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ProBlogger: DISCUSS: How do you Keep your Content Fresh, Interesting and Engaging?

ProBlogger: DISCUSS: How do you Keep your Content Fresh, Interesting and Engaging?

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DISCUSS: How do you Keep your Content Fresh, Interesting and Engaging?

Posted: 11 Apr 2013 09:14 AM PDT

Over on our Facebook page last week Kim Hill-MacCrone asked a question that I thought might be a good one to discuss with the wider ProBlogger readership.

How do you Keep your Content Fresh, Interesting and Engaging?

It is a question I get asked quite a bit and know is a challenge many bloggers face. I also know that bloggers use a wide array of techniques and strategies to combat the problem including:

  • limiting posting frequency to when they actually have something fresh, interesting and/or engaging to say
  • having an editorial calendar that cycles through different types of posts on different days of the week
  • outsourcing some of the writing of content (paid writers or guest posters)
  • regularly polling readers on what topics they want written about on the blog

I’m just scratching the surface here – I’d love to hear your thoughts.

So lets hear some tips and suggestions on the topic – how do you keep your content fresh, interesting and engaging?

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger

DISCUSS: How do you Keep your Content Fresh, Interesting and Engaging?

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What Internet Marketers can learn from Hitler

Posted: 11 Apr 2013 06:51 AM PDT

I started thinking the other day about some of the craziest things that motivate people to complete a goal or action… and what Internet Marketers can learn from them.

How do you convince someone to kill another person? Lets look at one of the biggest genocides ever. The holocaust.

From an early age Adolf Hitler hated Jews for several reasons which really don’t matter and if your really curious you can hit Google and find out why.

When Hitler ran for office he vowed to turn the country around financially. Under the Nationalsozialisten (National Socialists) or NAZI party for short, he claimed the Jews were to blame for the WW1 loss and also the economic crisis they were going through. During that time many banks had folded and many people were out of work. But most of the wealth was in the hands of the Jews.

Hitler was an amazing orator. At many public speeches he would point out how the Jews were getting richer off the slave labor of the poor Germans. He told stories about how they played a role in the Germans losing WW1. He also pointed out how the Jews were not native citizens of Germany.

Many of his speeches are online if you want to seek them out. Again IMO Hitler was an amazing story teller. And through his stories people deducted that the Jews were evil and had no place in Germany and they would soon take over the country and enslave the German people . The National Socialists (NAZI) army, under the guise of take from the rich and give to the poor, continue to follow hitler to murder millions of Jews.

Yea its a horrible part of world history.

Lets take it down a notch. Internet marketers are not trying to kill people… We are just trying to get people to do what we want them to do. And those of us who are good at it know how to tell a story to motivate people to complete that action (lead, purchase, etc).

Here are my key take aways from what Internet Marketers can learn from Adolf Hitler.

An Enemy – I am on pretty much ever guru’s email list. When they come out with a product one of the initial emails they send is something along the lines of “Why the Guru’s Hate Me”. Then in the content of the email they describe how “those guys” are getting rich off of selling you products that are crap. “Those guys” laughing all the way to the bank.

Watch any infomercial and you are going to see the same technique. – “Those guys don’t want you to know the real way to do it.”
Conclusions – When you let your customer draw their own conclusions about the product you are selling its 10x more powerful then if you say it yourself. Just by telling what “those guys” (your competition) is doing people will draw the conclusion that you are not doing that.

Hitler never had to say “Hey lets wipe out the jewish people”. People drew their own conclusions that that is what needed to happen so when the time came they had already sold themselves on that idea.