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How to Make Money with Videos Online - DailyBlogTips

How to Make Money with Videos Online - DailyBlogTips

How to Make Money with Videos Online

Posted: 26 Jan 2017 02:57 AM PST

Even since fast Internet connections around the world became the standard, video has been a dominating force online. The explosion of smartphones and mobile Internet only reinforced this trend, as people are now able to watch videos on the go and 24 hours per day.

Guess what, if you want to make money online, you certainly need to consider a strategy that involves video. Below you'll find some tips to help you in this path.

1. Know The Business Models

There are basically two available business models to make money with online video: release the videos for free and earn with advertising, or charge a fee to let users access your videos.

The first model is suitable for videos that will attract a large number of views on platforms like YouTube or Facebook. Funny videos and videos about celebrities, technology, politics or other popular topics tend to do well under this model. Keep in mind that you will need to publish many videos for this model to become profitable. It's not uncommon to see publishers releasing several videos on the same day!


The second model is suitable for premium and educational content. For instance, educational videos that teach people how to program or build websites, how to earn money through investing, or how to gain skills necessary to make money on some professional field. The advantage of this model is that you will need to produce fewer videos, but it will take some work to produce the videos and to structure the learning platform.

2. Use a Professional Hosting Platform

Especially if you are going with the second model, using a professional platform to host your videos is essential. Online video streaming is complex, and if you try the do-it-yourself approach you might end up causing problems for your paying customers.

If you need a recommendation, check out UScreen. It is one of the most popular platforms around, and it has the advantage of coming with several other services that you might need for your educational or premium video website.


For instance, they have tools that will help you build your landing page and video pages. They also have built-in payments for both subscriptions and one-time payment for the videos. This can save you a lot of time if you don't have technical know-how.

3. Have Your Own Website

If you are going to release videos on YouTube and make money via advertising, you might think that you don't need to have a website. Even if you are going to charge for premium videos, you might be tempted to use some third party platform instead of hosting your own domain name.

This is a mistake. You need to have your own domain and promote it to your audience. That is because your own domain and site is pretty much the only online presence you control 100%. If your audience get used to visiting your site, subscribing to your email list and so on, you will never risk getting cut out of the business by external circumstances.

Imagine the despair of people who published all their videos on an external platform that went out of business and decided to shut down the website! You could lose everything overnight. If you are not a technical personal, check out SquareSpace, as it is pretty easy to build a website with them.

4. Leverage Social Media

Like it or not, social media is an essential part of any marketing plan these days. You will need to have, at the very least, a presence on Facebook and Twitter. Pinterest, Instagram and LinkedIn are also recommended options, depending on your target audience.

Make sure that you share all your videos on those platforms, as they can drive a lot of views. Facebook, for instance, is already the second largest video platform online, losing only to YouTube.

Original post: How to Make Money with Videos Online

Are Keywords Still Important When it Comes to SEO?

Posted: 25 Jan 2017 03:22 PM PST

There was a time not too long ago where keywords were the end all be all of SEO. All webmasters had to do was to fill their pages with specific keywords, use optimized anchor text for backlinks, add keyword rich headers and title tags, and voila! You had a fully optimized website. While things may have been more simple from a marketing plan, they completely undermined Google’s product offering. Many people forget that Google's main goal is to provide the most relevant search engine results to its users and keyword manipulation techniques meant that their algorithm was easy to circumvent. And for this reason, Google hit webmasters with update after update to make sure that things like keyword density would not hold the same weight in future rankings.

However, keywords aren’t completely dead and are still in many ways the backbone of SEO. They just have to be approached differently. Let's take a look at how the role of keywords has changed when it comes to search engine optimization.

Keyword Placement

Google still needs the use of text, and therefore, keyword placement still plays a major role when it comes to search engine rankings. However, keyword placement will do more for your site than keyword stuffing or keyword rich backlinks.

Placing your main keywords in your title and headers is still an important part of any on page SEO marketing strategy, and this probably will be the case for years to come, unless Google makes a huge change in the way pages are indexed. Title tags play an essential part in search results, and poorly optimized title tags will always yield negative results.

Google still gives priority to key areas, such as meta information and headers, followed by copy and navigation last. It is therefore capital that you optimize these key areas with a variety of keywords so that tags across your site do not become redundant.

Keyword Meaning

Google is doing everything in its power for its algorithm to be more "plastic" and tailor itself to the user's needs. It is also trying to make its algorithm more human by not only identifying keywords and indexing them, but by deriving meaning from them as well. Google is constantly changing its algorithm so that it can make correlations between keywords on a specific page to allow it to make sense of what the page is truly about.

For instance, different iterations of the same keyword phrase are less likely to rank for different search terms than they were before. So, you should forget about adding specific keyword phrases to your pages and rather focus on a consistent theme throughout your pages that will allow them to rank naturally for certain keywords.

So what does it mean for SEO Marketers?

It simply means that keywords are not completely obsolete, but our approach to them has to be changed. Instead of focusing on keywords, webmasters should focus on the human aspect of search and focus on providing relevant content rather than creating content for machines. As technologies such as machine learning are being introduced, the gap between man and machine is drawing consistently closer, and this should prompt SEO marketers to move towards other facets of SEO such as user experience if they want to be more successful in the future.

Original post: Are Keywords Still Important When it Comes to SEO?

ProBlogger: How To Make Time To Grow A Successful Blog When You Have A Full-Time Job

ProBlogger: How To Make Time To Grow A Successful Blog When You Have A Full-Time Job

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How To Make Time To Grow A Successful Blog When You Have A Full-Time Job

Posted: 25 Jan 2017 05:00 AM PST

How To Make Time To Grow A Successful Blog When You Have A Full-Time Job |

This is a guest contribution from Michelle Schroeder-Gardner of Making Sense of Cents.

In August of 2011, I started Making Sense of Cents while working my full-time job. I didn’t have much time to spend on it, as I was working full-time and working towards my Finance MBA, but I used every little minute of extra time that I had so that I could create a successful blog.

Now, I’m a full-time blogger and earn around $100,000 a month through my blog, and it was all because I learned how to start a blog on the side of my full-time job.

After quitting my job to focus solely on my blog, I am now able to travel full-time with my husband, I have a flexible schedule, I’m my own boss, I get to help thousands of people improve their finances each month, and more.

And, like I said, it all started five years ago on the side my full-time job.

As you can tell, I absolutely love blogging.

If I wouldn’t have started my blog, I don’t know where I would be right now.

Even when I was blogging on the side while in a full-time job, I was still able to earn $10,000 a month in income from my blog, and while it was tough, it was well worth it.

Now, you may be thinking about starting a blog but you may also be hesitant. After all, your life is probably already pretty busy. Between your full-time job, possibly raising a family, growing relationships, and more, you may feel like you don’t have any extra time to blog.

Well, I’m here to tell you that you probably do have the time to learn how to start a blog – you just have to know what to do in order to find that time.

How To Make Time To Grow A Successful Blog When You Have A Full-Time Job

Today’s post will teach you exactly how to find the time to blog on the side – it's time that you already have! To manage your time better with your blogging tasks, I recommend reading Darren’s blog post 7 Tips for Busy Bloggers on Finding Time to Blog.

How bad do you want it?

Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. What you do with your time is up to you, but you may be wasting time throughout the day. Let’s find that wasted time so that you can spend it on your blog instead.

First off, you need to want to blog if you’re going to do it on the side of your full-time job.

Some people may not want it as badly, and that's fine. However, excuses won't help you. So, if you really want to create a blog, then you will have to reclaim that time in your day.

It’s as simple as that.

Just think about it: What do you think you could do with an extra 10 hours, or even more, each week?

Be realistic about the amount of time you have

Like I said above, everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, but some may be more limited with their time than others. I understand that various situations can make a person quite busy. In the end, though, you always need to be honest with yourself about how much time you have in order to blog on the side.

This is because you don’t want to become stressed by working yourself too hard, forget about what actually matters in life, negatively impact your work, and so on.

However, you need to get past thinking that spending time on your blog will negatively impact your life, and I don’t want you to use the above as your excuse if it’s not a real reason.

Most people have extra time in their days but don't realize it. The average person feels extremely busy but there’s probably a lot of ways that they waste time each and every day.

Due to this, for one week, I recommend keeping track of the time you spend on different things in your life and see how much time you waste.

If you're like most people, then I’m sure that you’ll find you are wasting a lot of time!

Wake up earlier

Instead of hitting the snooze button over and over again, you should just wake up earlier and spend anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour (or more!) on your blog. This can be a great way to answer any emails, schedule blog and social media posts, and so on. You may even be able to crank out an entire article with this time.

Back when I worked at my full-time job and blogged on the side, I would usually wake up one to two hours before I had to start getting ready for work. I would use this time to work on my blog, which included replying to emails, brainstorming ideas, managing my blog, and more.

Sure, waking up early was tiring on certain days, but I wanted to run a successful blog, and it worked.

If you're not a morning person, you can always try to fit in time before you go to bed. I would usually even work on my blog for a few hours before I went to bed.

If you worked on your blog one hour each day before you went to work and one hour before you went to bed, you would have an extra 10 hours each week for your blog.

Eliminate time wasters from your life

Do you know how much time you waste each day? If you complete the task I recommended earlier, where you track all of your time for one whole week, I’m sure you’ll easily find several hours.

I want you to take a second and think about how much time you waste watching TV or by spending time on something like Facebook.

According to Neilsen statistics, the average person in the U.S. spends over 30 hours each week watching TV and movies. And, it doesn’t end there. According to AdWeek, adults spend over 10 hours a week on their personal social media accounts.

That’s 40 hours right there that you could spend on your blog if you only eliminated these time wasters from your life completely. Even if you just reclaimed half of this wasted time, you would have 20 whole hours!

Short gaps are your friend

Have you ever thought about all the short gaps in your day and what you do with them?

To be more efficient with your time, you should use these short gaps of time on your blog.

Short gaps include time before you have a meeting or a phone call, a gap before you pick up your children from school, time while you’re waiting for food to cook, and so on.

Stay organized

Did you know that the average person spends 12 days per year looking for things they can't find?

Yes, 55% of consumers stated that they would save anywhere from 16 to 60 minutes a day if they were organized.

That’s a few hours each week right there for your blog.

Strategically use your lunch time

Just like what was discussed in ProBlogger’s blog post How to Make Time for Blogging During Your Lunch Break, a lot of your blogging tasks can be completed during your lunch break if you use your lunch time wisely.

When I had my day job, my lunch time was almost always used for my blog. I would often bring my lunch to work, which allowed me to save money on food and to use that whole hour on Making Sense of Cents.

Right there, that's five hours every week for side hustles, just by using your lunch hour.

Take vacation days to work on your blog

How many vacation days do you get at your job? What if you started using them for your blog?

This can be a great way to dedicate a full day to your blog. Doing this every now and then can help make managing both your full-time job and your blog a little more relaxing because you won’t be running around all day trying to manage both.

And trust me, this works! I would often use vacation days at my full-time job so that I could work on my blog.

Trying this option can be a great idea. Plus, if you have paid vacation days, it's even better because you are getting paid to work on your blog!

Outsource certain tasks

Your blog doesn’t need you for every little task in order to be successful.

So that you can use your time more wisely, you may want to hire out certain tasks that don’t need you to complete them. You may want to think about hiring out tasks related to technical management, editing, social media, and so on.

To take this further, you can even outsource tasks in your life as well, especially if you find more value in working on your blog. Tasks to outsource could include mowing the lawn, car or home maintenance, and so on.

Find ways to make passive income through your blog

Yes, you can make somewhat passive income through your blog. Doing this can make blogging a little more enjoyable and relaxing because you won’t be trying to actively make income all day long through your blog.

Passive income ideas include display advertising, affiliate marketing, and so on.

I am a huge fan of affiliate marketing, because it allows me to earn income while I’m sleeping, on a hike, working on other projects, etc.

Finding ways to make passive income through your blog can make it much more manageable to earn blog income while also working a full-time job.

Putting all of this time together

As you can see, there are many things you can do in order to find the time in your day to run a successful blog on the side of your full-time job.

Whether you can only find 10 hours a week by applying these tips or if you can find 50, I’m sure everyone can find some time in their day.

What can you do in order to find more time for your blog?

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner is the founder and writer at Making Sense of Cents. On her blog, she helps readers learn how to make extra money, save money, and reach their dream life. She currently earns $100,000 a month through her blog and affiliate marketing course, Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing. Michelle and her husband sold their house in 2015 and currently travel full-time in an RV with their two dogs.

The post How To Make Time To Grow A Successful Blog When You Have A Full-Time Job appeared first on ProBlogger.