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ProBlogger: 31DBBB Day 12: Develop an Editorial Calendar (and How to Do So!)

ProBlogger: 31DBBB Day 12: Develop an Editorial Calendar (and How to Do So!)

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31DBBB Day 12: Develop an Editorial Calendar (and How to Do So!)

Posted: 11 Jul 2015 01:02 PM PDT

So yesterday your 31DBBB Challenge was to brainstorm 10 posts for your blog (you could come up with more, but 10 was the minimum!) and today we will be building on that – developing an editorial calendar.

This is going to serve as the next week of content on your blog. Ultimately these two exercises will get you on the road to setting up a publication schedule you can carry on, specifying what kind of content you’ll publish on what days.

If you already have an editorial calendar, I recommend you use this day to review it – how has it been working? Check in your stats to see if your most popular posts are being scheduled on your biggest traffic days. How have the comments been? Have the posts been resonating with readers? Have you enjoyed writing them?

In today’s episode I outline what I think are the benefits of editorial calendars, and briefly touch on some of the tools you can use to do so – but really, what I’m ultimately encouraging is just a simple calendar you can use for the following week. I’ll take you through the steps I use to develop mine.

Feel free to share your editorial calendar in the comments On todays show notes. Don’t forget to tune in tomorrow for a new topic.

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Click here to listen to day 12 of the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog series on the ProBlogger Podcast. 

Further reading:

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger
Build a Better Blog in 31 Days

31DBBB Day 12: Develop an Editorial Calendar (and How to Do So!)

The post 31DBBB Day 12: Develop an Editorial Calendar (and How to Do So!) appeared first on @ProBlogger.

ProBlogger: How to Harness Brainstorming to Build Great Content for Your Blog

ProBlogger: How to Harness Brainstorming to Build Great Content for Your Blog

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How to Harness Brainstorming to Build Great Content for Your Blog

Posted: 10 Jul 2015 01:01 PM PDT

Blogs can’t exist without content, and it is often one of the most stressful parts of blogging. Coming up with fresh, interesting, new content repeatedly for weeks, months, and years on end can take its toll if you don’t put strategies in place to help you before you get to burnout point.

Today’s challenge in our 31 day challenge is about alleviating some of that constant pressure (that you often don’t think about until it’s time to write) to allow you to just get on with creating content. Brainstorming ahead of time removes at least one of the obstacles to a full editorial schedule.

Brainstorming also allows you to step outside your blog for a moment and think long-term about things – you might have a great idea for a series, or even post ideas that aren’t just plain writing. It allows you to indulge your creative side for a moment and can result in topics you never even thought of but would be perfect for your blog.

In this episode, I share a process for coming up with ideas to write about that has worked really well for me. You’ll need a pen and paper, or even a whiteboard if you’ve got it. I’ll give you some steps to go through to define where your blog is headed, and help you create the ideas for content that will get it there. We also go through seven other ideas to help spark your creativity, which results in today’s challenge, which you’ll find on the podcast page (you’ll need them for tomorrow’s activity!).

See you tomorrow for the next episode.

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Click here to listen to day 11 of the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog series on the ProBlogger Podcast. 

Further Reading:

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger
Build a Better Blog in 31 Days

How to Harness Brainstorming to Build Great Content for Your Blog

The post How to Harness Brainstorming to Build Great Content for Your Blog appeared first on @ProBlogger.