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ProBlogger: 20 Quick Tips on Writing Great Blog Posts

ProBlogger: 20 Quick Tips on Writing Great Blog Posts

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20 Quick Tips on Writing Great Blog Posts

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 08:36 PM PDT

In preparation for an interview on writing great blog content, I jotted down some ‘quick tips’. While they are all short I hope that they might spark some ideas – enjoy!

    1. Tell your story – it is what makes your content unique
    2. Share how you feel – it will take your readers to a deeper place
    3. You’ll never please everyone – the sooner you come to peace with this, the better
    4. Write about things that matter to you – passion is infectious
    5. Inform, Inspire and Interact – aim to do these things every week!
    6. Experiment with different styles of writing – it will help you find your voice
    7. Mix up the length of your posts – short can be sweet but long can be epic!
    8. When an idea strikes – drop everything and capture it!
    9. Do everything you can to understand who is reading your blog – it will make you more useful to them
    10. Before you publish – ask what you want your reader to do after reading your post – and edit accordingly
    11. Become hyper aware of problems – and obsess over writing posts that solve them
    12. Put aside time to create quality content – it doesn’t just appear
    13. Put aside time to edit and polish your posts – it will take them to the next level
    14. Get a life – you’ll be a much more interesting writer if you’ve lived a little
    15. Ask your readers questions – it will make them feel like they belong and you’ll learn a lot too!
    16. Take your readers on a journey – posts that build from one to another can be powerful
    17. Brainstorm regularly – generating ideas for future posts now can save a lot of pain later
    18. Not every post needs to go viral – shareable content will help you grow but it may not serve your current readers best
    19. Write, Write Write – the more you write, the better you will get
    20. Publish selectively – you don’t need to publish everything you write

    What quick blog writing would you add?

    Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger
    Build a Better Blog in 31 Days

    20 Quick Tips on Writing Great Blog Posts

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Wes Mahler Bends Over For Dennis Yu

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 05:13 AM PDT

Post image for Wes Mahler Bends Over For Dennis Yu

Dennis Yu wrote a gut wrenching post on Wes Mahler’s blog about how broke he is.  Dennis has always been any amazing story teller.

Anyone with half a clue can see how broke he is…  Just look at his activity on Tripit.

I doubt someone on the verge of being homeless has traveled over 100,000 miles this year but could be he’s scamming the system (imagine that) trying to look like something he isn’t (imagine that).

In the post Dennis also alludes to how my post crushed him. I am referred to as the Spam King unless you can’t figure it out. Unless he is talking about the self proclaimed Spam King – Scott Richter. Regardless, cry me a river. You reap what you sow.

Keep talking shit and I will start to post what people have sent me about you. And its been dozens. And the stories about you and what you have done to people are CRAZY. SO keep it up see what happens.

Also as you read his heart wrenching tale where he says he is eating at McDonalds and wearing $20 clothes keep in mind he’s ruined a lot of people’s lives.

It’s too bad he’s leveraging Wes’s credibility in the industry to tell his tale. And Wes is falling for it.

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