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Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

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Rethinking Email Deliverability

Posted: 15 Apr 2013 06:57 AM PDT

Last thursday in Omaha Nebraska I spoke at the Intersect conference on Email Marketing and Conversion.  There was a lot business owners in the audience that were doing some form of email marketing.

Email marketing is great but what if all the hard work you have done goes to spam?

Now you can get a Return Path Score or rely on the “score” that your entry level provider you are using but most of them just use publicly available api’s… and of course these are the same tools that spammers use…

So they are simply not effective.

Another thing people rely on is their open and click through rate.  This stat is no longer a indication that your emails are getting through.

Mobile devices will fire a open on every email..  Some firewalls will open an email.  Between bots and firewall appliances they will even click links in your emails.  Again open and click through rates are no longer a proper statistic when looking at your email deliverability.

So how can you tell?

Well with our PAR Program we keep it simple.  We have direct relationships with providers and also have setup thousands of accounts on every major provider so that we know – as early as 20 minutes if any of your emails in your account in any sequence or blast are going to spam.

After all isn’t that your goal?  Not to get in the spam folder?

Here are example report we provide to our Par Program clients:

Click here to see the downloadable PDF (click here to download PDF.)

So before you go registering with some expensive email scoring system or relying on your entry level providers “Spam Score”

As you can see in the report we not only can see if your email is being delivered to every major email service provider but we also have setup spam appliances in our office as well as ever major desktop environment.

In todays world there are 3 levels of spam detection by users.

  • Email Provider
  • Email Appliance
  • Desktop application.

So just because Gmail might not think its spam and appliance or desktop application can.

This is why we monitor all of these for our clients.

Again click here to see the downloadable PDF (click here to download PDF.)

And if your company is looking for an Enterprise Level,  PCI compliant provider then contact us today at the PAR Program.

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Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Link to ShoeMoney Internet Marketing Blog

Hot New Internet Products April 7th – 18th

Posted: 13 Apr 2013 05:00 AM PDT

Post image for Hot New Internet Products April 7th – 18th

Here is a list of the newest internet marketing tools. All items listed are certified with volume sold and refund rate. Refund rate is a great indication of customers satisfied with the product. If one of these products interest you click the find out more information to go to their sales page which will be a much more detailed page about the product. All products come with at least a 30 day refund rate.

Azon Attitude Adjustment 2.0  - Increase you Amazon commision. Cost: $8.20 – Products Sold to date: 250+ Refund Rate: 2.23% Click here for more information

Video Marketers Guide- Shows you how to create amazing presentation videos to increase your sales through using video. Cost: $17.00 Products Sold to date: 2000+ Refund Rate: 2.27% Click here for more information

Xoto Academy - This product is actually quite simular to the Video Marketers Guide above. This will give you a little more indepth look and using videos to market your product.. Price: $47.00 Products Sold to date: 2000+ Refund Rate: 2.27% Click here for more information


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