the series starts and ends. Clickable navigation links will also need to be coded at the end of each article in the series.

The most beneficial reason to use the [prev/next] attributes is that the search engines will count the series as one article and funnel all the SEO benefits from the series through to the page that’s shown in the search results.

This means that all of the likes, G+, tweets, and links back from the entire series will count together, instead of competing with one another. I don't know about you, but that gets me excited.

What not to do

You may still find information about this online, but what you do not want to do is link your series using the [rel="canonical"] attribute on your links.

This method will prevent the wrong post (e.g. a later part in a series) from ranking higher than the one you wanted (the first part in the series), but it also tells the search engine that this is duplicate content and it shouldn’t be indexed. The canonical attribute was used in the past under a slightly different set of circumstances, and is no longer applicable to series.

Too bad there isn't some way to certify our content so that we could get the SEO benefits from our content when it gets scraped or syndicated. That would be awesome, but it is likely a dream for another day…

Keith currently writes for Beauty & Bandaids and is currently obsessed with his new outdoor adventure watch. Watch obsession to new blog is OCD at its finest.

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger

How to SEO Your Blog Post Series

The “On Fire” Blogging Success Formula [Case Study]

Posted: 22 May 2012 07:03 AM PDT

This guest post is by Stephen Guise of Deep Existence.

It was July, 2011. My personal development blog, Deep Existence, was flying high. Every new post I published would get at least 20-30 comments and a good number of social shares. Not world-class blogger numbers, but pretty good for a young blog (five months) and with solid forward momentum.

Later that month, a spider bit me, and a chain of health problems ensued. I also got a full-time job. Between the two distractions, Deep Existence wound up being mostly ignored for the next seven months.

When I was ready to jump back in, I figured I just needed to post consistently again to reignite the community.

Wrong. So wrong.

No matter how fantastic I thought a post was or how many hours I spent researching and crafting it, the response to my blog was tepid at best—not even close to the “good old days.”

Even when I revamped the site to be more attractive (including a pricey new logo), and initiated a consistent one-post-per-week schedule, it didn’t matter. Finally, I understood why.

Quality can’t fend for itself

If anyone tells you that great content attracts readers, they’re fibbing. There is false information out there that says if your content is good enough, people will come.

I will dispel that myth with a simple, hypothetical example. Let’s compare ProBlogger to Papa Joe’s blog.

  • ProBlogger: Thousands of people are visiting, sharing articles, and commenting every day.
  • Papa Joe’s blog: A few dozen people per day find his articles, and notice that they are not commented on or shared.

Now imagine if exactly the same, high quality article was posted on these two sites. The ProBlogger article would go viral. Papa Joe’s article might be tweeted once (by him).

And what if the next 300 articles were duplicated in the same way on both blogs over the next year? The results would stay mostly the same. Papa Joe would be ignored as ProBlogger soared.

The difference is that ProBlogger is sensitive to quality (a good thing) because this blog has high exposure and a favorable perception. But Papa Joe’s article quality doesn’t matter much. Visitors don’t know who Papa Joe is and he sure doesn’t seem popular, so his content will get an unfair docking. And yet, his articles are amazing. Poor Papa.

The blogging success formula

My blog fell from success to failure, and then I failed to return it to success. Through this process, I discovered the false belief that continues to circle in the blogosphere today: that quality content is good enough.

Even if you have a decent number of readers, it’s not enough.

There’s a reason this article isn’t on my blog. I am Papa Joe right now. The quality of my content has remained high, but people forgot I existed when I took a lengthy leave of absence. This is fascinating, considering that by then I had more subscribers and traffic than ever before.

In hindsight, I noticed something interesting about how my blog became popular the first time. The response to my articles was directly related to my activity outside my blog. And as I gained greater exposure, the perception of Deep Existence changed for the better, and people began to give my content a fair chance (and they liked it).

The perception shift was critical, but it grew rather methodically with my consistent exposure—just like a fire as it’s just getting started. But before too long, the flames were building upon themselves. So even when I stopped seeking exposure, the fire was strong enough to be sustained by quality articles.

But a fire without fuel dies, as did mine.

I stopped writing, and the fire faded lower and lower until Deep Existence was just a firepit of cold ashes. Months later, I began to add firewood—quality content—to the cold ash pit, but there was no flame to consume it. I needed a spark.

So here I am, striking the flint once again. Does anyone have a lighter?

  1. Use sparks of blog exposure to…
  2. Ignite the flames of improved perception.
  3. Build firewood made of quality content to keep your blog on fire!

Has this formula of blogging success matched your experience?

Stephen Guise exists in real life and on twitter. He is now a doubleblogger™ at Deep Existence – Personal Development’s Deep End and Irrational Humor – Moderately Good Website. Stephen speaks in 3rd person fluently.

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger

The “On Fire” Blogging Success Formula [Case Study]

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How Fight Club Changed My Life (And How You Can Change Yours Too)

Posted: 22 May 2012 05:00 AM PDT

When I was a junior in college, I was one of the laziest bastards ever…

I really had no ambitions in life.  My days consisted of eating like shit, going to class, watching 5 hours of T.V. and then usually going out and getting drunk at night.  I would wake up the next morning all groggy-headed and usually repeat the same thing over and over…

I was content with my life, so I didn’t really care.

Then I read Fight Club and everything changed for me.

I was browsing some forums online, and came across a discussion of Fight Club.  The main idea of the book immediately caught my interest, so I darted to the book store and picked myself up a copy. Up until this point, I had read probably 7 books in my entire life – all of them for school, and none of them interested me at all.

I dove into the book, and finished the whole thing in a few hours.  After the first read-through, I sat there… pretty much stunned at what I had just read.

I realized everything I was doing in my life, and everything I wanted in my life was just like “Jack’s” character in Fight Club.

  • I was materialistic.
  • I was living a very mediocre life with no real ambitions
  • I was looking for everything outside of myself to make me happy
  • I never really felt “alive”
Since reading Fight Club back in college, I’ve made a bunch of big changes in my life and I can attribute most of them to that book finally “waking me up”…
Fight Club forced me to look at myself and make an honest assessment of what my life consisted of.   My favorite quote from Fight Club has pretty much been my motto for the past few years – In fact, it’s helped me so much, I’m even getting a tattoo of it later this week…

Here it is…

“This is your life and it’s ending one minute at a time”

Fight Club motivated me to be a better person.  It motivated me to get off my ass and start my own online business.  It motivated me to stop being lazy and get serious about working out and eating better.   It helped me figure out what I want in life and also how to make sure that other people don’t distract me or try and pull me away from what I want.

But most of all, it made me realize that your life really is ending one minute at a time.

Each day we have is truly a gift.   And I don’t have any interest in living my life the way someone else thinks I should.

- Justin


Trying to increase your Google rank that is like no other?

Getting your privacy back offline

Posted: 21 May 2012 02:53 PM PDT

Post image for Getting your privacy back offline

Over the last 10 years I have not really tried to protect my privacy. Its not that big of deal to me.

But I know that a lot of people get pissed when I show them our API from sources we aggregate data from on the PARprogram.

Don’t hate the player… hate the game =P

This morning while building out our system for consumers who wish to opt out, I thought people might find it useful to goto some of the sources directly to remove their data from them selling it.

Lexus Nexis

Lexus Nexis has been the go to spot for students, attourneys and about anyone who needs information about someone. If you have a Nexis terminal you can get an amazing amount of stuff. SSN, Birth, Mothers maiden name, everywhere you have ever worked. (where do you think credit companies get all this info?).

If you want to opt out of the Nexis database you have to go here first.

Nexis terminals are EXPENSIVE. And they want to keep all the data they can. So they do not make it easy for you to opt out of their database.

After you fill out that form it takes you to a page with all your information. You then have to print out that form and mail it to their physical address. They also recommend you fax it.

You also have to provide a copy of 2 forms identification as well as every place chronologically you have worked at for the last 10 years, and a utility bill.

You ALSO have to have a compelling reason why you are asking to be removed. They suggest a copy of a police report of someone threatening bodily harm.

A friend of mine just said that it was an “executive request” and it was all taken out. So I would suggest you go with that.

ADD SIDENOTE – Years ago my old house address was listed on and I couldn’t get it off to save my life until Michael Gray suggested that I use the phrase “executive request” for removal. I did and it was removed days later.

So Lexus Nexis is a real bitch but its the most definitive place out there to get peoples info.

The others are easier:


Experian is a large data seller and about everyone under the sun either buys or sells data to them. Its MUCH cheaper and we have been a customer for a long time.

They are a great resource to get phone numbers, household income, and tons of other data.

In order to opt out of their send a email to with the subject line “PLEASE REMOVE”.

In the body of the email make sure you put:

  • Please do not send me any promotional information from Experian.
  • Please do not share my contact information with third parties.
  • Include any phone numbers,  emails,  addresses you have lived, aliases and anything else you think is relavent (hey if your putting it together might as well include it).
If you want to protect your offline and online privacy the Experian opt out is really important.  If I had to guess I would say 50-60% of anyone in the data business is selling or buying with Experian.

The do not call list:

Ahh remember that awesome thing that was going to stop telemarketers in their tracks! – – Keep in mind that this is a publicly downloadable list and some people will argue that you are providing marketers your information…. thus defeating the purpose?

Here is some other things to opt out while your at it.


Fill out remove request form
You will receive a "Privacy Guide" which contains the final opt-out form for you to mail in.

You can also request to install an "opt-out cookie" for targeted marketing:

Google Phone Directory:

Click here and make sure to enter all your numbers.
Remove all numbers used.

I tried to keep this focused to protect yourself from OFFLINE marketing. If you tried online then… good luck cause every website you visit has a privacy policy most likely that they can sell or do whatever with your data that they want.

Good luck

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