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ProBlogger: Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?

ProBlogger: Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?

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Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?

Posted: 04 Nov 2016 06:00 AM PDT

Reading Roundup: What's new in blogging this week /

New emojis have given me cause to celebrate this week, as has the encouragment of early sucking – read on!

The Importance of Sucking at a New Job for a Year Or Two | Ross McCammon

I can’t stress the importance of this! Even if the “new job” is your blog. You need to suck at it, and suck at it early so you can get better at it faster! Don’t be afraid of doing something other than perfect.

8 Ways to Have More Time | Chris Gillebeau

Again, because time is the one thing we all say we lack – I LOVE all of these rules.

Why Instagram Captions are the New Blogging | Select All

Someone said to me the other day “Instagram has killed blogging”, and for the first time, I agreed. Not killed it entirely, but definitely helped shut down the camaraderie and closeness the blogging of yore used to encompass. Not bad, just different. And I’ve definitely seen people soar to great success with this method, yet don’t really have much traction on a traditional blog.

The iPhone is finally getting a facepalm emoji | The Telegraph

*Does a happy dance*

Six Questions to Assess if You May Be Addicted to Social Media | Psych Central

I know, we have to be on social media all the time in this business. But it’s not great to be on the “addicted” side of too much. Have you crossed that line?

Social Media “Influencers”: A Marketing Experiment Grows into a Mini Economy | The Washington Post

“In other words, while influencer marketing rose to prominence as a raw, credible antidote to the slick world of television and glossy magazines, it has metastasized into something every bit as calculated” – for some, this is so, so true. But as usual, plenty to think about.

5 Reasons You Need a Content Marketing Strategy Right Now | Entrepreneur

You can only go so far without a plan!

Plenty of Room on the Island | Seth Godin

Can’t agree with this more.

Using Instagram to Sell Products Just Became That Much Easier | Hootsuite


How to Repurpose Your Snapchat Stories | Social Media Examiner

Sometimes my best work is where the least amount of people see it. Well, no more!

What has caught your eye this week?


The post Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately? appeared first on ProBlogger.


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How 2 Split Tests Made Me Over $93,000

Posted: 04 Nov 2016 10:45 AM PDT

If you want to know the “secret” to getting rich online, split testing is it. However, it also might be the most “unsexy” part of the business.  It’s not fun to talk about like traffic or launch videos.  And it’s certainly not something you see any of the gurus teaching. But if you want to make a bunch of money online, you MUST split test. It’s the biggest difference between the guys who are failing and the guys who are making a boatload of money online. Split testing is really a “discipline” type thing.  And being a good Ohio boy