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Top Resource: Paint.NET (Graphics Program) - DailyBlogTips

Top Resource: Paint.NET (Graphics Program) - DailyBlogTips

Top Resource: Paint.NET (Graphics Program)

Posted: 30 May 2014 08:38 AM PDT

Do you ever need to crop or resize an image, create graphics for your blog, or touch-up photographs?

Paint.NET is a tool I use almost every single day – mainly for simple tasks like cropping and resizing screenshots, or converting image files to different formats. I've also used it to enhance photos, design business cards, and put together basic website headers.

There are tons of tutorials and videos online showing you how to use Paint.NET, and it's also completely free. Note, however, that it's only available for Windows.

Here's what it looks like. (You can see I'm working on a screenshot, which appears just a little further down this post…)


You can download Paint.NET here:

Tip: The site is supported by advertising, which means you have to pay careful attention to make sure you click the download link for Paint.NET rather than the download link for a piece of software being advertised.

In the screenshot below, I've circled the download links for Paint.NET itself:


(I recommend going for the stable release rather than the beta, as it's almost certainly going to have all the functions you need.)

I've found Paint.NET easy to work with, and extremely useful. The one niggle I have is that the text tool isn't very advanced – I'd love to be able to edit text more easily after placing it, for instance, and I often want to put one or two italic words in the middle of a block of non-italic text, which isn't easy to do.

Are you using Paint.NET or do you have a different program for editing screenshots and photos? Let us know your tips and experience in the comments.


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ProBlogger: How to Identify Social Media Demographics & Target Viewer Interests for Better Social Reach

ProBlogger: How to Identify Social Media Demographics & Target Viewer Interests for Better Social Reach

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How to Identify Social Media Demographics & Target Viewer Interests for Better Social Reach

Posted: 29 May 2014 08:41 AM PDT


Image via flickr user Jason Howie

This is a guest contribution from Larry Alton.

There are social media demographics in general, and then there are your social media demographics for your business. You need to know the details of both in order to garner this platform for optimal gain. For instance, knowing that the majority of your followers are women in a certain age group means you can write your posts accordingly. Knowing that the majority of your fans live in a certain region means you can connect with them on a local level.

When it comes to identifying social media demographics, it's all about using that data to hone your online presence. It doesn't matter the platform; there are nuggets of gold in this data that can seriously boost your business. Start with considering the basic facts about social media in general. For example, the most popular platform is Facebook, followed by Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube and Google+ in a constant neck and neck race.

Back to basics

Facebook leans young, but there's been a 45 percent spike in those ages 45 to 54 joining the site sine 2012. In total 73% of people who make over $75,000 per year are on Facebook, as opposed to just 17% on Twitter. However, a shocking 86% of FB users aren't based in the US, making this prime pickings for businesses looking to go global.

With Instagram, now a part of Facebook, 68% of users are women. Twitter draws a young crowd with 27% of people in the US aged 18 to 29 using it, but only 16% of people who are in their 30s-40s tweet. If you're looking to market to a younger crowd, your efforts might be better spent on Twitter rather than Facebook.

Juicy tidbits

LinkedIn is largely male but has a global appeal. Of course, it's a more professional network, so you might want to steer clear of it if you're trying to monetize a Paleo blog or other similar pursuit. However, for the more traditional startup or business, having a LinkedIn profile is nearly a necessity. Google+ takes the cake for male domination with 70% of users.

Pinterest is the social media platform of choice for tablet users, with 84% of users being women. Tumblr is another strong contender for teens, so it's no surprise that only eight per cent of users have incomes over $75,000. What can you do with all this data? Manage it, analyze it and use it to craft your social media presence.

Know your users

There are analysis programs for certain platforms, including many provided (free) by the platforms themselves, which give you valuable information. For example, you can easily see which posts are most popular and which were most widely seen. You may also be able to get reports on the most active users in your network or other basic information on them.

Some of the most reputable social media analytic tools include Brandwatch, Google Analytics (a freebie), Local Response, and Moz Analytics. If you're on a tight budget, Google isn't fancy but it works, and the big social media platforms offer a variety of free analysis tools such as the free Facebook Competitive Analysis Report, Free Twitter Customer Service Analysis, or the Free Instagram User Report. Money can often play a role, but consider what information you need, not just the bottom line, to choose the right reporting tools.

Larry Alton is an independent business consultant specializing in social media trends, business, and entrepreneurship. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.


Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger
Build a Better Blog in 31 Days

How to Identify Social Media Demographics & Target Viewer Interests for Better Social Reach