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Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Link to ShoeMoney Internet Marketing Blog

Hot New Internet Products May 6th – May 10th.

Posted: 11 May 2013 05:00 AM PDT

Here is a list of the newest internet marketing tools. All items listed are certified with volume sold and refund rate. Refund rate is a great indication of customers satisfied with the product. If one of these products interest you click the find out more information to go to their sales page which will be a much more detailed page about the product. All products come with at least a 30 day refund rate.

Viral Money Machines - case study that reveals how one person made $18,000 in four months by creating a Facebook Fanpage, driving traffic to it, and then monetizing it.  Cost: $7.00 – Products Sold to date: 2500+ Refund Rate: 0.00% Click here for more information

Lead Trackerjack-  the ultimate lead gen system and call tracking software. Cost: $49.00 Products Sold to date: 1000+ Refund Rate: 5.26% Click here for more information

Canis Inner Circle  – Get advice on how to grow your niche site to a #1 rank on search engines. Price: $4.95 Products Sold to date: 500+ Refund Rate: 2.820 Click here for more information

If you would like to be alerted on our weekly hot new internet marketing products of the week just enter your name and email below.   I also have a very big surprise for you when you get on the list ;)



Looking for an SEO service that won’t get you banned?

Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Link to ShoeMoney Internet Marketing Blog

Free Shirt Friday – Solar One Media

Posted: 10 May 2013 05:00 AM PDT

Post image for Free Shirt Friday – Solar One Media

This Friday’s shirt comes from out good friend Taewoo Kim who as you may know does guest posts on this blog every so often, in fact he did one earlier this week!

Solar One Media was founded by Taewoo and is a premium lead generator for the solar power industry.


If you would like to see your website or company featured on Free Shirt Friday click here.

Looking for an SEO service that won’t get you banned?