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Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

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December Recap and going forward

Posted: 31 Dec 2012 04:00 AM PST

December was a bit crazy.  PAR continues to grow at a very rapid rate.  We still have not done any sort of advertising or marketing effort but I am excited once we beging that.  I have a very aggressive plan much like what I did with AuctionAds.

The PAR Product is amazing though and we are adding 2 new features that are truly revolutionary.

My book is finally done and I am hoping to kick off a big release on January 7th or 8th depending on the printer.  I can’t wait to finally release it. It’s been along road.

Here are the posts from December:

Dec-03 12:26:34 - Simple email tricks most people don’t think about on the mobile phone Depending on the person, amount of email they do on their phone can be an outrages amount id say some people I know do at least 65-70% of their emailing on their phone, especially if it is their own personal email and not their work email. So this is d…[more]

Dec-04 08:44:31 - Keep hating on John Chow Its human nature to envy someone right? I mean thats why it was named one of the deadly sins… IMO, out of all the sin’s, envy is the ONLY one that has no upside. Think about it for a minute. Sloth, greed, gluttony etc all have some upside… but envy…[more]

Dec-05 13:20:03 - Possibly an Enormous Money Making Opportunity in StarCraft 2 I play StarCraft II.  A lot.  If you log in virtually anytime you will see me there.  At work I use it as a reward system.  If I get X done then I will play a quick game. I play pretty much nothing but custom maps. When StarCraft launched I work…[more]

Dec-06 08:34:12 - FTC Launches Coast-to-Coast ‘Biz-Op’ Rule Blitz From Vermont to California and Oregon to Florida, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has wasted no time enforcing its beefed up Business Opportunity (?Biz-Op?) Rule. Last month, it filed its first six cases across the country (three are the author?s…[more]

Dec-06 10:34:10 - I Spent Millions Using Microsoft Paint A lot of banners you see online look very attractive. Most of them are all polished up and pretty, smooth animation and crisp clean images.  But, guess what? A lot of these ads suck for direct response! If you?re a brand you want the branding that c…[more]

Dec-10 07:00:45 - Stats from sending 30 million emails With our PAR Program we have 11 of our clients that have given us explicit permission to anonymously aggregate their data to provide some statistics. This data is based on sending 30 million emails. Keep in mi…[more]

Dec-11 09:52:28 - What you need to succeed in just about any business… Customers…. it’s what we all seek when first starting a new business. Getting them however is a lot harder than we expected. This is because people are SMART. They can spot those that are reputable from those who are not without much effort. Those wh…[more]

Dec-11 10:12:35 - Want to be a ShoeMoney Author/Contributor? When I first started in 2003 I was a complete newbie. I was documenting items as I was doing them. Everything from my first business as doing eBay Arbitrage… then talking about my fun ringtone site and then one day when I got a call from G…[more]

Dec-12 10:12:09 - ShoeMoney Ad Network Throwback In 2006 when I first got into affiliate marketing I realized that all of AdSense income was coming from people advertising affiliate offers. Now even though I was doing affil…[more]

Dec-13 06:23:06 - What Runs Where XMAS Special What Runs Where is truly a remarkable game changing tool for anyone in the advertising space. Like most great tools it was a in house tool built by top affiliates who wanted to offer it as a service to others. Here is a special X-mas offer for 50 fast…[more]

Dec-14 07:00:47 - Free Shirt Friday – Rap Music Guide This site is pretty crazy actually and great for you rap die hards. You are able to go back and check rap albums that have been released to see if they were the real deal or bootleg copies, they have descriptions of the bar codes on the back even. Someb…[more]

Dec-17 07:27:16 - Francisco Dao is a loser @theman I have had this in my drafts folder for a bit. When I first wrote it I was really pissed. I can’t disagree with this topic more. I stopped going half cocked and letting it fly (for the most part) on the post button so its been in my drafts. I let it go fo…[more]

Dec-17 12:19:56 - I will rep your brand out at Affiliate Summit West 2013 (for charity) I am auctioning myself to wear your company’s shirt for 3 days during the Affiliate Summit West Event January 2013 in Las Vegas. This is a special year.  If the auction goes over $5,000,  our T-Shirt charity auctions will have raised more th…[more]

Dec-19 10:40:08 - How I wrote a book and self published I don’t have the book entirely self published but I wanted to make a post (I will update it as the process goes) to save people perhaps some of the pain that I went through. I will tell you now that if I had to do it all over again I would have gone wi…[more]

Dec-21 07:00:37 - Free Shirt Friday – getDigital This one came all the way from Germany, and just in time for Christmas! I love sites like getDigital filled with just a shit load of cool little toys and gagets that I feel I need to buy each and…[more]

Dec-26 12:06:00 - Your company in my autobiography? You only get one shot at launching your Autobiography right? I started thinking last week about how we could raise a bunch of money for charity and get some publicity for the book. Then it hit me. Each company or website that makes a $2500 …[more]

Dec-27 09:01:44 - Exact Match Domains Getting Nuked There are very few basic knowns about what factors have an effect on your keyword ranking. Put your keyword in the title of your page,  in your page, and in the url of your page that you want to rank for that keyword. But the gold standard for rankin…[more]

Dec-28 07:00:45 - – Free Shirt Friday Well shoot! I probably should have posted this one before the Holidays so you could have had recipe ideas that you could have taken to your family get togethers.. better late than never I guess. RecipeIdeas.Net ch…[more]

ProBlogger: The Diamond in the Rough System for Gaining Influence

ProBlogger: The Diamond in the Rough System for Gaining Influence

Link to @ProBlogger

The Diamond in the Rough System for Gaining Influence

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 06:03 AM PST

This guest post is by Jonathan Goodman.

Content is still king, but influential relationships are queen. And we all know that women rule the world, so maybe we should start paying more attention to these queens.

Bloggers should publish less and promote more.

If you enjoy staying awake until 4am writing each night, and frantically trying to publish according to your over-zealous schedule, then continue doing what you're doing. My guess is that you're not paying enough attention to the queens though, and we all know how important it is to cherish, respect, and support the women in our lives.

That said, there are a lot of queens in the world, and everybody seems to be trying to get attention from the same ones. So you send emails to industry influencers and tweet at top bloggers. One day you get a response back and feel like you've made it to their inner circle.

Then you hear crickets … followed by tumbleweed rolling by. (Which is odd because you don't live in the Wild West or in a cowboy movie. But I digress.)

The Diamond in the Rough System of relationship-building

In every industry there are a select few who are in the spotlight. They receive hundreds of emails, tweets, Facebook messages and so on every day. Likely they don't answer their own mail and there isn't much you can offer them in terms of support.

The Diamond in the Rough System is a way to get the influencers to want to approach you. It can be applied to any large social medium but I'm going to stick to Twitter for this article.

Twitter is a sea of shameless self-promotion. Much of it goes unnoticed. The feed is so cluttered and people are more interested in pumping their own information out than absorbing that of others. Add to that the unfortunate fact that what you're saying isn't unique—there are probably people with bigger followings already saying it—and you're facing an uphill battle.

The Diamond in the Rough System will teach you how to find the Queens behind the scenes and court them.

First, understand that there are a number of influential people in every industry:

  • The influencers are the ones in control of the big brands. They may or may not be smarter than you, but they have hustled to get to where they are, and built an empire and great network around themselves.
  • The large magazines are usually faceless organizations with multiple walls and levels of bureaucracy getting in the way. This makes it difficult to get in touch with anyone.
  • The bloggers are gaining more steam in some industries. In the tech industries, for example, it could be argued they control the information; in plumbing they are relatively non-existent.
  • The senior editors are the top-level editors at magazines and industry publications. These people are over-worked and usually under-paid or under-appreciated.
  • The beat reporters and supporting editors are easy to access and have a lot of influence as to what goes into major publications. They are the diamonds in the rough.

Right about now you're thinking I'm crazy. Because, if you're like most people attempting to gain influence, you have tried to follow the conventional path and emailed various editors desperately trying to get his or her attention—and never gotten a response.

Get creative and get unconventional

Email is conventional. People have learned to ignore it. You must evolve your practices to get noticed.

Twitter is a way to build a relationship with the queens and create a friendship. Most of these reporters have modest, if any, followings on Twitter. So while they get 100+ emails a day, they might only get two @ mentions on Twitter. Which do you think they would be more likely to respond to? 

How to find the diamonds in the rough

  • Follow the head editors and scan the lists of the people they follow. Look for accounts that say something like, "NY Times editor focusing on social media and marketing." Follow everybody that seems to cover your niche.
  • Identify the top bloggers in your niche and follow the same steps are above.
  • Identify the top influencers in your niche and follow the same steps as above.
  • Search newspapers websites and find the editors that cover the subjects your niche pertains to. A Google search is usually all you need to find their Twitter account if they have one.
  • Every magazine lists the various editors and writers on the first couple pages. Identify the top magazines in your niche and write down the names of everybody on this page that fits your specifications. Do a Google search and try to find their Twitter account and follow them.
  • Pay attention to networks of influence. It's not uncommon for a number of influencers to tweet back and forth with the same person that you have never heard of. That person is likely an important member behind the scenes.

The community of people at the top of your industry is close-knit. There are the influencers that you know and a supporting crew that acts behind the scenes that you don't. These supporting crewmembers are your diamonds. Find them and make them feel important. Support them and build relationships with them.

How to court your queens

Now that you’ve found these people, respond intelligently to their tweets. If they promote a blog post or article with a link, take the time to read the entire article and respond with a piece of feedback or a question. If they say something about their personal life or hobby, send back a joke or tidbit of information.

As an aside I'll add that you should not respond to every tweet. This comes off as needy. Respond only if you have something intelligent to say and not more than once or twice every couple of days.

Don't ask for anything in return. Your bio on Twitter says who you are, and includes a link to your work. They will check you out. And you only publish your best work right?

You should have a headshot as your profile picture in Twitter, not your company logo. People like talking to and doing business with people, not faceless organizations.

It works

Following this system, I have been able to get featured as one of the Top 20 Smartest Fitness Trainers You Might Now Know by Livestrong, had my book featured both in Muscle & Fitness and as one of the Top 21 Health, Fitness and Nutrition Books, also by Livestrong, and recently I was contacted by Arnold Schwarzenegger's right-hand man to write content for his site.

All of this happened because I built relationships with those that control the content behind the scenes. I never once submitted an article. Every time they reached out to me.

Write great material and only publish your best work. Then spend all of the time you saved finding the diamonds in the rough. They are the ones who will get your work to spread.

Jonathan Goodman is a 2X author. His second book recently reached the #1 spot on Amazon in both the marketing and web marketing categories. Aside from consulting and running, he is currently writing Viralnomics: How to Create Directed Viral Marketing. The sections are being published for free online as they are produced. You can get up to date at

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger

The Diamond in the Rough System for Gaining Influence