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Only Buy Medium To High Quality Domains - DailyBlogTips

Only Buy Medium To High Quality Domains - DailyBlogTips

Only Buy Medium To High Quality Domains

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 02:18 AM PST

As we all know, the Internet is booming with opportunities, and the first step to tap into those opportunities is to buy a domain name for a website.

Available domains are pretty cheap (around $10 per year), so most people start buying one after another.

That is what happened with me too. Right after I started working full time on the Internet I got fascinated with the idea of launching websites on all sorts of niches, and as a consequence I bought hundreds of available domain names.

Most of these domains were average to poor quality, as one should expect since they were available.

The result? I wasted a lot of money.

Out of 100 available domains that I bought I only keep 3 or so as of today, the rest I let expire over time because they had no potential.

When I spent money on medium to high quality domains (think $300 per domain and upward), however, I always got a positive return on my investment.

Bottom line: buying average domains for $10 is usually a waste of money (unless you have an immediate use for it, like a test website). A much sounder strategy is to buy fewer (even just a couple) high quality domains.

Here is an example to illustrate my point. Suppose there are two guys with $500 each, wanting to invest in domain names. The first one buys 50 available domains for $10 each, while the second one buys only 1 domain for $500. After a couple of years I am pretty sure the 50 domains of the first guy won’t be worth much, if anything, while the $500 domain the second guy bought will be worth at least the same amount of money, if not a lot more (depending on how he developed the domain into a website).

The next time you get an urge to buy that free domain for $10 (we all get it once in a while!) think twice, cause those will be $10 you’ll never see again!

Wanna learn how to make more money with your website? Check the Online Profits training program!

ProBlogger: Seasons Greetings from ProBlogger

ProBlogger: Seasons Greetings from ProBlogger

Link to @ProBlogger

Seasons Greetings from ProBlogger

Posted: 24 Dec 2014 06:00 AM PST

Greetings from Melbourne Australia where it has just ticked past midnight and we are now officially celebrating Christmas day (or at least I am… while the rest of my family are asleep).

As I sit here – having just wrapped my latest gift – I’ve been contemplating what a massive year it has been.

It’s been big for our family – Vanessa’s blog kicked up a gear, our second eldest son started school, his older brother joined every sporting team he could and our youngest… well he just doesn’t stop!

It’s been big for our team – in fact we’ve had our biggest year ever on many fronts. Our Aussie event grew to 550 attendees, we relaunched, and saw a heap of new members join up, we hit record traffic levels on my photography blog and a couple of hours ago we sent our last email on our biggest 12 Photography Deals of Christmas promotion in five years.

This year also saw my little team grow again. We now have nine of us working in the core team (many on a part time basis) and another 30 or so people contributing in different ways as regular writers, designers, developers, editors, and more.

I’m feeling particularly grateful to this team. They’ve worked hard this year, many of them behind the scenes, to help keep ProBlogger and dPS running. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Lastly I am very thankful to those who keep coming back to my blogs, forums, sites and events as readers, members, customers and friends. Without you this little business that I’ve managed to carve out of blogging would not be possible.

Looking forward to 2015 I’m excited about the many possibilities and the plans we’ve already put in place for a new new ventures and experiments. But before we get into that… it’s time for a little summer break for most of us here at ProBlogger.

Some of us are going to the beach, others of us are taking road trips and a few of us are going to simply recharge at home and watch some cricket. But we will all be back in a week or two when we’ll ressume blogging here on ProBlogger – so stay tuned.

In the mean time – don’t forget to check out our ‘best of’ series from the last week or so with all our best posts of 2014.

Have a safe and restful end of the year and we’ll see you in 2015!

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger
Build a Better Blog in 31 Days

Seasons Greetings from ProBlogger