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How to Exploit World Cup for Profit

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 06:30 AM PDT

The World Cup is here. imgres

Crazy soccer players, psychotic fans, and of course, BILLIONS of dollars to be made. If you’re an entrepreneur, THIS is the best time to tap into the minds of people for their sheep mentality…for what else? Business opportunity.

The World Cup in all its glory of ticket sales, broadcast rights, advertising, merchandising, and of course, all that alcohol to get all them crazy fans nice and juiced, we’re talking BILLIONS of dollars. It’s like the GDP of a small 3rd world country sloshing around the world in a matter of weeks.

But more than that.. there’s emotions flying around left and right. And of course, emotions = sales.

Now, if you’re an entrepreneur, how on earth could you capitalize on this trend?

Here are some interesting concepts I thought of.

If you’re promoting dating, you can always try to influence the guy’s (or the girl’s) heart.

Suppose there’s an upcoming US match against Russia. You could say something like “Be a patriot. Date an American girl.”

If the US wins, “Patriotic American Girls Need Guys to Celebrate With. Click Here to Meet Them.”

If Russia wins, “Russian Girls Are Fierce in Soccer and in Bed. Click Here to Meet a Russian Hottie”.

You get the point. But that’s totally chump change.

How can we get GOBS of money from this?

Alright, before you tar & feather me about this, let me remind you…FIFA, like NBA, NFL, and the American Baseball League, is a BUSINESS.

They’re not doing this to benefit their health – they do it to make money. How much money is involved in the World Cup?

1994 World Cup…. cost the U.S. $5.6 billion

2002 World Cup in Asia…. With the three million live spectators ticket sales were an astronomical 1.2 billion dollars. FIFA alone promised each country 110 million for hosting and all revenue from their ticket sales.[6] Also, each country expanded their 20 soccer facilities with an investment of 4.7 billion dollars to prepare for this global event.

The 2010 FIFA World Cup was held in South Africa,… The projected total direct economic value for GDP is approximately $21.3 billion. Also, 159,000 new jobs are predicted…

Of course, whenever there’s money to be made…there are people who are NOT making it (src).

Over the course of the past few years, Brazilians have grown outraged at the government’s handling of the World Cup.

Even in this soccer-obsessed country, people are deeply resentful of the government’s decision to spend as much as $14 billion on the Cup while millions of its citizens lack basic services—services the government promised to improve ahead of the Cup.

On top of that, at least nine workers have been killed in accidents related to rushed World Cup construction projects; activists are alleging that more than 250,000 people faced eviction threats to accommodate Cup construction and preparations; and the presence of brand-new Cup buildings has raised rent in working-class neighborhoods, pricing longtime residents out.

Wait…that’s the least of it.

The British press have alleged that Qatari billionaire Mohamed bin Hammam paid off FIFA officials in order to secure their votes to bring the Cup to his country.

Emails obtained by the Sunday Times suggest that Qatar and 2018 World Cup host Russia cooperated to help each other win bids, and that bin Hammam used his connections in business and government to bribe officials from Thailand to Germany.

Hold on, it ain’t over. In 2010, the World Cup was held in South Africa and these claims were made:

But there are implications for this year’s event, too. It proves that match-fixing—a persistent evil in soccer—is alive and well, and not even the World Cup is immune. Billions are wagered on the Cup worldwide—over $1.6 billion will be wagered in Great Britain alone—and there are powerful interests seeking to manipulate outcomes.

Now, am I pointing fingers on FIFA?

NO way.

This shit happens in any kind of human group activity where politics and money are involved. I’m just pointing out what the people might not know.

Granted, most of the US will never have the same level of impact that governments and billionaires have, but you can tap into the fever and tap into the dollars they are GLADLY willing to spend – legally and ethically.

How? Connect with the fans

Don’t just sit there. Participate.

If you want the herd’s money, be part of the herd while the herd is moving.

1) Cheerleader to the end

If you notice, the fans of countries who never make it the finals almost always stay and cheer for whoever’s the underdog.

I remember watching the World Cup in Korea/Japan and a bunch of white dudes (I think they were South Americans) started cheering for Korea because their home country got eliminated.

Hey, why the hell not? They paid for their hotel & plane ticket…might as well have fun and join the locals.

2) “Dress” for the Occasion

Nothing says “I am one of you” more than a uniform.

If you don’t do physical business but are on the internet, try skinning your pages to the patriotic colors of wherever your visitors are coming from.

3) Provide a platform for the community

Why do restaurants advertise “come watch XYZ game for FREE”?

Simple…statistically speaking, 1 in X will eventually buy beer.

Just like starbucks, be a platform for communities to get together.

Serve up some tea, coffee, booze, or some ADS.

 4) If all else fails, invite hot girls from other countries

Tap into the herd mentality. Herds spend a lot of money.


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Have You Ever Thought About Writing an Ebook? Read This First… - DailyBlogTips

Have You Ever Thought About Writing an Ebook? Read This First… - DailyBlogTips

Have You Ever Thought About Writing an Ebook? Read This First…

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 07:07 AM PDT

You probably know the benefits an ebook could have for your blog (and your business).

It could be a free incentive that helps nudge readers to sign up for your newsletter.

It could be your first paid product … and perhaps the start of a whole series of products.

It could be a valuable resource that impresses the A-Listers in your niche.


It's easy to end up wasting a lot of time writing an ebook that no-one's going to read, which means avoiding some dangerous (and very common) mistakes.

I've got you covered. ;-) To find out exactly what not to do — and what to do instead — check out my guest post 21 Common Mistakes You Must Avoid When Writing Your First E-book, on Boost Blog Traffic.

(This is my first time guest posting on BBT, which is one of my favourite blogs, so I'm pretty excited. :-))

Here's the first mistake:

#1: Choosing a Topic You Know Little About

If you want to create a premium e-book , you can be tempted to pick a "hot topic" thinking that's where the money is.

Likewise, when creating a sign-up bribe, you might think you need to entice readers with the latest information about an emerging topic.

And if you're publishing on Amazon, it's easy to think you need to target one of the most popular categories.

But picking a topic like this is a BIG mistake.

If you know little or nothing about your chosen topic, creating an e-book will be a huge amount of work. You'll have to do a ton of research, interview experts, and perhaps even pay a real guru to get you up to speed.

How to Fix It

Write about something you actually know about – which almost certainly means tying your e-book to your blog's core topic. You'll not only save a ton of time on research, you'll also have a ready-made audience for your writing.

Want to find out what the other 20 mistakes are? Just head here for the full post.


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