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Don’t Miss Out: Read Our Five Top Posts from October 2013 - DailyBlogTips

Don’t Miss Out: Read Our Five Top Posts from October 2013 - DailyBlogTips

Don’t Miss Out: Read Our Five Top Posts from October 2013

Posted: 31 Oct 2013 05:56 AM PDT

Did you miss any of our best posts during October?

You can catch up here – all these posts were particularly popular with DBT readers.

(And we’d love to know what was your favourite DBT post from October. Just pop a comment below to tell us.)

Each post will open in a new tab so you don’t lose your place.

HANDY: One Simple WordPress Trick You May Have Missed: Using "Screen Options" (October 4th)

All my sites run on WordPress, and for months, I've been having a small but annoying problem: I couldn't switch off comments on individual posts and pages in the normal Editing mode. (Read more…)

INSPIRING: Nine Blogging Milestones to Celebrate (October 7th)

For many bloggers, it takes months or even years to build up the traction they hoped for. Instead of looking far ahead to a distant goal, focus on some of the milestones you've already achieved, and the ones which are coming up. (Read more…)

NEWS: Welcome Ali Luke as Co-Editor on DailyBlogTips (October 9th)

As you might remember, earlier this year I announced that I would no longer be running guest posts on DailyBlogTips. The reason was that I (and many of the readers) felt that the style of the guest posts was not always aligned with the site, so it was losing its identity. (Read more…)

LEARNING: Do You Know Your Probability? (October 19th)

Probability theory is a relatively new mathematics branch. I say "relatively" because its study started in the sixteenth century, when people (e.g., Cardano, Fermat, Pascal) began analyzing games of chance and gambling. That's old, but not even close to some other mathematics branches, like calculus (integral calculus was found in Egyptian papyrus dated 1820 BC!) or geometry. (Read more…)

MONEY: When Should You Start Monetizing Your Blog? (October 24th)

"At what point in the progression of developing and managing your blog is it best to try to monetize?" One DailyBlogTips reader asked this question in our recent survey. It might well be a question that you have too, if you're hoping to make money from your blog. (Read more…)


Have we left one of your favourites off the list? Drop a comment below and tell us which of October's posts you liked the most.

Wanna learn how to make more money with your website? Check the Online Profits training program!

ProBlogger: 5 Affordable Image Creation Tools that I use In My Blogging

ProBlogger: 5 Affordable Image Creation Tools that I use In My Blogging

Link to @ProBlogger

5 Affordable Image Creation Tools that I use In My Blogging

Posted: 30 Oct 2013 08:37 AM PDT

Earlier in the year I published a post where I shared links to 13 tools and services that I use every day in my blogging business.

Today I wanted to add a four – particularly ones that relate to creating images for my blogs.



I use PicMonkey every day to help me create images for sharing on social media.

If you head to the Photos on the dPS Facebook page you’ll notice that most days we share at least one or two ‘collages’ of images from posts on the blog. Almost all of these were created with PicMonkey.

It’s a free web based tool (although there is an upgrade option that I’ve not used myself) and is really easy to use.

It also has some image editing tools that you might find useful for editing single images.



I’m newer to Canva… because it is a newer tool but I’m using it more and more. It’s currently in beta but if you use this link you can get a VIP account (that’s just for ProBlogger readers).

Canva is similar to PicMonkey in some ways in that you can pull in images and text to create great visuals – but it comes with a lot of cool templates for different types of documents to get you going. It’s free to use but if you choose to use some of their images in your designs you will pay $1 per image for their use (I have only ever paid once and use my own images the bulk of the time).

It is all drag and drop and while it probably has a slightly steeper learning curve than Pic Monkey I think it’s definitely one to check out.


Skitch (by Evernote)

I used to use Skitch a lot but for one reason or another stopped – until recently. A couple of my team members use Skitch a lot, particularly when we’ve been doing the redesign of dPS to communicate with each other. It’s great for creating screen captures and then adding notes with arrows or highlighting particular areas that we want our developers to work with.

I don’t tend to use the images Skitch creates too much publicly but it’s a handy tool for our internal communications.

It’s got a cool smartphone app too for doing these things on the run too!



This is a tool for creating mind maps. I use both an iPad and desktop app and it is how I created the ProBlogger Money Map that outlines how bloggers make money.

I use mind maps more for internal planning and communication than for creating images to share publicly. Having said that – I also have seen a number of people use mind maps like this for diagrams in blog posts as well as for powerpoint presentations.

MindNode is easy to use and creates lovely looking mindmaps.



I’ve mentioned this a few times in the past but continue to use it.

It’s a light weight mac image editing tool that I use mainly for resizing images and a little editing.

You can add borders, text etc. I will say I’ve used it less since discovering the two tools above but for quick edits when I am not actually online it is handy.

What Would You Add?

What other image creation and editing tools do you use in your blogging? I’m sure I’m just scratching the surface here – looking forward to seeing your suggestions!

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger
Build a Better Blog in 31 Days

5 Affordable Image Creation Tools that I use In My Blogging