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Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

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Free Money From Chitika (Act Fast)

Posted: 23 May 2013 08:20 AM PDT

Since Chitika has pretty much become the publishing and advertising platfom for Yahoo! (my words not theirs) I have been hitting them up to see if they can do something special for ShoeMoney users.

I know a lot of people are new to the space and need a little push to get started.  Sometimes that push can lead to some magical things ;) .  That was my exact case.  That famous Adsense check for 130k on the left.  That came about because of a phone call I got from Google suggesting I place their ad on my site ;) .

So here is what I got for you:

Free Money:

For each person who signs up in the next couple days to become a publisher they will instantly have $5 deposited into their account.  Go here and sign up now to get your free $5:

ShoeMoney exclusive contest:

Now here is the really cool part that gives everyone a chance to win a cash prize. The user that signs up through the ShoeMoney link below that earns the most as a publisher will get $500!

Each publisher that places a Chitika ad on their site and gets at least 10 clicks will be entered to win one of 5 $100 cash prizes.

Lets recap:

Sign up to Chitika through this link and instantly get $5 deposited into your account AND after you get a couple clicks you are entered to win $100 in bonus money.

Why is Chitika doing this?  

Simple.  They are putting their money where their mouth is.  Keep in mind you can run Google Adsense on the same page as Chitika and they are confident you will see a increase in earnings.   They are closing the gap against Google every day to become the #1 way for website owners to make money. I have made a LOT of money with Chitika over the years and it continues to be my goto network of choice.

Whats’s in it for ShoeMoney?

I have not been compensated in any way shape or form for doing this post.  (other then getting free money and a cool contest for you)  As you can see their is no affiliate link and it’s their normal signup page.

So get after it:

Trying to increase your Google rank that is like no other?

ProBlogger: 7 Questions to Ask Yourself to Bring Clarity to Your Blogging

ProBlogger: 7 Questions to Ask Yourself to Bring Clarity to Your Blogging

Link to @ProBlogger

7 Questions to Ask Yourself to Bring Clarity to Your Blogging

Posted: 22 May 2013 08:28 AM PDT

Do you feel like you’ve lost clarity around what it is that you’re trying to do with your blog?

I’ve recently bumped into a few bloggers grappling with this idea. Some were new,  even ‘Pre’ Bloggers, while a couple had been blogging for a while but had lost some direction.

Out of these conversations, I put together a set of questions to help them think it through.

The questions revolve around asking:

What are YOU About?YOU

While I won’t guarantee you instant clarity on answering these questions I hope that putting a little time aside to work through them might help – please let me know if they do!

  1. What interests do you have?
  2. What experiences (good and bad) have you had?
  3. What expertise and skills do you have?
  4. What are your passions?
  5. What gives you energy?
  6. What do you talk a lot about to friends?
  7. If you could write about anything – what would it be?

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger

7 Questions to Ask Yourself to Bring Clarity to Your Blogging